Almost anything will do

How about we talk about women drivers? Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Autos, trucks or golf?
How about we talk about women drivers? Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Golf or car?
Ooops sorry Charles.
Rudyard K's Avatar
Autos, trucks or golf? Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Golf or car? Originally Posted by Ansley
Can you do either, my dear?
No controversy there
Can you do either, my dear? Originally Posted by Rudyard K
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 04-06-2010, 09:54 PM
Toilet seat up or down?
No controversy there Originally Posted by pjorourke
Hey you don't have to back him up.
Rudyard K's Avatar
Hey you don't have to back him up. Originally Posted by Ansley
Careful, some folks might think you a tease.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Careful, some folks might think you a tease. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
that's funny Hope Charles's cab doesn't pull up to her vehicle during a traffic jam....
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
How about we talk about women drivers? Originally Posted by Rudyard K
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-07-2010, 06:43 AM
How about we talk about women drivers? Originally Posted by Rudyard K

Women drivers ? I'm 'clearly confused' , is that our 'only choice'? My 'unbiased opinion' is that topic could get 'pretty ugly'. 'Good grief' the last time I rode with a 'sweet tart' we had two 'near misses' before 'crash landing' despite my 'silent screams' to take off her 'tight slacks' , act like 'Hells Angel' and give me some 'free love'. Such 'sweet sorrow'.

'Even odds' on 'deafening silence'?
Frank Zappatista's Avatar
I pronounce it ekkie, with a drawl of course. Originally Posted by Ansley
A drawl, eh? I pronounce it with a drool.

I pronounce it "Ekkee."

Bondage! I'm going to a bondage dance club tonight with some college girls.
I pronounce it "Ekkee."

Bondage! I'm going to a bondage dance club tonight with some college girls. Originally Posted by Natalie
Are you going to be bound or bind others? And we'll be expecting a report no matter which it is.