Which do you think would be More Accepted?

rikz944's Avatar
The question doesn't address the difference in male/female perspective.
When I was escorting, as a guy, I bragged about it.

Now that I have recently hired an escort, I'm not bragging.

Looking at the womans side, i think people are for more "foregiving" of an escort versus the Charlie Sheen (although he seams to be doing pretty well).

I think as Americans, there is always an underlying thought (as UNFOUNDED as it may be), that the woman is a victim and that somewhere, there is a man to blame

Personally, I find the escort more acceptable. (AND it should be legal)
5150's Avatar
  • 5150
  • 12-22-2009, 08:38 PM
IMO depends on the person and society your part of.

If your a rock star, Charlie Sheen or Alex Rodriquez it is expected. If your a preacher, politician, or have put up the front of being a CEO family man and get caught with an escort, secretary or work/church member you will have a lot to explain.

Tiger problem along with many of our politicians is that they are hypocrites. More than anything that is what pisses people off. Tiger coming off as Mr. Perfect husband, the politician publically going on about how we need to be good puritians, and publically saying we need to outlaw prostitution yet is seeing an escort.

Certain societies especially if you are affluent you are to some degree expected to have a mistress/escort with you at certain functions and your wife at other functions. Specifically Russia, France, Spain, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Dubai, several Middle Eastern countries, and many Asian countries come to mind. In Italy a former Escort was elected to the equivalent of their congress. In Germany some escorts have reached celebrity status within the public because they are sought out to educate young men who are turning 18 and as a rite of passage fathers and mothers as a birthday gift will send their son to see an “expert sex therapist” as it is referred to.
It's more acceptable to "be with" an escort I think. Most people have the idea that escorts are "dirty." I've seen ISO ads on BP anc CL where men are looking for P4P but say "no escorts, sorry but I want someone clean." I'm like "Really guy?" haha

When I first started in college, when I had only seen ONE guy and a male friend found out (because of a review posted... which is how I found out about ASPD lol), he was like "do you know how gross that is? Why would you do that??" When in actuality the client was the 3rd guy I had ever been with. EVER IN LIFE. I was like "if it's so gross, why were you on there? You've been a member for like 2 years and have written 5 reviews!!!"

But of course... that's different.
Peanut's Avatar
this planet is full of double standards...and everyone has an opinion. Then you have leaders and followers. if the leader says something then the herd of masses jump on the band wagon, whether the leaders point of view is right or wrong.

in the real world i think being with an escort is more accepted unless you are in a publicly visible position.
Society is more accepting of the payer than the payee, the SO would be another mater. Me, my Dad was a gambler and player so I kinda grew up in the business (hell my baby sister was Candy Bar) so the only women I really relate to and like are providers. Civilian women bore me to tears.
ODN25's Avatar
  • ODN25
  • 12-26-2009, 03:58 PM
I am in the camp that says that both descriptions are perfectly acceptable.

If anyone disagrees with me, to hell with them, they will probably never be friends with me.
berkleigh's Avatar
Sorry this is off the subject, but I had to comment on Nicole's avatar. It's so damn hot. I'm used to seeing her avatar on ASPD, so I had to take a double look. Whoa!!!! Originally Posted by mikahranae

Good Gawd Woman YOU ARE SO SEXY!

Daaaaaaaaammmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnn!
Sorry, also off topic, but wanted to be under Berkleigh!
  • npita
  • 12-29-2009, 12:07 PM
In general, I think it's far more socially acceptable for a man to have been with an escort. Men's egos tend to make them feel responsible for being ``the best'' in the sack and a lack of self-confidence leads to the type of thinking that, ``if she's been with a lot of guys, I'm probably not going to be as good/big/handsome/etc. (Women tend to reinforce this by making the man responsible for her enjoyment.)

In addition, for a man who has never participated in p4p, his view of what a provider/client relationship is really like is quite distorted, while women tend to expect men to have been around the block of NSA sex a few times and are more understanding.

My fiancee knows I've participated in p4p and she understood fairly quickly what it was all about. I think men are far less willing to do this for reasons of ego and insecurity.
st929's Avatar
  • st929
  • 02-19-2010, 10:32 PM
I have to say paid for is more respected than been paid in our society. In my world guys go absolutely nuts with jealousy when they find out I have been with beautiful massage provider and they are scared to. Men are much more willing to admit they have been with a provider does not downgrade your status (outside of a church community) but to many uninformed and closed minded (way to many like that out there) think that a woman selling herself is subhuman. I have to admit that personally if I ever get married again, one of the leading candidates would be a provider, but I'll never tell her (dont wana ruin our relationship).

nothing wrong with either one.what's to be accepted?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
For the average, everyday person, it's more acceptable to pay.

Throw in the factors pertaining to positions of notoriety/authority - that changes the equation - most people think people in those positions can just snap their fingers and get it all for free whereas ol' Average Joe probably has to pay. And, most people think that women armed with available pussy can find some hairy-legged hard-dick for a freebie.

Guest092210's Avatar
Blurr 7's Avatar
Hopefully one day it will be legalized and this will not be an issue.
TinMan's Avatar
I think an escort being with another escort is the most acceptable. They cancel each other out. Kinda like a double-negative.