After Putin Finishes With Ukraine, Are The Baltic States Next?

bambino's Avatar
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Then the Ukrainians elected a non-politician to run the country and things are changing. Maybe Biden is afraid that the worm will turn his way in time?

Nazis, I bet Putin calls them racists as well. Why does Putin sound like a mainstream democrat?

Seriously though, I have wonder if Putin is dying from something and he has to advance his time table by years.
bambino's Avatar
Then the Ukrainians elected a non-politician to run the country and things are changing. Maybe Biden is afraid that the worm will turn his way in time?

Nazis, I bet Putin calls them racists as well. Why does Putin sound like a mainstream democrat?

Seriously though, I have wonder if Putin is dying from something and he has to advance his time table by years. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
The DeepState Cabal is dying.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 02-26-2022, 06:52 AM
Is Putin off the Deep End? I would say Joey Bribes is off the Deep End. Is he a megalomaniac? I dunno. He is a fierce Nationalist. He wants to make Russia great again. He does what he says he’s going to do. He’s smart enough to provide Europe 50% of their energy needs and the 3rd largest energy provider to the US. I’d say he’s smart as a Fox. He has more nukes than anyone else. Who’s going to fuck with him?

Here’s what I find Ironic, Ukraine is handing out automatic weapons to their citizens like candy!!!! Joey Bribes should have shipped the 80 billion in US weapons from Afghanistan to The Ukraine !!!! It’s a short trip. Originally Posted by bambino
Good Lord man....are you ever coming up for air
bambino's Avatar
WTF's Avatar
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  • 02-26-2022, 06:58 AM
Putin, Trump and bambino....who knew?
bambino's Avatar
Biden, Pelosi, Soros, WTF. Who knew!!!!!!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar

It’s gonna be a long day. Ignore him while you can!
matchingmole's Avatar
25.02.22 -⚡️Putin addresses Ukraine military:

"Take power into your own hands. It seems that it will be easier for us to come to an agreement than with this gang of drug addicts and neo-Nazis, who settled in Kiev and took hostage the entire Ukrainian people.”
⚡️Putin: Don't let neo-Nazis use you as human shields

Right-wing Banderites and neo-Nazis in Ukraine are putting up heavy weapons, including multiple launch rocket systems, right in the central districts of major cities, including Kiev and Kharkiv, said Vladimir Putin.

“Do not let Banderites and Neo-nazis use your children and wives and the elderly as human shields. Take power into your own hands, it looks like it is us who will do better at negotiating.” (RT)

@SpecialQForces Originally Posted by bambino

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Well.. turns out it might not be much at all. Turns out Vlad and crew have pretty much been going all "Chatty Kathy" about this stuff for some time. There have been many meetings at various levels and locations across the EU for quite awhile now, with many interested parties involved. Russia's position is basically:

West was covering up crimes of Kiev regime that led to Ukraine’s tragedy, Lavrov says

"During this entire period, the population of DPR and LPR was subjected to abuse, perennial shelling on the part of the Kiev regime that openly adopted a course towards Russophobia and genocide," the Russian top diplomat noted

MOSCOW, February 25. /TASS/. The West was silently encouraging the rise of neo-Nazism and Russophobia in Ukraine and covering up the crimes of the Kiev regime in Donbass, which in the end led to the country’s tragedy, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said opening talks with Foreign Minister of the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) Vladislav Deinego and First Deputy Foreign Minister of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) Sergey Peresada on Friday.

"During this entire period, the population of your republics was subjected to abuse, perennial shelling on the part of the Kiev regime that openly adopted a course towards Russophobia and genocide," the Russian top diplomat noted. "All these years, our Western colleagues were consistently covering up for the Ukrainian regime, turning a blind eye to military crimes against civilians, to the murders of women, children, seniors, to the destruction of civilian infrastructure and silently encouraging the rapid rise of neo-Nazism and Russophobia which in the end led to the country’s tragedy. And, of course, the West fully supported the Kiev regime in its attempts to sabotage and finally destroy the Minsk Accords," he added.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a televised address on Thursday morning that in response to a request by the heads of the Donbass republics he had made a decision to carry out a special military operation in order to protect people "who have been suffering from abuse and genocide by the Kiev regime for eight years." The Russian leader stressed that Moscow had no plans of occupying Ukrainian territories.

Russia's Defense Ministry reported later on Thursday that Russian troops were not delivering strikes against Ukrainian cities. It emphasized that Ukrainian military infrastructure was being destroyed by precision weapons.

Not justifying or rationalizing anything here. Just showing their position as they claim it to be. It is wise to understand where someone is coming from. Might have read that in Art of The Deal.

Time and history will tell, so long as ol' Babbling Cabbage Biden don't go getting too twitchy-fingery.
VitaMan's Avatar
Guess you already forgot the "false flag" invasion Russia normally uses to create justification to attack. They could not get away with it this time due to excellent broadcasting of intelligence facts and photos by the West. So now they come up with these false reasons (excuses) for invading.

And this is tame compared to what the Russian media is delivering to the people of Russia. Pure propaganda. If you were a Russian citizen, you would think the motherland was about to be engulfed by Ukraine...but their leader and brave Russian army will save the day.

Don't forget the Trumpites trying to use the "false flag" FBI hidden government protestors theory to justify why they attacked the US Capitol on Jan 06.

Thank god we still have our Capitol and our democracy.
To answer the original question, unless Putin truly wants a pretext to see what nukes can actually do, no he won’t try to take the Baltics. NATO won’t allow that and it’s be an actual conflict in which NATO would act to degrade Russias non-nuclear military capability and might include bombing areas in Russia where troops are being readied for deployment. If he’s crazy or has lost it he might “push the button”. I doubt that but who knows.

As for the rest of the stupid shit typed by the likes of Why Yes, Bambi and others, you truly are clueless. Stop watching RTFox
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Then the Ukrainians elected a non-politician to run the country and things are changing. Maybe Biden is afraid that the worm will turn his way in time?

Nazis, I bet Putin calls them racists as well. Why does Putin sound like a mainstream democrat?

Seriously though, I have wonder if Putin is dying from something and he has to advance his time table by years. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Putin may have gotten poisoned by one of his enemies.

theres a prophecy by the blind prophet romainia baba vanga. she predicts putins assassination.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
..FBI hidden government protestors theory to justify why they attacked the US Capitol on Jan 06... Originally Posted by VitaMan
Sure, definitely some heavy government involvement or loading. But the usual Antifa(gs) were the embedded foot soldiers as well. You may have seen a version of this video that got sold to CNN for $90,000, but this is a better break down.

Learn how to watch crowds be manipulated by actors:

J6 example
Live by the Videos, die by the videos

BTW: Your Fake AF news is in on it as well
Collusion!! By the usual suspects - of course

Maybe you need one with play-by-play and crib notes:
Antifa play by play -Berkley edition

Prolly no wanna talk about Stewart Rhodes quite yet.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
You're kind of like those Windtalkers from WWII, except you're an Asstalker, as in talks out of it. Read post #9 in this here thread and quit jiving us with your cosmik debris.

To answer the original question, unless Putin truly wants a pretext to see what nukes can actually do, no he won’t try to take the Baltics...
...As for the rest of the stupid shit typed by the likes of Why Yes, Bambi and others, you truly are clueless. Stop watching RTFox Originally Posted by 1blackman1