Social Security costs 47 billion more than it takes in

joe bloe's Avatar
If I ate/believed all your right wing bullshit on here, I'd kill myself. But i went to school beyond the Henny Penny grade. Originally Posted by WTF
Based on your posts, I'd say you have a Ph.D in métaphysico-théologo-cosmolonigologie.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
The cutting of the FICA tax by the Obama administration did little to keep SS solvent. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Those are going back up when we go over the cliff. Its part of the deal. And its why the "taxes will only go up on the +$250K earners" is bullshit. These are taxes every working person pays, regardless of income.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-27-2012, 12:57 PM
Those are going back up when we go over the cliff. Its part of the deal. And its why the "taxes will only go up on the +$250K earners" is bullshit. These are taxes every working person pays, regardless of income. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Obie upped the ante to $400K and above ... Bonehead will have no part of it
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Well at least there is SOME movement. Obie wanted $250K, Bonny came back with $1M, Obie countered with $400K.

Where do you think they will reach an agreement? I'm guessing $500K.

Then of course, Harry decides to be stupid this morning.
Reid charged Thursday that the House was “being operated with a dictatorship of the speaker.”

“John Boehner seems to care more about keeping his speakership than about keeping the nation on sound financial footing,” the Nevada Democrat said on the Senate floor.
Like Harry isn't running his side of the fence with the same goal of maintaining his majority leader status. LOL!

All this posturing is just disgusting. But at least they are moving the ball around.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-27-2012, 01:32 PM
Well at least there is SOME movement. Obie wanted $250K, Bonny came back with $1M, Obie countered with $400K.
Where do you think they will reach an agreement? I'm guessing $500K.

Then Harry is being stupid this morning.

Like Harry isn't running his side of the fence with the same goal of maintaining his majority leader status. LOL!
All this posturing is just disgusting. But at least they are moving the ball around. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

dumbest bunch of crap Ive ever seen, even for congress
Boney couldn't get his own party to pass anything how will anything the Senate comes up with pass?
Chica Chaser's Avatar
They will reach some deal, but not until early Jan. Got to get the hysteria cranked up some more first.

Once the tax rates go up on Jan 1, THEN they will all line up to vote to "reduce taxes". How much reduction is still up in the air, but none of them want to cast a vote earlier to "raise taxes". At reelection time, they don't want that voting record shoved up their asses by an opponent.

Just more political "cover your ass" games.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-27-2012, 03:32 PM
Based on your posts, I'd say you have a Ph.D in métaphysico-théologo-cosmolonigologie. Originally Posted by joe bloe
I thought you had me on ignore?

They will reach some deal, but not until early Jan. Got to get the hysteria cranked up some more first.

Once the tax rates go up on Jan 1, THEN they will all line up to vote to "reduce taxes". How much reduction is still up in the air, but none of them want to cast a vote earlier to "raise taxes". At reelection time, they don't want that voting record shoved up their asses by an opponent.

Just more political "cover your ass" games. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
If they are serious, they would let the all Bush tax cuts expire and automatic cuts in Defense begin. Any short term harm would be offset by long term gain.

These guys are not going to do a thing worth talking about and then they will slap each other on the back and tell us what a good deal they struck.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
If they are serious, they would let the all Bush tax cuts expire and automatic cuts in Defense begin. Any short term harm would be offset by long term gain.

These guys are not going to do a thing worth talking about and then they will slap each other on the back and tell us what a good deal they struck. Originally Posted by WTF
No doubt. As long as the other half of the spending cuts come along with the defense cuts that is. You always forget to mention those along with the defense cuts.

Its pretty likely they could just kick the can for another year also.
Boney couldn't get his own party to pass anything how will anything the Senate comes up with pass? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Ekim, you make WCB look smarter than a box of rocks. Boehner has gotten several measures passed many months ago, Harry Reid just wont bring it up for a vote or cloture. Reid hasn't passed a budget in years. Obama keeps saying things that are on the table that aren't on the table.
Nut fly I was referring to the last bill Boner tried to get through,If you would quit buzzing around your BF'S nuts you could keep up better.Have a happy new year.
You said "couldn't pass anything." He did pass several things Eva budget related. You don't even know what you write Master of Stupidity. Like your avatar picture, you are behind.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-27-2012, 07:33 PM
No doubt. As long as the other half of the spending cuts come along with the defense cuts that is. You always forget to mention those along with the defense cuts.

Its pretty likely they could just kick the can for another year also. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
They can cut it across the board as far as I'm concerened. Defense is just the biggest. They need to tweak SS and totally revamp Medicare as far as end of life care. Every thing elese is peanuts.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The money that is collected on the behalf of the citizens is required to be invested, In US T BIlls.
SS is as solvent as the good faith and credit of the US government which I believe lost their AAA rating.
The fed is buying T bills and derivatives so they can keep those printing presses running all the while maintaining an artificially low or non-existent interest rate. Sooner or later it will all catch up and we will have worse inflation than we have seen since Nixon.

Sure SS is solvent; solvent with freshly printed money.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
So, the loss of revenue is replaced by money from the general fund which is running how much of a deficit?:
I can smell the ink from here.