Providers and Health Insurance

auknowho's Avatar
I just thought I throw this out maybe it can help someone who can't afford insurance, there is a government plan called the "Gold Card", I think anyone can apply and get it but the determination of free to paying something depends on a persons income, usually people get 100% and that gives them complete free coverage by the state for any kind of treatment they might need.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
I just wonder about the ladies with no coverage. Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston

I'll cover you...
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
I just thought I throw this out maybe it can help someone who can't afford insurance, there is a government plan called the "Gold Card", I think anyone can apply and get it but the determination of free to paying something depends on a persons income, usually people get 100% and that gives them complete free coverage by the state for any kind of treatment they might need. Originally Posted by auknowho
So if this is the case then why are American politicians bickering about health care...?

This confuses me.....We always had to buy our health care. Not a problem, it's just a requirement in this industry. Not having it is foolish in this industry. I have a hard time understanding how some people have gone by without coverage when the estimated numbers are shown. Estimates show as many as 15% of Americans are uninsured.

So what you are saying is that.....

  • The homeless veteran under the freeway is covered under Veterans Health Administration, the homeless
  • The indigent have this "gold plan"
  • The rest of us buy our health care..
Who else is left? Where are all 15% of uninsured hiding? This is hard to understand when many countries even offer health care to tourist and long term residence.

It's very interesting to see how this politico health care will play out...
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
So if this is the case then why are American politicians bickering about health care...?

This confuses me.....We always had to buy our health care. Not a problem, it's just a requirement in this industry. Not having it is foolish in this industry. I have a hard time understanding how some people have gone by without coverage when the estimated numbers are shown. Estimates show as many as 15% of Americans are uninsured.

So what you are saying is that.....

  • The homeless veteran under the freeway is covered under Veterans Health Administration, the homeless
  • The indigent have this "gold plan"
  • The rest of us buy our health care..
Who else is left? Where are all 15% of uninsured hiding? This is hard to understand when many countries even offer health care to tourist and long term residence.

It's very interesting to see how this politico health care will play out... Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston

You could try the Lil Red Robbin solution... uh... hope you look good in green....
boardman's Avatar
The health care debate is not about covering all Americans. It is about Government control and intrusion into our private lives and individual liberties.
boardman's Avatar
You could try the Lil Red Robbin solution... uh... hope you look good in green.... Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
Isn't desert tan the "new" green?
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
The health care debate is not about covering all Americans. It is about Government control and intrusion into our private lives and individual liberties. Originally Posted by boardman
Now I understand this issue. Then they should keep at it for a while...How long can we draw this out.....?

I don't look good in green........
topcat19542001's Avatar
The health care debate is not about covering all Americans. It is about Government control and intrusion into our private lives and individual liberties. Originally Posted by boardman
I'm sorry, I just don't buy that line anymore. It's just a hot button from some old political talking points list. America needs to quit denying this problem and fix it.
auknowho's Avatar
So if this is the case then why are American politicians bickering about health care...?

This confuses me.....We always had to buy our health care. Not a problem, it's just a requirement in this industry. Not having it is foolish in this industry. I have a hard time understanding how some people have gone by without coverage when the estimated numbers are shown. Estimates show as many as 15% of Americans are uninsured.

So what you are saying is that.....

  • The homeless veteran under the freeway is covered under Veterans Health Administration, the homeless
  • The indigent have this "gold plan"
  • The rest of us buy our health care..
Who else is left? Where are all 15% of uninsured hiding? This is hard to understand when many countries even offer health care to tourist and long term residence.

It's very interesting to see how this politico health care will play out... Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
Sofia I don't know what you are talking about and why would you quote me on this? I put that out for people who need help can get it? Are we on a different page here? Regarding homeless vets or whomever is another debate, you might want to start another thread for it, i thought this was about providers and health "insurance".
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Sofia I don't know what you are talking about and why would you quote me on this? I put that out for people who need help can get it? Are we on a different page here? Regarding homeless vets or whomever is another debate, you might want to start another thread for it, i thought this was about providers and health "insurance". Originally Posted by auknowho
It is.

She was talking about the Government Providing.... health insurance ... and she thought ... just like at her coin-op... we're screwed... her logic escapes most people... but she's kinda cute that way...
boardman's Avatar
I'm sorry, I just don't buy that line anymore. It's just a hot button from some old political talking points list. America needs to quit denying this problem and fix it.
TopCat Originally Posted by topcat19542001
TC, I agree with you that it needs to be fixed. We may or may not have a philosophical difference about how that should happen. I don't understand why calling it a talking point automatically invalidates an otherwise legitimate idea. For that matter "talking points" has become a hot button.
I just don't think that coming up with a plan that gives control over to the Gov't and shoving it down our throats is the solution.

The ideas that make sense to me like Tort Reform(Sorry, barrister guys), increased competition and letting small business owners, like me, pool their resources are being totally ignored. Why? Because it takes control away from gov't.

At last weeks "summit" a Republican came up with the idea that the government should send in "spies" to make sure the doctors aren't abusing the system. BHO said, hey! that's a good idea, we'll use that. Now all of a sudden it's a bi-partisan bill. WTF? Now we're going to create a new beauracracy for the sole purpose of sending fake patients into the overburdened health care system in order to hopefully catch some doctor ordering too many tests because he is forced by his own malpratice premiums to play CYA?

I will always believe that less gov't and free market solutions are the best way do deal with these issues.
Women's health coverage is most definitely more expensive if you're covered for pregnancy too. I was using a company that gave me a high deductible of $1000. Once I got to that, they covered seventy percent of the costs. I never really made it to a g in health care coverage by myself. When I get tested, I use clinics because the tests are fifteen a pop. The office visit usually tops off at sixty. Since I'm on my parents' plan for health care, it's the only way that I can do it in a truly confidential fashion.
dearhunter's Avatar
Insurance Agent: Yes maam, may I help you?

Provider: Yes sweetie, I would like some health insurance.

Insurance Agent: Of course, let me help you choose a policy that best fits your needs.............How many people are employed at your business?

Provider: we are not actually a business. We are a coin-op....I mean co-op.......yes, that's it. We are a co-op.

Insurance Agent: Not a problem. How many people are working at your co-op?

Provider: it changes from week to week. it depends on how successful we are in recruiting that week.

Insurance Agent: Recruiting?

Provider: Yes, know.........from Craigs List and Backpage.

Insurance Agent: I'm confused. You recruit co-op participants from Craigs List and Backpage.............what kind of co-op do you have?

Provider: The hooker is very important that we have health insurance. Some of those peepees are pretty funky............why , just last week some guy came in and his peepee was dripping green slime........we refused to see him.......of course.

Insurance Agent: I am afraid that you do not qualify for health insurance due to a pre-existing condition.............But, let me look into options for you. May I have your phone # and address of your
get a high deductible plan and then buy a couple of supplemental policies like aflac, all for less than 200 a month, but will not coer pregancy on the helth side, but the aflac will...been there done that