This whore shit is all BS don't waste another dime
Twitter is just a support group for whores trying to convince themselves they are performing a service for poor, pathetic, incels. Fact is, most of them are lazy af. Like a banned, fucked in the head, hooker liked to point out, turn 2 one hour $250 tricks a day, five days a week, and you rake in a tax free $130K a year. So take a couple vakays a year and that gets knocked down a tad, big fuckin' deal. When you can't book a popular hooker, it doesn't mean they are running a revolving door. It means they are following the above procedure and working as little as possible. I've been around whores up close and personal long enough to know that the phones aren't ringing off the hook. And most calls are from time wasters. All that being said, quality pussy is a movable feast. You have to do due diligence to find it (btw not here or Tryst etc.). Find it, hit it, and move on. And for God's sake, don't share it. It never lasts long, unless it gets old and fat.