I'm great w/budgeting it's self discipline I lack
Didn't know what was a real thing? The only book I could write would simply say common sense isn't so common any more 😁 I've created a lot of life lessons through my 52 years & plenty more to come no doubt.
Originally Posted by yourdesire
IM LACKING on daily budgets I have a couple thousand in different places through out United States but I can go to the same bank ATM in Cali thats not in Kansas to pull out 2400 lol I don't have the means of getting to NJ where I ducked up little goodies more lol my budget is by hiding access to it for myself. Is that just me??
I'll pass on the manager tho shittt who ever recommended that really needs to check a few things out. Lol
I've never gotten in a wreck so I've never felt the need to but insurance. I have Proof of it when I get pulled over but If I'm never a wreck less driving and I never forsee myself causing samanges to my own car why do I chunk over that when it sits a few states away growing intrastate each month while I eat Ramen noodles. .-.