Clark County (Vegas) commissioner tells lawful Americans to make funeral plans

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
the story is out

its not about the tortoise

the head of the BLM is a former harry reid right hand man

reid and his lawyer son rory..a member of a prominent las vegas law firm...want the land to take it private to build a 5 billion dollar solar energy complex with a chinese firm and the bundy's cattle are in the way Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
NOW it makes sense.
I B Hankering's Avatar
"Odumbo's minion and BLM director, Neil Kornze, has been in charge of the administration's public lands solar policy from October 2011 through March 2013. Kornze played a major role in developing the Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) for solar development in six southwestern states, the cornerstone of Odumbo's renewable energy policy also known as the 'Western Solar Plan'.

"Odumbo's 'Plan' established 445 square miles of Solar Energy Zones where solar energy development would be encouraged, along with almost 30,000 square miles of 'variance' lands which would also be opened up for solar development."
JD must have lost his ass on the other thread, so he started this one...LMAO
NOW it makes sense. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
its crony capitalism and misuse of power and every other sort of vile name you can think of

it seems to be the culmination, the fountain head, the denouement, the climax as it were, of where totalitarianism, terrible energy policies, crony capitalism, weaponization of government, vile self-enrichment, scheming democrat politics and, oh yeah, lying..all come together in obamaworld

its America's new normal

as these liberal useful idiots in here are wont to say..get used to it

I have taken on a new favorite quote.....T.H.White's totalitarian principle: "Everything not forbidden is compulsory."

all we need now are a few Potemkin villages with smiling faces near an amusement park named "obamaworld" were all seems so serene
(pay no attention to those shots you hear in the background children, those are just vile ranchers and oil men, polluters all)
JD Barleycorn's Avatar

EVA, why are you always interested in ass? You don't even read these posts or look the links. In ignorance there is bliss and you are one happy SOB.

EVA, why are you always interested in ass? You don't even read these posts or look the links. In ignorance there is bliss and you are one happy SOB. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Judy Dense, I repudiated your points in the other thread I'm not going to start over.
Judy Dense, I repudiated your points in the other thread I'm not going to start over. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
The only point that JD Idiot has made is on the tippy top of the pointy little hood he wears on his head.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You couldn't repudiate a hardon dumbass.

So the feds wanted to pay the Bundy's for their cattle but they demanded that the cattle be returned. So let's see what kind of shape the cattle are in and how many died due to abuse. I can think of three things that may have made this happen.

1. Someone told the man in charge that his name would go down in history as the man who started the second American revolution and would become synonymous with Benedict Arnold.

2. Someone pointed out that they could lose to the ranchers militias, and protestors and that would not look good on a resume.

3. My favorite; someone told the agent in charge that they could not in good conscience attack an elderly couple on their own property and others agreed.
Ocoldfish caved...

This may SHOCK you, but the federal government - on behalf of ALL Americans - charges money for LOTS of different activities on federal lands. Do you know why Bundy is the last rancher in Clark County? The other ranchers couldn't stay in business paying this illegal fee. This is state land and it is a federal department trying to collect the money. A state should not set a tax that will eliminate a business by paying it.

Drill for oil/gas in Alaska? Pay a fee. Drill off-shore? Pay a fee. Operate a ski resort in national forest? Pay a fee. Operate a hotel in a national park? Pay a fee. Hunt on federal lands? Pay a fee.

Graze on federal lands? PAY A FEE! Why does this asshole expect better treatment than any one else? You're not really paying attention. This is like the smoking Nazis. They (the federal government) claims that they are trying to save the desert tortoise and to save the tortoise they don't want cattle on the land. Understand that so far? No tortoise if there are cattle there. Okay, they will allow cattle on the land if a fee is paid...understand that? They will allow cattle to graze (and somehow kill the desert tortoise) but only if they pay. It is a ripoff plain and simple. In fact the desert tortoise is thriving to the point that they sometimes destroy the tortoises in captivity. Yes, they kill the species that they are trying to save.

If people disobey laws that are proper and constitutional, they deserve to go to jail. You don't get to pick and choose what laws you will obey. This law is not proper or constitutional. Remember the purpose behind the original law has passed. It is a senseless law now. This is state land again but it is the fed besieging the ranch.

If a business owner refuses to build a handicapped ramp, he deserves to go to jail. Why does he get to tell disabled people "fuck off, I'm not paying"? Did you just hear what you wrote. He deserves to go to jail, not fined but jail. You really are some kind of fascist SOB. What if your owner runs a business that will never have a handicapped customer. What if it will cost a business owner a very large sum of money because of the design of the street and building?

If he can't afford to build the ramp, but other businesses can, then obviously he can't run a business very well and SHOULD go out of business. see above.

What exactly is your point about the use of force by law authorities? It is true for all laws - including the ones you like and the ones you don't like.

A monopoly on violence is a standard feature of all governments. It only becomes a bad thing if if is used for unjust ends. What exactly is unjust about preventing this freeloader from grazing on federal lands without paying fees like everyone else? You're impossible and a fascist. I got you a sign to wear.

If Occupy Wall Street - or some other left-wing goons - blocked access to your business and refused police orders to disband and allow you to operate your business, would you think it unfair it the police drew their weapons while forcibly removing the OWS assholes?

Stupid comparison (your brain must be getting tired), this man is not blocking anyone's access to anything. In fact, it is the federal government that is blocking him. So I guess you're okay with shooting the feds since they are, as you say, blocking his place of business. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You're an idiot, plain and simple. Here is an article from TODAY:

It says the land is FEDERAL land, NOT state land. Where is your link saying it belongs to the state? If it was state land, he would have won in court by now, right?

And if it was HIS land, then the federal goverenment would have to condemn the land and PAY him compensation. Where is THAT court decision.

Where do you get the idea that the law is unconstitutional? What law are you talking about? Post a link. Then explain how it is unconstitutional, idiot. We all remember your dopey statement about "ex post facto", so you are not exactly a legal scholar.

And who says it is "senseless now"? YOU? Again, this may come as a shock to you, but individual people do NOT get to disregard laws that they decide are senseless. When it becomes senseless, you petition Congress to repeal it.

This asshole has lost every step of the way because he does not have a leg to stand on in court.

He loses in court and then decides to ignore the court decision and keep on doing what he was doing before.

Kind of like Obama's illegal alien aunt. Or have you forgotten that thread?

And regarding the ADA, no business owner can say he will NEVER have a handicapped customer, so that is another horseshit diversion of yours.

And if you cannot afford to make you business handicap accessible NOW, there are provisions in the ADA that allow you to postpone repairs by submitting a plan that you will follow once you become solvent enough to do a renovation. But if you do a renovation and you do NOT make the handicap changes, you will get hammered in court.

Your ignorance of the law is staggering.

And I did not compare the rancher to OWS, idiot. I never said he was blocking anything.

My comparison was about whether or not YOU think the police should use weapons to remove OWS protesters who are blocking YOU from your property. You only seem to have problems when the cops draw their guns on law breakers you like.
You're an idiot, plain and simple. Here is an article from TODAY:

It says the land is FEDERAL land, NOT state land. Where is your link saying it belongs to the state? If it was state land, he would have won in court by now, right?

And if it was HIS land, then the federal goverenment would have to condemn the land and PAY him compensation. Where is THAT court decision.

Where do you get the idea that the law is unconstitutional? What law are you talking about? Post a link. Then explain how it is unconstitutional, idiot. We all remember your dopey statement about "ex post facto", so you are not exactly a legal scholar.

And who says it is "senseless now"? YOU? Again, this may come as a shock to you, but individual people do NOT get to disregard laws that they decide are senseless. When it becomes senseless, you petition Congress to repeal it.

This asshole has lost every step of the way because he does not have a leg to stand on in court.

He loses in court and then decides to ignore the court decision and keep on doing what he was doing before.

Kind of like Obama's illegal alien aunt. Or have you forgotten that thread?

And regarding the ADA, no business owner can say he will NEVER have a handicapped customer, so that is another horseshit diversion of yours.

And if you cannot afford to make you business handicap accessible NOW, there are provisions in the ADA that allow you to postpone repairs by submitting a plan that you will follow once you become solvent enough to do a renovation. But if you do a renovation and you do NOT make the handicap changes, you will get hammered in court.

Your ignorance of the law is staggering.

And I did not compare the rancher to OWS, idiot. I never said he was blocking anything.

My comparison was about whether or not YOU think the police should use weapons to remove OWS protesters who are blocking YOU from your property. You only seem to have problems when the cops draw their guns on law breakers you like. Originally Posted by ExNYer

Ocoldfish caved...
You couldn't repudiate a hardon dumbass.

So the feds wanted to pay the Bundy's for their cattle but they demanded that the cattle be returned. So let's see what kind of shape the cattle are in and how many died due to abuse. I can think of three things that may have made this happen.

1. Someone told the man in charge that his name would go down in history as the man who started the second American revolution and would become synonymous with Benedict Arnold.

2. Someone pointed out that they could lose to the ranchers militias, and protestors and that would not look good on a resume.

3. My favorite; someone told the agent in charge that they could not in good conscience attack an elderly couple on their own property and others agreed. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

I knew you were lusting after a dick, but you can't have mine.
It is good to see you back a Mormon radical who the feds have been putting up with his bullshit for twenty some years, who owes over a million dollars in fees. Who thinks he is above the law , and his peers who pay for their grazing rights. Fuck him if he won't obey the law like the rest of the cattlemen.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-12-2014, 06:17 PM
You couldn't repudiate a hardon dumbass.

So the feds wanted to pay the Bundy's for their cattle but they demanded that the cattle be returned. So let's see what kind of shape the cattle are in and how many died due to abuse. I can think of three things that may have made this happen.

1. Someone told the man in charge that his name would go down in history as the man who started the second American revolution and would become synonymous with Benedict Arnold.

2. Someone pointed out that they could lose to the ranchers militias, and protestors and that would not look good on a resume.

3. My favorite; someone told the agent in charge that they could not in good conscience attack an elderly couple on their own property and others agreed. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

repudiate ..... refuse to accept or be associated with

you're repudiated day after day ..

look it up teach, you can't fight your way out of 1st grade remedial coloring class're a dumbass
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Note to anyone with some sense. The OP is about the overreach of an agency of government period! The deflectors in general would have you believe that it is the itty-bitty technicalities are important. They do not want you to face the truth which should make you mad. 200 armed federal agents backed up with helicopters, armored vehicles, and snipes for what? To serve a notice to a elderly couple in the middle of nowhere????? Why can't these idiots see this. Some of us think that there are some paid jackasses whose job is to amuse and deflect from important issues. You can go back and read some posts. No matter how common sense an issue is they ALWAYS take the side of the left or they want to change the subject.

If this were a courtroom then it would be relevant if everything were 100% correct, if every word had been reviewed for spelling but this is not a courtroom. This is more like a barroom. This certainly isn't a classroom. I can post the words of a daughter of Cliven Bundy. She explains that Cliven tried to pay his fees to the county for years but they would not take the money. So there is a government lie out there that he had not paid at all. The government has lied! They have shut down the air space! They have used dogs against protesters! The have used tasers against protesters! They have killed cattle that they have taken responsibility for by stealing them! A number of laws were broken by the very people tasked with enforcing those laws. This could have ended very badly but someone (funny how we don't know who is in charge) made a decision that they didn't want another WACO or Ruby Ridge.

Some people here are just brain dead or on the payroll of the White House. They will get theirs in the end by way of karma. They can hide behind the Internet and throw shit but I suspect in real life they have been pegged by their co-workers for the royal asses that they are and maybe ......forget it. No matter what I say, they are still meat heads and will always be that.
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