When Trump Wins Again

Trump will get all of the votes from his cult members. And some Republicans who will vote Republican no matter how inept that candidate may be. But that still won't be enough votes for that conman orange slob.

There are many people who dislike Biden but way too many who hate Trump so much so that Biden will be elected again only because he will get more than enough "anyone but Trump" votes again just like he did in 2020.

Biden is no savior but Trump sure the fuck is not one either. For those who believe Trump is Mr. Fix It with your ambitious and overly extreme optimism, well, you are fortunately in the minority. And that will be proven again in due time. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Even if Trump is Mr Fix It Biden has this country beyond repair. The second coming Christ is all there is to look forward too now.
Redhot1960's Avatar
It's funny, with the 0zombies all you have to do is read the first sentance. YRSE groupies...

TDS makes fat bottom girls keep the rocking world go around

... Some o' you liberal lads surely seem AFRAID
that Trump might Win again... And bring back Prosperity!

... TRUMP 2024! ...

#### Salty
Redhot1960's Avatar

oilfieldace's Avatar
There is absolutely no way that Trump wins in 2024. If he wins the republican primary then the democrats win. If the republican senate had done what needed to be done and impeached him after January 6th the republican party could put up a candidate that could beat Joe Biden. He's not the best candidate but he's infinitely better than the orange haired clown. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
You really got a severe case of it don’t you? If the Republicans ever did the right thing , Biden would have been impeached a year ago. But hey if you prefer a mumbling , stumbling old ice cream eating fool then good for you. Only a moron would vote for Biden, only a moron would defend Biden, yet the idiots want to jail someone over a fucking tweet.Trump has not done anything illegal, all it is is the corrupt DOJ RUNNING INTERFERENCE
winn dixie's Avatar
Good post txdot. Many people agree on both sides. Trumpf will not win
oilfieldace's Avatar
TD doesn’t have any points, that’s called TDS , you should recognize that mania
Precious_b's Avatar
Yeah. Economy growing. Unemployment shrinking. People ignoring events that caused price hikes. But agree with cost of things.
Especially oil. But I ain't griping. Where I live, the price of oil is tied directly to state economy. And there sure is a shitload of improvement on the infrastructure around here. Hell, they even applied some of those petroleum products to my street the other day. And those highway project are being put on overdrive.

Yeah. things sure are a mess in my 'hood. Sorry it's the same were the OP is at.
adav8s28's Avatar
... G'day to those enlightened among you,

The "Bidenomics" have brought America to the sorry
brink of disaster. .... Sky-high prices for EVERYTHING
from the cost of living - to home prices - to car prices
- to petrol-gas prices - to school education costs -
and to consumer goods and food prices.
Even down to a pint of beer or a crust o' bread.

Not to mention the cost of the War.
The one between Russia and Ukraine that is
costing you a pretty penny with NO END in sight.

... But ALL of this will end when Trump is
voted back-on again!

... "Things Go Back to Normal" in your lives, mates.
"Energy Independence" - drilling again in America,
pipelines back into production, and no longer
relying on the Middle East or Russia or China
for energy and oil.

You'll see a quick and negotiated settlement
of the war - AND a good accounting of the monnies
that the US sent to Ukraine.

... No longer will "Compromised Joe" be needing
to surely appease those nations who payed him
and his family for those "pay to play" energy deals.

... And of course - perhaps the BEST thing of
another Trump Presidency - Espionage Charges for
former First Lady Hillary Clinton, former President
Barrack OBama, and former President Joe Biden
- for their creation and use of the phony
Steele dossier to attempt to "over-throw" the
American government to force out then-President Trump.

... Please read the Durham Report for further details.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Drivers from UPS now have a package worth $170,000 per year to deliver things. If you are unhappy with your job, go be a driver for UPS.

Sleepy Joe and Kamala will beat Trump again. Women from the surburbs who Voted for Obama twice, but could not vote for HRC, will vote for Sleepy Joe a second time.

No way Trump flips Michigan, Wisc and Penn. Therefore, there is no way for Trump to win the electoral college.
winn dixie's Avatar
When trumpf wins again....snick

He won't even be eligible... lolling
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... Some o' you liberal lads surely seem AFRAID
that Trump might Win again... Originally Posted by Salty Again
Best definition I've found for the term Lawfare is from the UrbanDictionary:
The use of legal system to overwhelm an opponent, such as to stop or destroy them.

If they can destroy him, they win. But the insidious part is: even they think they may not be able to. As such, their efforts of keeping him jumping through hoop after hoop may not afford him the time to get his ducks in a row to snuff them all out. That is the point.

Remember, they entirely underestimated his work ethic the first time around. Not surprising given heir own pathetic work ethic, as evidenced by FJoeBiden. He was not a member of their club with backroom credits, favors and allegiances that they collectively owned. He was a filthy outsider and a threat to their "club" and grift-a-thon lifestyle. Why in holy-heck do you think they had to destroy General Michael Flynn, someone who knew the inner workings of the intelligence mechanisms, so fast out of the gate?!?

They fear the retribution he will surely rain down upon them. Trump was a neophyte politico his first round. Now he is more seasoned and pissed. I want a pissed President that will excise the cancer that is our body politic of late.

Politicians are there to serve us - not the other way around

The whole point being: We don't need no stinking uniter or someone leading us in signing Kumbaya. We got varmints in the rafters down to the basement. We need an exterminator.

When trumpf wins again....snick

He won't even be eligible... lolling Originally Posted by winn dixie
Dream on, Trump becomes more popular with every indictment. All Trump needs is one more indictment and he's wrapped up the 2024 Election, lol.
winn dixie's Avatar
Dream on, Trump becomes more popular with every indictment. All Trump needs is one more indictment and he's wrapped up the 2024 Election, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
How many does he need? He has like 70 charges and several indictments

He'll be ineligible
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
We agree on the symptoms and disease Salty, not the cure.

I fear the USA will look like a banana republic if Trump is jailed for pushing Mike Pence to declare him President and colluding to appoint false electors. We’re really going to look like a banana republic if we jail Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama, and Joe Biden for espionage based on the Steele Dossier. I’m not sure that Obama and Biden had anything to do with the dossier. That would just be putting political opponents in jail because they’re your opponents. We don’t do that here.

I do worry about the effect of Bidenomics on the long term financial health of the country. He and a Democratic Congress legislated over $5 trillion in unfunded spending in 2021 and 2022! We should be paying off the national debt, or at least reducing it as a % of GDP, when times are good like they were last year. The interest on the debt is probably higher than our defense expenditures.

Also Biden & Co indeed would potentially kneecap and eventually put an end to our oil and gas industry. They embarked on that path after Biden’s election by stopping permitting for wells on federal leases. Fortunately the courts and political considerations shut that down.

The stakes are high in 2024. Trump’s shown himself to be a loser. He hurt Republicans down the ticket in 2018, 2020 and 2022. We need new blood. Originally Posted by Tiny
Once again the voice of logic contrary to Salty's rambling, inane discourse. Your last statement says all. But it won't happen in 2024. We are stuck with Trump and Biden. If Trump wins I will say "congratulations" and keep my head low out of the range of fire. If Biden wins I'm unsure what my reaction will be. I will be happy Trump was not elected but wonder about the mental competence of the man, much like Reagan (who I voted for twice) in his last years in office.
How many does he need? He has like 70 something right?

He'll be ineligible Originally Posted by winn dixie
No, he doesn't have 70 indictments and zero convictions. I don't know where you get your facts from must be on the back of a Cereal Box.