An Inside look at global sex trafficking predators on the prowl

matchingmole's Avatar
I always thought that there some out there who had a "thing" for Trump in his early days.

Latter day jealousy of him as he's continued to be hyper successful and more than they could ever dream of being is a real bitch for some. Originally Posted by eccielover

A diet of fast food and Fox "News" has not been kind to our acting President. Originally Posted by matchingmole
In what way is he acting. I find the SCOTUS appointments as well as other Judge appointments, as well as all of the other great actions he has performed to be very "REAL".

Do you think you are in a "play" at this point?
matchingmole's Avatar
It was incredible how he was able to integrate a country (Mexico) into our Defense Department to pay for the wall
Originally Posted by matchingmole
And the point being.

Is he not still successful? Do his businesses still gainfully employ thousands? Has he gainfully employed even more over the years?

Can you even compare to the various economic pluses he has done in his career?

Another Swing and Miss.

Bigly this time
matchingmole's Avatar
If he was so successful...he would release his taxes to brag about it. But his humble nature precludes that
Lapdog's Avatar
And the point being.

Is he not still successful? Do his businesses still gainfully employ thousands? Has he gainfully employed even more over the years?

Can you even compare to the various economic pluses he has done in his career?

Another Swing and Miss.

Bigly this time Originally Posted by eccielover
I can compare, and then some....I pay my bills on time. All of them. Every time they're due. Always. Every time. GRAND SLAM!!
matchingmole's Avatar
I could compare his aptitude at running casinos to the decline of Venezuela
If he was so successful...he would release his taxes to brag about it. But his humble nature precludes that Originally Posted by matchingmole
Wow, the BS rhetoric and distraction is amazing.

The tax returns are laughable. He self financed much of his 2016 campaign and just in case you are behind on the times, he successfully won that particular foray into politics.

But keep on believing your own BS.
matchingmole's Avatar
Keep on trusting a con man.. His main goal is to appear successful. I suppose you have bought into that hook, line and sinker. If he was on this site...I could very well envision he would see a provider...have an overnight session...and then not pay and threaten to give a bad review.

Show me any of his character attributes that would prove otherwise.

Sure he can hug a flag onstage (gee...he must be a super patriot)

He can visit shooting victims ...and mug for the cameras (with a shit eating grin)

I see right through his facade...and America will too in 2020
Lapdog's Avatar
I can compare, and then some....I pay my bills on time. All of them. Every time they're due. Always. Every time. GRAND SLAM!! Originally Posted by Lapdog
If you think so. You have been very allusive as to whether you "follow" immigration rules with employees. Strike One.

You have said you won't associate with anyone ever having declared bankruptcy, but cannot show that you vet that noble statement, especially in business ventures. Strike Two.

And you totally ignore the same statement as it pertains to your personal life regarding anyone ever having declared bankruptcy. Strike three.

Hardly Grand Slam.

If you want for effort, I'll pass you $5.99 for a Denny's grand slam, just to memorialize your effort. :mf_laughboun ce2:
Lapdog's Avatar
If you think so. You have been very allusive as to whether you "follow" immigration rules with employees. Strike One.

You have said you won't associate with anyone ever having declared bankruptcy, but cannot show that you vet that noble statement, especially in business ventures. Strike Two.

And you totally ignore the same statement as it pertains to your personal life regarding anyone ever having declared bankruptcy. Strike three.

Hardly Grand Slam.

If you want for effort, I'll pass you $5.99 for a Denny's grand slam, just to memorialize your effort. :mf_laughboun ce2: Originally Posted by eccielover
I assume you meant elusive, so I'll answer your question. It's none of your fucking business and it never will be. As far as whatever your question was, I gave you a comparison, and then some. It's what you asked for. GRAND SLAM!! Next?
the women all look trump's age or older
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
the women all look trump's age or older Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Ironically they all look Epstein's age or older as well. how did that work out.

Nothing would give me greater pleasure if similarly Trump committed suicide
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
So it was one video that is hardly damning for the lifestyle of the time.

Yet you ignore Trump having banned Epstein from Mar-a-lago and the various follow up of Trump cooperation.

Again, swing and a miss. Originally Posted by eccielover
Banned him? Yea ok