Trumps Thinks American Soldiers Are Whores and Sells Them Like Pussy

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Yep. Looks like I gave Trump supporter massive Diarrhea with this one. They're pivoting and deflecting all over the map. is sad though. Trump has fucked America. Saudi Arabia now controls American troops that they paid for. What a cosmic shift in American pride.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
This is not a new development.

It's part of ongoing negotiations by Trump to get these other nations to shoulder more of the burden for the US stationing troops there.

Contrary to the OP bullshit, it is indeed a good thing and not what the OP is trying to portray. Originally Posted by eccielover
Continued Bullshit just like the premise of the whole OP.

Troops have been shifted and deployed based on requests for assistance from these countries for generations through many administrations.

Trump is simply showing these countries that there should be a shared burden in the cost of this assistance.

Nothing more sinister than that. Originally Posted by eccielover
Hahah go back and listen to the interview in my OP. Didnt you hear the fuck face in chief say that "This has never been done before" :

I know this hurts. Dude just can't stop committing Abuse of Power and impeachable crimes.
LexusLover's Avatar
Yep. Looks like I gave Trump supporter massive Diarrhea with this one. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You have issues with sorting out politics and reality. But your shit-for-brains analysis reveals your marginal abilities to separate the two concepts .... and you regularly show just how ignorant and prejudiced you are. It's not even sad anymore.

I suppose you resent Trump making administrative decisions that increase the employment in your previously suppressed ethnicity.

Makes for interesting comment: you like the Black community to be unemployed?
Hahah go back and listen to the interview in my OP. Didnt you hear the fuck face in chief say that "This has never been done before" : Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Yes, it has never been done before. Trump is the first to really push the issue of these countries paying their "fair share" of their own defense.

I know that's a novel concept to you lefties but it's much needed change.

Hell, if Trump continues to get these countries to pay and get Nato to pony up, the left's gripe about the military budget could end up being eradicated. What will you bitch about then??
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
You have issues with sorting out politics and reality. But your shit-for-brains analysis reveals your marginal abilities to separate the two concepts .... and you regularly show just how ignorant and prejudiced you are. It's not even sad anymore.

I suppose you resent Trump making administrative decisions that increase the employment in your previously suppressed ethnicity.

Makes for interesting comment: you like the Black community to be unemployed? Originally Posted by LexusLover

Hey pumpkin...stay focused on the topic. Let's not pivot and deflect... your boy has sold American troops for pure cash. Imagine being a parent who's son dies or is maimed for life all because Trump thought their lives was nothing but a business transaction.

Pretty sad actually
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Yes, it has never been done before. Trump is the first to really push the issue of these countries paying their "fair share" of their own defense.

I know that's a novel concept to you lefties but it's much needed change.

Hell, if Trump continues to get these countries to pay and get Nato to pony up, the left's gripe about the military budget could end up being eradicated. What will you bitch about then?? Originally Posted by eccielover
You're not getting it so Let me help you understand since I was never in slow classes.

Trump sold American Troops to a country for cash to fight in a war with ZERO American interests. They're basically being sold as slaves to a country that wants to save it's own soldier lives and while sacrificing US soldiers. Saudi was willing to pay for that blood and Trump being the bankrupt business man that he is obliged. This is completely different than NATO alliances joining forces for a mutual and shared interest. Trump pimped out US soldiers and that jeannie cannot be put back in the bottle.

I'm sorry you have to deal with this brutal reality but it's what you deserve for supporting a Con man with no honor.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Hey where did my stars for this thread go. It's now a 2 star thread it was 5. :

Somebody is massively butthurt. ;-)
LexusLover's Avatar
Hey pumpkin...... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Still flirting? Not interested. I don't like Racists, ...

.... but more importantly, like I told you: I'm not gay, like you.

You're getting "mutual assistance" and pimping confused. I understand why!
You're not getting it so Let me help you understand since I was never in slow classes.

Trump sold American Troops to a country for cash to fight in a war with ZERO American interests. They're basically being sold as slaves to a country that wants to save it's own soldier lives and while sacrificing US soldiers. Saudi was willing to pay for that blood and Trump being the bankrupt business man that he is obliged. This is completely different than NATO alliances joining forces for a mutual and shared interest. Trump pimped out US soldiers and that jeannie cannot be put back in the bottle.

I'm sorry you have to deal with this brutal reality but it's what you deserve for supporting a Con man with no honor. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
And I'm sorry you don't understand history or realize that troop movements and deployments occur all the time based on requests from various countries, with both Saudi Arabia and South Korea being the often requestors.

Prior to Trump, the troops were routinely deployed with no discussion of costs to the host nations.

Trump has simply added a discussion of cost to the equation.

Not sure why you have such a hard time with that concept.

Hey where did my stars for this thread go. It's now a 2 star thread it was 5. :

Somebody is massively butthurt. ;-) Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Sounds like you as your bullshit thread is exposed for the bullshit it is.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
And I'm sorry you don't understand history or realize that troop movements and deployments occur all the time based on requests from various countries, with both Saudi Arabia and South Korea being the often requestors.

Prior to Trump, the troops were routinely deployed with no discussion of costs to the host nations.

Trump has simply added a discussion of cost to the equation.

Not sure why you have such a hard time with that concept. Originally Posted by eccielover
Ohh my..we have a real slow one here. Trying his heart out to justify this one.

Let me boil it down for you.

Troop movements & deployments = American Intrests.

Troops being sold to Saudi = Business blood Tranasction.

End of story. And if we find this cash went to his personal coffers we'll impeach for that as well.
Redhot1960's Avatar
Hey where did my stars for this thread go. It's now a 2 star thread it was 5. : Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Let me help you get your ratings back up!

Trashy Hollywood Leftist, Gwenyth Paltrow Sells “This Smells Like My Vagina” Candle On Her So-Called Wellness Website

Ohh my..we have a real slow one here. Trying his heart out to justify this one.

Let me boil it down for you.

Troop movements & deployments = American Intrests.

Troops being sold to Saudi = Business blood Tranasction.

End of story. And if we find this cash went to his personal coffers we'll impeach for that as well. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Sorry you really continue to be lost on this one entirely.

It's certainly your prerogative to believe there is no American Interest in assisting our allies with their requests for troops, however, precedent is not on your side.

Troops have been deployed to our allies with little more justification than a request for many of the last several administrations.

Trump has attached the discussion of costs of those troops as part of the deployment. If you think it's profit based, then again you are absolutely delusional in thinking.

But continue on in your TDS world. The troops were likely going either way based on the allied request. Trump is just working on covering costs.

And the insinuation of personal profit for Trump. Fucking Laughable!!!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will OBEY THE ORDERS OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

I first took this oath when I was 17 years old and several times since. That oath is still in affect. I see enemies on this site, domestic enemies that have participated in a coup against an elected president and the Americans who voted for him. Enemies that quote and support the real enemies of this country and western civilization. We call these enemies traitors and I don't use that word lightly like so many of these traitors. Expect to be punished.
Jaxson66's Avatar
I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will OBEY THE ORDERS OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

I first took this oath when I was 17 years old and several times since. That oath is still in affect. I see enemies on this site, domestic enemies that have participated in a coup against an elected president and the Americans who voted for him. Enemies that quote and support the real enemies of this country and western civilization. We call these enemies traitors and I don't use that word lightly like so many of these traitors. Expect to be punished. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
LOL....sure you will
LexusLover's Avatar
RB.... just remember about Little Captain Jax ....

Texas Local Government Code:
Sec. 143.1051. ELIGIBILITY FOR BEGINNING POSITION IN FIRE DEPARTMENT. In addition to meeting the eligibility requirements prescribed by Section 143.023, to be certified as eligible for a beginning position with a fire department a person must:

(1) have served in the United States Armed Forces and received an honorable discharge; or

(2) have earned at least 15 hours of credit in any area of study at an accredited college or university.

Added by Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., ch. 841, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1991.
He got his one semester in ....!!!!