money is power and the new provider standard

FirePhoenix's Avatar
Wow, half the shit I have read on this post has just been mind fuck. When its all said and done it's a numbers game. Guys will always want a different mouth or pussy on their cock. End of story. So even if you are top bitch at one point,at the next point you will be the bottom bitch.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-29-2016, 08:43 PM
Well said FP. Its the circle of sperm...and its unending.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
I'm also gna say one last thing before I go to bed. It sounds like a certain person fell hard for someone and found out that the person doesn't feel the same way. From all I have read it feels like a lashing out in anger and part of keeping the illusion of self confidence is the GPS act.
playingnthedark's Avatar
Love the avitar money is always more powerful then any other, pussy has a small market and only as powerful as the one with the money!

Yes I'm a cheap ass broke bastard that has all the fun and pussy he can handle and not at $300 an Hr

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly
Dude, hobby the way you want and fuck whoever don't like it. No one can tell you how to spent your money. And for you GPS PROVIDER go right ahead and ask for the moon. I'll hang one for you!
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
Wars have been started over pussy and treasure. I don't have the "smarts" to go through history and add it all up so lets just call it even. Think about it for a moment..Helen of died so their kings could have this woman. Not them themselves, but their leader. That must have been one hell of a pussy on that woman.
Of course, numerous people have been killed looking for all sorts of treasure. Wars have waged, again so leaders could have treasure but not the soldiers fighting.
Greed and Lust will be the downfall of mankind so who really cares which is more important. Pick the hooker you like in your price range and have fun. That is what this site is all about. Have fun and lots of sex.
Little Monster's Avatar
Wars have been started over pussy and treasure. I don't have the "smarts" to go through history and add it all up so lets just call it even. Think about it for a moment..Helen of died so their kings could have this woman. Not them themselves, but their leader. That must have been one hell of a pussy on that woman.

WRONG!!! The Greeks didn't give a shit about Helen. She just gave them the perfect excuse to invade Troy.

Of course, numerous people have been killed looking for all sorts of treasure. Wars have waged, again so leaders could have treasure but not the soldiers fighting.

Very True! Holy Grail comes to mind

Greed and Lust will be the downfall of mankind so who really cares which is more important. Pick the hooker you like in your price range and have fun. That is what this site is all about. Have fun and lots of sex. Originally Posted by Victoria Columbari
Very True! But in the end, Money is king whether we like it or not.
Whispers's Avatar
You're delusional let me explain it in Hoi Polloi terms: Imagine we are both at a hypothtical auction,
some gentlemen is selling a video game or whatever...

You offer $100 bucks.
I offer an opportunity to fuck me.

I can guarantee i'd be the one walking away with video game lol. But, you can of course believe your own delusions and keep dreaming that your $100 overpowers my pussy.

Adopt this mantra instead: Ignorance is POWER!!! and Hoi Polloi gentlemen hold this power.

EXACTLY!!! Originally Posted by TW!GGY
So your pussy is worth the cost of a video game?

Seems like you are coming down to reality.....

knotty man's Avatar
[QUOTE=TW!GGY;1058082485]You're delusional let me explain it in Hoi Polloi terms: Imagine we are both at a hypothtical auction,
some gentlemen is selling a video game or whatever...

You offer $100 bucks.
I offer an opportunity to fuck me.

I can guarantee i'd be the one walking away with video game lol. But, you can of course believe your own delusions and keep dreaming that your $100 overpowers my pussy.
that scenario only works if , youre the only one offering to fuck him. Fortunately , this site offers multiple ladies making the same offer at "80" dollars. why not sell him the video game, then see THAT lady, and still have 20 bucks left over. its not that pussy and money are irreplacable. Its that "YOUR" pussy and "MY" money definitely replacable
Britttany_love's Avatar
[QUOTE=knotty man;1058083967]
You're delusional let me explain it in Hoi Polloi terms: Imagine we are both at a hypothtical auction,
some gentlemen is selling a video game or whatever...

You offer $100 bucks.
I offer an opportunity to fuck me.

I can guarantee i'd be the one walking away with video game lol. But, you can of course believe your own delusions and keep dreaming that your $100 overpowers my pussy.
that scenario only works if , youre the only one offering to fuck him. Fortunately , this site offers multiple ladies making the same offer at "80" dollars. why not sell him the video game, then see THAT lady, and still have 20 bucks left over. its not that pussy and money are irreplacable. Its that "YOUR" pussy and "MY" money definitely replacable Originally Posted by TW!GGY
Im sorry but im with you knotty. If thats shits Mario Carts im in for $100!!
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Pussy is the most powerful weapon on earth.
More money has been spent on pussy and the pursuit of it than any man possess.
And without a doubt,more dumb shit has been done over pussy...
At the end of the day,pussy rules.
Originally Posted by Observing
Butt, is poosey tha gold standard, 'r is it a purdy mouth wif out a gag reflex?
Funny Twitty thinks pussy is more powerful than money, yet she's forced to sell her precious pussy to get MONEY!
Don't see the U.S. Mint printing up her stale old pussy do we?
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-30-2016, 11:19 AM
Also never forget this...if one has GPS the other needs to pay a phone bill. The problem for some is they get hung up on just ONE pussy...and dont realize its all basically the same...just move along until you find one that meets your needs...financially & functionally...and when she starts getting an attitude, move on to another.

I learned this lesson long ago.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Is GPS an STD no cure that I have heard of!

Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-30-2016, 11:24 AM
Is GPS an STD no cure that I have heard of!

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly

I'm gonna leave it that way IB to piss off the spell check nazis..