Male frustrations with the hobby. Things they'd rather not say in public.

First white knights are almost never just doing it to look out for some of them. Most of them are conniving losers who do it to either a) get back at a hobbyist they feel has slighted them or b) get in the graces of a provider. Like "hey I look out for you can I get 40-80 off? Just this once?" Kind of like how the internet meme of niceguys(tm) is dudes who view interpersonal relationships like vending machines. Insert enough kindness coins and sex pops out.

Second of course we're here to hobby. The purpose of this post is to address a situation that makes it harder to hobby. Stifled communication due to bad actors makes it a lot harder for us guys to find what we want. We don't come on here to "bash" on anyone (well most of us don't) we compare notes on girls to find out who would best suit us. The problem is if the product you have up on market is yourself any criticism of the product gets taken as a personal slight. Same thing happens with actors and singers too.

But picture this: you go out to eat and you see something on the menu that looks delicious. You get your meal and it's not filling, it's not tasty, the plating looks like stew when you ordered kebabs and it's undercooked. You decide not eat there again of course but yelp is a thing so you report on your experience and move on with your life.

Except someone tells the owner. The owner yells and scream at you over the phone or email, accuses you of bullying, tells you never to come in again, etc... shitty but fine because you weren't coming back. But then the owner calls all the other places in the area and tries to convince them that they should blacklist you too. Most places in town ignore it because you're a paying customer but it stings. And the owner did it publicly enough that a lot of other patrons saw what happened to you and decide to keep their mouth shut.

Soon enough almost no one can find a good place to eat in town and they all stick to one or two places. Other restaurants see a cut to their bottomline as business slows. The patrons are less satisfied. The owner is not really doing better or worse than before.

Do we blame the owner of the restaurant or do we blame the guy who got served bad food?
winn dixie's Avatar
thank u treetop, I was going to say the exact same thing but had decided was not going to enter the fray here. absolutely NO ONE says these things about me but winn, whispers and their minions. everyone knows it is a flat out lie and yet they do that exact thing he is saying here. funny thing about hypocrites, they never see themselves as culpable in the lies they spin and baloney they spout. They think everyone else is at fault. Their long running harassment campaign of spreading outright lies and misinformation about me is well documented and based on groundless accusations. the pot is calling the kettle black in winn's case in this thread. Originally Posted by sue_nami
I will not take your bait! But i have called you out on your hatred towards anyone that does not share your opinion! That is not inclusive but is hypocritical! You say you don't like drama but you take tt's hell mary and run with it.I hope you are well and have a good night!
sue_nami's Avatar
I hate no one here and that is NOT what we are talking about it here. it is you're spreading lies and misinformation about me and my services, your red herring defense falls flat
sue_nami's Avatar
what the heck is a hell mary? perhaps HAIL Mary?
winn dixie's Avatar
I hate no one here and that is NOT what we are talking about it here. it is you're spreading lies and misinformation about me and my services, your red herring defense falls flat Originally Posted by sue_nami
Just in case the above gets edited-
I hate no one here and that is NOT what we are talking about it here. it is you're spreading lies and misinformation about me and my services, your red herring defense falls flat

I made one mistake while multi tasking. 3 mistakes were made above! I know you cannot ever be wrong! lol Please have a good night and please let all of your hatred go! I wish you well hun! Please lets get back on topic
Britttany_love's Avatar
What happened to if you have a problem with a provider or hobbyist you contact that person and work that shit out. If both parties can't be adults and get their shit together go your separate ways and move on, no need to bad mouth the other and constantly bring up old shit. You can't fix what you dont know is wrong unless someone tells you. You dragging on and beating the dead horse makes you the problem.

The whole white knight shit is bullshit it goes both ways...ladies run to guys and run their mouths just as guys run to ladies and run their mouth. Same shit happens in the real world you tell a friend something and they tell 5 different people and by the time it gets back to you a whole bunch of bullshit has been added and wasn't what you said in the first place. What good are you doing by hiding in private areas discussing these problems? Clearly by you posting this you are speaking up for a "bunch" of guys who are to afraid to speak up themselves. The person can't fix the shit and others don't know who/what to avoid. I have never posted anything that I wouldn't say on the open board or back it up. It does nothing for either side. Don't be the guy who says oh ya jimbob must be right because so and so said it. Like really you are commenting on shit you know nothing about nor do you have anything to back it up. Stop with that shit. I hear a bunch of shit but I take it with a grain of salt. If I listened to all of the bullshit said I wouldn't have met some of the people I have.

I beg to differ that some aren't on here just to "bash" someone. I'm sorry that's straight up bullshit. Some people live for it and take any chance they can to talk some shit and throw someones name out there. Jumping on like a lynch mob. Some definitely do try to ruin others reputations and will openly tell you so.

Of course the ladies know by doing what we do we are open to criticism. You as a hobbyist need to know you are deserving of the same if you are rude, disrespectful, cross boundaries, rip ladies off, hurt them, stalk them and so on you have nothing to worry about. However simply bashing someone because they do not meet the requirements that you prefer is total bullshit. The only person that has a right to speak up to someone's appearance, skills, tcb, and service level etc is a person who has actually met that person first hand and experienced such. The bashing simply because they aren't your cup of tea is childish. We get it some don't like people who are fat, over a certain age, have a certain look, certain sexuality, open to certain fetishes, a certain race and so on. Thats cool you aren't obligated or forced what so ever to see one of those people. There is an ignore button that makes them dissapear. You should be respectful though. However a person bashing them for being different for no damn reason is the problem. Hiding behind private tags and in the LR doing this well it makes you a P××××! If you comment on a review just to say crude remarks like eww, not my type, pass, overpayed, and so on that is literally the dumbest shit. You are not contributing a damn thing besides acting like an ass. Now if you have something that is crucial to the hobby that you know personally like its not her pics, old pics, she uncharged, she ncnsd, hygiene issue, wasnt who showed up and so on you have every right to do so in a review.

I understand how hard many of you guys work to afford the luxury of being able to hobby. I myself very much appreciate my guys who save and do what they have to do to spend time with me.

Based on your example above. I don't know about you but if I'm going to a restaurant and order something off the menu and it wasn't what it said it was or It didn't come out right I have no problem bringing that to my waiters attention so he can tell the restaurant and they can fix it. I have never had a problem returning food anywhere that wasn't up to par anytime there was a problem. I'm a nice person and when you are polite they have always been more than willing to make my dish over again, offered me something different or take the item off my check. Why because I was nice, communicated the problem with someone who was a professional and they wanted to make sure the customer was satisfied... after all they want your business. When you are a professional who cares about your business you try to fix the problems when they are brought to your attention. If you as the professional don't try, then you risk the unfortunate consequences that sometimes are out of your hands. It's hard to believe but there are sometimes people that no matter what happens they are always unhappy and are truly miserable people. The try to make everything a big deal. Now if you dont speak up then that's your problem. Same thing in the hobby.

Personally I don't judge a person, experience, a restaurant, product etc simply by what one person has to say. I judge things based on my own experience. I'm going to meet them, try the restaurant, the product and what not myself before I let a stranger influence me and my decisions. I'm the one taking the risk.. what someone else says simply has no influence on me whatsoever. It's my money and time. I will make my decision solely off my experiences. I would have missed out on a lot in life if I always listened to others.

Do you see someone, try a restaurant or something just because so and so said you should? Do you judge them or not try them because Sally didnt like it? No! Maybe Sally doesn't like seafood but she went to a seafood restaurant. It's already doomed for failure. Reviews can be fake, from competition, a disgruntled employee, someone jealous of your success, (ex) friend, spouse, partner who wants you to many reasons so I prefer to judge based on my own research. 2 people may not like it but to 5 other people its was their cup of tea! Just like pussy there will always be someone who likes what you don't. Your tastes are not the same as others so dont expect business to dry up just because of a few people who have negative things to say. Sometimes it has the opposite effect and people flock to try the thing that so many people dont just to see what all the hype is about. In the end they are still getting money.

At the end of the day if I have exhausted all options to make things right and that person happy that's the best I can do and I will live with it. I know personally if I had a problem in a session or wasn't up to par I would do what I could to fix things if it was something caused by myself I would hope as adults that that person would express something to me first so I could offer to fix it before just running to flame me.

I've never understood this. To many guys post about being upset because they felt they threw money away because a girl wasnt what he expected, was not like advertised, she didn't look like the pics and so on. Tell me why the hell did you not leave when she opened the door? You see something you are not expecting you can leave. You havent paid for anything yet. You as a client have every right to terminate the session upon arrival. Yet many of you chose to go in, go through the session knowing damn well you are already pissed off and dissatisfied based on looks alone and then you come on here pissed off at the world. You going on with the session knowing it is not what you signed up for is no ones fault but yourself. If you don't let the community know that again is on you. Ya the girl might think your an ass but shes still going to feel the same way if you see her and then bash her in the a review because she wasnt what you wanted.

I'm sharing my own opinions here. I'm not posting to bash anyone, I'm just sharing my insight and a different perspective. So if you are a hater of mine put me on ignore if you feel the need to try to come in balls swinging to insult me.
The sheer vitriolic rage and hatred of your post is exactly the reason why I'm doing this. Because it doesn't bother me but other guys don't want the grief. It's also kind of funny because you spend a lot of time saying "someone" is p**** and "someone" should bring it directly to the provider except... when there's misleading pics, rip offs, NCNS, and... a bunch of other stuff that's exactly what I'm talking about.

Also yeah I don't believe one bit that you would exhaust every possible avenue before putting up a poor review of restaurant as I described and your rambling argument fails to take in to account that the reason guys won't go to the provider who feels ripped them off is exactly this kind of reaction. If someone acts in bad faith right off the bat why give them the further courtesy? If they get hatred and vitriol and reprisal if they go to the type to give a performance worth a no review are we expected to believe they have the character to take the feedback?

And you're really stretching if you think people won't choose their lunch based on what their friends say is good. Honestly that's how the majority of people with a healthy social circle find a good place to eat in the city and it's no different here. If some rando puts up a review and I don't know them from adam that won't mean much but once someone is established as honest I would be likely to find a girl from their reviews as your ads. If a girl is going to fly into a rage at them (like you're doing here) if they post a "no" I lose that source of intel. Hence the need for a private area for men and for women.

Also I chuckled at the idea that there's no reason a dude wouldn't feel social or other pressure to carry through with an appointment when they would rather not. Your assertion that there's no reason a guy can't turn on his heel is utterly ridiculous. Aside from social pressure to go through with it there's also the threat of repercussions. I have no problem doing it if someone has misleading pics or a bad environment and because of that I've been threatened, insulted, had fake alerts, blacklisted like my metaphor up above and even had some girl chase me out and try to get a picture of my license plate. One girl had her manager really get a picture of my license plate and threaten me with my address. I've had hilariously not worth it physical altercations with mangers. (And there are a lot more girls than you'd think who have one on either site.)

All because I'm one of the few dudes who absolutely will turn around and walk away. The dudes who feel ripped off for not walking away have a very, very good reason to do it. Their only recourse if they want to avoid a confrontation that is frankly not worth it is to post a review that they'll catch shit for if they put a no or talk in private. So we talk in private.
Britttany_love's Avatar
The sheer vitriolic rage and hatred of your post is exactly the reason why I'm doing this. Because it doesn't bother me but other guys don't want the grief. It's also kind of funny because you spend a lot of time saying "someone" is p**** and "someone" should bring it directly to the provider except... when there's misleading pics, rip offs, NCNS, and... a bunch of other stuff that's exactly what I'm talking about.

Rage what rage? I'm being blunt and expressing my opinions that you don't like to hear. You can express your frustrations but when I do...mine mean suddenly I'm filled with rage. I'm being hateful? Excuse my anger but you talk more shit about me than most do. So your not hateful when you talking shit about me? Lets be honest here! Nope! I'm just tired of guys like you running your mouth and talking shit about myself and other providers then making bullshit posts like this acting like they are some concerned nice guy. "Ladies please come to me with your concerns and I can try to help you!" I said guys that hide behind private tags and in the LR to talk shit are indeed P****** what else do you call it? You got a problem speak up to me or don't run and hide to run your mouth. You want to say something do so in the open. You got a problem with me then you pm me and squash the bs or leave me alone. I have a problem with you when you dont know me and run your mouth. False claims, false bullshit, lame ass rumors that are fictitious.

Also yeah I don't believe one bit that you would exhaust every possible avenue before putting up a poor review of restaurant as I described and your rambling argument fails to take in to account that the reason guys won't go to the provider who feels ripped them off is exactly this kind of reaction. If someone acts in bad faith right off the bat why give them the further courtesy? If they get hatred and vitriol and reprisal if they go to the type to give a performance worth a no review are we expected to believe they have the character to take the feedback?

Anyone who knows me personally is more than welcome to search my name on yelp, you will find nothing. Do people actually review restaurants still? Hell I'm to busy to fill out the survey for a free burger at whataburger. So k sure dont care to review a restaurant. I have better things to do with my time. I also no matter the circumstances would never ever mess with a business because I had one bad experience. Like I said above I speak up when that happens and the customer service has always been 100% no problems but maybe I'm lucky or the small shit doesnt really bother me. Such a small thing to worry about in a world filled with bigger problems. I move on. I actually have a heart and dont mess with peoples lively hood. If a guy won't confront a girl that ripped him off im sorry but that is his problem. If it's a big deal to you and you feel cheated. Then you should say something. You would speak up if your were cheated or screwed in any other circumstance right? The ladies here have no problem speaking up when they are ripped off or shorted so why shouldnt the guy? I feel really bad everytime I see a guy or girl ripped off. It gives some of us good guys a bad rep. It ends up screwing all of us because then no one trusts anyone. You see these posts about it and what happens is 90% of the time they never confronted that person to make things right. Why post topics in coed if you dont wan't someone to comment? I feel my word is just as good as yours. I guess if I really bother you that much you can do as others do and put me on ignore if it bothers you. Hell what fun is that though? We are all adults, can't we have different opinions and still respect each other? We aren't talking about no reviews, we are talking about problems that the men her don't want to speak up about or talk to the ladies that they have a problem with. So it appears you decided to be spokesman and air it all out. A no review is already out there if a guy submits one so the girls is going to be mad regardless. How can shit be fixed if no one will openly post about it? Yall want communication and for both sides to be on the same page but yet refuse to give you 50% and communicate

And you're really stretching if you think people won't choose their lunch based on what their friends say is good. Honestly that's how the majority of people with a healthy social circle find a good place to eat in the city and it's no different here. If some rando puts up a review and I don't know them from adam that won't mean much but once someone is established as honest I would be likely to find a girl from their reviews as your ads. If a girl is going to fly into a rage at them (like you're doing here) if they post a "no" I lose that source of intel. Hence the need for a private area for men and for women.

I never said people wouldnt try something because a friend said to. I said not all will choose not to try something just because a person or a review said not to. You may try something that a friend tell you to try but does not mean you will. Their tastes maybe different. They say its good but I dont like fish.. I'm not going. Im not sure why out of all the above things that actually have to do with the hobby that were stated by me above you bring up the food stuff. Let me ask you a question. You said "And you're really stretching if you think people won't choose their lunch based on what their friends say is good." So since you are relating it to the hobby.. if say John doe your friend says hey man I saw this bbw, shes super skilled and alot of fun.. you really need to check her out! Are you going to because your friend told you you should?? I guarantee you wont because you dont like fat chicks. It has nothing to do with it being A OK from your friend.

The whole established thing is flawed. Could a guy who has an established reputation not provide misleading or bad info? Just because he has written reviews and been around for a fews years means he must be trusted and what he says must be right? I've seen plenty of "established" guys write over the top, misleading and ebellished reviews. Like you said yourself they do so for the brownie points. Ive seen some of the most honest reviews from the newer guys who arent scared to speak up, trying to fit in the click or worried that a girl they have seen might cut them off because he was to honest.

Also I chuckled at the idea that there's no reason a dude wouldn't feel social or other pressure to carry through with an appointment when they would rather not. Your assertion that there's no reason a guy can't turn on his heel is utterly ridiculous. Aside from social pressure to go through with it there's also the threat of repercussions. I have no problem doing it if someone has misleading pics or a bad environment and because of that I've been threatened, insulted, had fake alerts, blacklisted like my metaphor up above and even had some girl chase me out and try to get a picture of my license plate. One girl had her manager really get a picture of my license plate and threaten me with my address. I've had hilariously not worth it physical altercations with mangers. (And there are a lot more girls than you'd think who have one on either site.)

Well if a girl runs chasing you because you told her at the door you werent interested then she is batshit crazy. Probably the kind of girls you should do more resesrch on because there typically is a pattern. She is also dumb as fuck because no money is worth drawing attention to your incall. In all my years I have never once seen an alert about a girl chasing a hobbyist after he told her he wasn't interested at the door. If that happened to you that truly sucks and I don't wish anybody's real world being dragged into this. If you again are to scared to turn away and not go through with a session well again thats your problem. No one is forcing you to do it. Thats crazy talk. You forced yourself to do it. You face the same threats of being blacklisted and what not whether you go with the session and write a no review or you cancel at the door and walked away. The girls still going to be pissed off and she still going to make this certain alerts no matter what. I would much rather walk away and save my money than going through with the session that I'm not okay with then just throwing money down and going through the motions

All because I'm one of the few dudes who absolutely will turn around and walk away. The dudes who feel ripped off for not walking away have a very, very good reason to do it. Their only recourse if they want to avoid a confrontation that is frankly not worth it is to post a review that they'll catch shit for if they put a no or talk in private. So we talk in private. Originally Posted by Killeeninformer2

That really doesn't make any sense you are still going to catch shit regardless. I can guarantee you're going to catch more shit if the lady sees a no review because you didn't like her but yet you went through the session anyways. Than if you just bailed before hand. As any smart person knows nothing is private, no area on any the board is so why those still think that they're safe in those areas only gives a false sense of security
Agent220's Avatar
One of my favorite quotes from the film, American Gangster starring Denzel Washington, goes like this:

"The loudest person in the room is the weakest person in the room."

The best way to exercise frustration is to vote with my wallet. Someone else can get this soulpole and what is on the nightstand.
Britttany_love's Avatar
One of my favorite quotes from the film, American Gangster starring Denzel Washington, goes like this:

"The loudest person in the room is the weakest person in the room."

The best way to exercise frustration is to vote with my wallet. Someone else can get this soulpole and what is on the nightstand. Originally Posted by Agent220
My biggest stalker fan!! I don't need to be the loudest. I just need to be loud enough to talk over my haters. You still love to talk about me huh 💋 Some of the strongest people have stood up and spoke the loudest. So I see flaws in that bs.
winn dixie's Avatar
OHHHHHHHH please come out to play?

I would be very interested to know where Brittany Love saw me talk about her at all since I've absolutely ignored her. But I also don't want to contribute to derailing the thread with this nonsense.
Britttany_love's Avatar
I would be very interested to know where Brittany Love saw me talk about her at all since I've absolutely ignored her. But I also don't want to contribute to derailing the thread with this nonsense. Originally Posted by Killeeninformer2
I'm done with you. You can continue to act like you don't disrespect the ladies here that's on you an not me. I don't have to see anything to know when people are talking about me. It's always the ladies who bring that to my attention first.
Agent220's Avatar
My biggest stalker fan!! I don't need to be the loudest. I just need to be loud enough to talk over my haters. You still love to talk about me huh 💋 Some of the strongest people have stood up and spoke the loudest. So I see flaws in that bs. Originally Posted by Britttany_love
You don't have haters.

When you survived attempted murder like I have i.e. a bullet to the body, that's when you know you have haters.
Britttany_love's Avatar
You don't have haters.

When you survived attempted murder like I have i.e. a bullet to the body, that's when you know you have haters. Originally Posted by Agent220
Thats horrible and no one deserves that!

I do indeed have haters you included. You have continued to gossip about me since I had to tell you more than once to just leave me alone over a year ago. Yet I keep hearing about you throwing my name around. I don't talk about you not sure why you must continue to with me. It's old like can we not move on please,