Providing to the Disabled

ZedX79's Avatar
I am curious, how does it work with a paraplegic or quadriplegic?
Zed I am not sure about that one. I will and do see disabled gentlemen at one of my incalls.
I love my disabled friends, A lot of my loveys have Parkinson's,diabetes, or are dealing with the after effects of prostate cancer. This doesn't bother me, and I love playing with my older men
DallasRain's Avatar
I had a guy in Albq who had parkinsons disease...poor fellow shook so much,it made it difficult...but I always say....WHERE THERE'S A WILL,THERE'S A WAY!!!
I have a few guys that I see and they are so awesome. I am very lucky they allow me to see them.
Interesting topic. I did not see it this myself, but a new friend brought it to my attention. That fact doesn't have any relevance, but I'd like to add some thoughts.
I've been a hobbyist for a few years; I'm uber UTR. I'm also a paraplegic.

People are people (good or bad). People who live with disabilities go through the same emotional and physical needs as our "able-bodied" brothers and sisters. Disability is an interesting culture, because it permeates all socioeconomic classes, all races and creeds. I can be as big a douche bag as the narsassist

Disease or injury affects us all differently. The nature of the disease being fought or beaten, the level of the spinal cord injury, or amputation, the size/strength of the individual have a different impact on the individuals. As I am male, I'll speak to that perspective. Some may be able to achieve erection, some may use sexual aids to achieve erection; others may not be able to achieve erections at all. Likewise, persons who may be able to achieve erection may not even be able to feel it or reach orgasm (completion) with physical contact. This does not mean they cannot receive "satisfaction" from sexual contact. A touch, an embrace, a passionate kiss, pleasuring your partner, these can deliver the satisfaction and feeling of "normalcy" we human beings crave. To someone with a disability, regardless of how well adjusted they are, feeling normal is really important.

I'm sure that there are plenty of providers who have had sessions with someone with a disability, and from no fault of their own, it was a horrible experience. The "client" had physical needs where they could not help. The lack of experience in dealing with folks with disabilities made them uncomfortable. Or maybe they were just plain scared (afraid they would injure the client or that maybe they themselves could be physically hurt). And then there are the testimonials (as already seen here), where providers have special memories and relationships developed from taking that chance and agreeing to meet with a person with a disability.
I don’t particularly like surprises (except maybe on my birthday J), and I do not like to idea of setting an appointment and then surprising the provider by rolling up in a wheelchair. Communication is important, even when it is uncomfortable. If we don’t ask the questions (even if they feel awkward) we will never learn the answers. This hobby is about pleasure and illusion of passion BCD. But the players need to work out their needs, expectations and fears beforehand in order to make the hobbying worthwhile. When you think about it, it really comes back to the principle of the Golden Rule.
Personally, in my own hobbying experience, I generally do not post reviews, but I do us them and threads (as well as P411 or Date-Check) to see whom I might like to meet. Not out of the desire for variety, but to find that provider or providers with whom I can find a connection and comfortability (for the provider and me), so that we might both enjoy our time together. The actual number of providers to whom I have reached out and they respond back is low; maybe 15-20%. Is it really an “illusion” of passion? Perhaps it is. Sure it is. But at least that illusion will feel more real. Isn’t that why there are hobbyists, regardless of physical ability?
I have seen a few gents who are disabled or in wheelchairs. all great men, wonderful to talk with and great personalities. They bring something different to the table, not sure how to place it in words. They are just simply wonderful, I enjoy every minute of it.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I have seen a few gents who are disabled or in wheelchairs. all great men, wonderful to talk with and great personalities. They bring something different to the table, not sure how to place it in words. They are just simply wonderful, I enjoy every minute of it. Originally Posted by AndyWylde
How nice that you've had only wonderful experiences with men who are disabled or in wheelchairs. My experiences have all been different. Some great. Some so so. The so so times usually happen when I answer the door and have a surprise waiting on the other side. Then, it's time to have a brief chat.

I've found that good communication beforehand is imperative so that no one is surprised but also, I'm able to think about what I can do to make the experience very nice for both.

I have a two story incall and my bedroom is upstairs. Since sometimes men aren't able to make it upstairs, I do need to go with a Plan B.

The majority of the time, everything has worked out. But like the OP mentioned, everyone is different. And there are also difficult jerks who are in wheelchairs. And many are just wonderfully nice. Never know until I meet them!

My early childhood, I had a lot of exposure to people with disabilities since I had an extreme speech impediment in in those days, I spent a lot of time at the Easter Seals office (in Dallas) going through therapy.

I was young and in those days, not many options were available for some of us.

So I was around a lot of children with polio and the such. It was a long time ago but even in my older youth, I still found myself in that type of grouping. So I'm very comfortable around people with serious physical problems.

However, I'm always disappointed in people and how they try to act around people in wheelchairs. I'm sure that I've committed a few atrocities in behavior myself.

But people are people. The last person that I was with had a severe case of MS and couldn't walk. It was awkward, really. But he tried. I tried. We had a fairly decent time.

I, personally, feel that it's important to just ask the potential client questions if you have any. Ask HIM what works nicely. Beforehand. And then just go from there!

Great topic!!!


P.S. There are groups of people who fetish-ize (cannot think on how to spell that word!) about people without limbs and in wheelchairs, etc. I don't feel like looking for the website right now but there is one.
You ladies are wonderful. I have said many times that the ladies I have visited with from ECCIE and P411 are more caring and thoughtful than many of the church ladies sitting in the pews Sunday morning passing judgement.

It is satisfying knowing that so many of you ladies, top-tier ladies at that, are so good to the disabled gentleman. I know a few of you like Dallas, Nicolet and TrulyPassion ( from visits, chat or messaging) and know about most of the other ladies like Elisabeth and Andy.

You ladies and others posting here should be so proud of yourselves for the goodness you are showing to others. You ladies deserve to be loved to the n'th degree and appreciated and respected for your caring about others. It is always reassuring and nice to know there are some great women of true quality on ECCIE and other sites. Reading this has been touching! Thank You!!!
DallasRain's Avatar
lol Relaxer...i was actually a preachers wife in younger years...but i never wore panties!
lol Relaxer...i was actually a preachers wife in younger years...but i never wore panties! Originally Posted by DallasRain
I never knew that about you, Miss Dallas! I never would've guessed it!
(The preacher's wife part... The pantiless thing was not a shock. lol)
DallasRain's Avatar
I never knew that about you, Miss Dallas! I never would've guessed it!
(The preacher's wife part... The pantiless thing was not a shock. lol) Originally Posted by Ginger Doll

I had a guy I saw in Tempe who wasd in a wheelchair...we would get nekkid,he would sit me in his lap on top of old smoky and we would whirl around the room...that was fun!
I know of a situation where a veteran lost the use of his legs - no feeling whatsoever. He and his very hot spouse produced three kids together, and when you look at the kids there is absolutely no question that the disabled fellow is their father. All it takes is a considerate partner. And that is true whether the other party is disabled or not!
Missing limbs, physical really doesn't matter to me. If he can get to me and get it up, we're in business! I have never experienced that "weird" feeling some people say they get from seeing missing limbs...usually what I'm thinking is damn I wonder if I fuck him in his wheelchair will it roll around? or damn it's real sexy how he can do this one armed pushup over me right now or I wonder what type of fun positions I can try with him now that his legs aren't in the way.

Didn't mean to offend anyone with those (I will take this down if I did) but the gentleman that I did meet once get a kick out of me because I honestly didn't care about it. It's not that weird elephant in the room thats getting in between my hoohaa and your love shaft.

I haven't had the pleasure of seeing other men with unique bodily situations but I don't think there would be any problems, bedroom experimentation is awesome. Omg side know those things in the hospital that like prop your arm or leg up or whatever when its in a cast? I've always wanted to have sex with someone in one on their hospital bed. They'd be my own little sexy slave used for my desire...