If you Ladies only knew!

Amber Foxx's Avatar
Lol I actually Haven't had ANY complaints on Having my tattoo's... I mean as Long as they are tasteful and Doesn't look like a four year old practiced their handwriting skills all over your body with a tattoo gun I think Tats are ok.... lol.
Lol I actually Haven't had ANY complaints on Having my tattoo's... I mean as Long as they are tasteful and Doesn't look like a four year old practiced their handwriting skills all over your body with a tattoo gun I think Tats are ok.... lol. Originally Posted by Amber Foxx
I guess tattoos are tolerable, provided they have meaning to the provider. A random heart or angel is just silly.

Then again, I am a traditionalist. I really don't care for tattoos or piercings on a woman.

You know, there was a time when a woman couldn't even get in Playboy if she had pierced ears, not to mention a tramp stamp.

I guess times have changed. But in my opinion, they have changed for the worse. The natural body is beautiful, ladies. Don't mark it up!!
shorty's Avatar
Same ole BS from a different handle that he decided to take to National Forum. Most ladies and gents around here know how to research each other and find out if its someone that will meet all there requirements for a date.
Bobave's Avatar
Not everybody feels like you. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
But enough do... you know? Ignore at your peril...
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Same ole BS from a different handle that he decided to take to National Forum. Most ladies and gents around here know how to research each other and find out if its someone that will meet all there requirements for a date. Originally Posted by shorty
So true Shorty, a little research goes a long way and can save lots of anguish
shorty's Avatar
SNL. . . Yep!!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-30-2011, 09:44 PM

My recommendation, is to talk to your respective hobbyist! Custom tailor each and every session to that hobbyist needs and wants.
Originally Posted by Still Looking
Amen! The ladies are not all the same, and neither are the men. We don't all like the same things, we aren't all looking for the same things. Some things on the OP's list describe what I am looking for, others are quite far off.

If a lady honestly represents herself, and a man does his homework, it should all work out well. When the photos misrepresent--or the language--that's a problem. When the photos show ink and the client didn't bother to look, that's on him, not her.

A few e-mails and/or phone calls can go a very long way to ensuring compatability.
Still Looking's Avatar
Lol I actually Haven't had ANY complaints on Having my tattoo's... I mean as Long as they are tasteful and Doesn't look like a four year old practiced their handwriting skills all over your body with a tattoo gun I think Tats are ok.... lol. Originally Posted by Amber Foxx
Love the avatar! After careful review of your show case pictures, I don't see tattoo one? But you sure are pretty!

FYI: If you gals get a new tattoo, perhaps you might want to let your clients know about this. Especialy if it will effect your BCD abilities! The provider I saw this AM had a new tattoo along her entire side. She asked me to be careful. I asked her if she got one on her vagina? She said of coase not! I said we were good to go! She though it was pretty funny!
Still Looking's Avatar
Free advice is usually worth what you pay for it

I prefer clean sheets, want to be fucked stupid and told to come back when I am ready for more. Save the strapon for the next guy. Snacks are good too. Originally Posted by monkmonk

I guess the "tattoo and piercing" thing got lost on me in my choice of a Lady.

http://eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=16977 Originally Posted by Jackie S
Thats one hot lady!

Great thread! I also feel if a provider is going to pay a compliment, it should be genuine. Nothing worse than a half-assed attempt at boosting a man's self-esteem.

Also, #10 is very important. Men want to feel they have done a good job in the sack.

So, genuine compliments, especially those relating to a man's performance, go a long way.

Just my two cents worth. Originally Posted by JohnnyG1977
Here is what I like to hear: "You are the most selfish lover I've ever had! I hope you had a good time?"

And here is my answer: "Thank you very much! I had a blast! Are you free Tuesday?"

Still Looking's Avatar
Lol I actually Haven't had ANY complaints on Having my tattoo's... I mean as Long as they are tasteful and Doesn't look like a four year old practiced their handwriting skills all over your body with a tattoo gun I think Tats are ok.... lol. Originally Posted by Amber Foxx
There is something about your avatar thats driving me crazy! I got it... it's you! Very Nicely done!
Chevalier's Avatar
Free advice is usually worth what you pay for it Originally Posted by monkmonk
A good rule in general, although in some instances it overstates the real value.
Dragon7769's Avatar
Love the avatar! After careful review of your show case pictures, I don't see tattoo one? But you sure are pretty!

FYI: If you gals get a new tattoo, perhaps you might want to let your clients know about this. Especialy if it will effect your BCD abilities! The provider I saw this AM had a new tattoo along her entire side. She asked me to be careful. I asked her if she got one on her vagina? She said of coase not! I said we were good to go! She though it was pretty funny! Originally Posted by Still Looking

Ditto and add piercings too, I saw a provider who had recently had one of her "lips" pierced... nothing against it, I actually like it but it meant we had to be a little easier on the BCD portion since it was still tender.
Still Looking's Avatar
I would like to add a few more!

1) If you don't have an in call, how about mentioning that in your show case or before a week long screening process.
2) If your pictures have you as a blonde, let us know if that has changed.
3) If we can't touch your new implants, can we know this up front.
4) If you have a room mate or dog can we get that info up front.
5) If you have an unidentifiable rash, we would like to know up front.
6) If your episiotomy stitches are not out yet we would like to know.
7) If you have even a slight yeast infection, even if we like dairy, please tell us.
8) If you schedule one appointment after another, could you please make a time slot in between them so we won't run into each other at the door.
9) If you have children, we expect them not to with you, EVER. Drop them off some where safe and then pick up condoms and towels!
10) If the Red Spiting Dragon Appears, The Circus is in Town, Your Once a Month Visitor Shows Up, The Red River Started Running, I Hate Men Syndrome Manifests Itself, I'm On the Rag, Oh Look an Egg... STARTS could you tell us even if we are already on our way to see you!

Amber Foxx's Avatar
Lol Still Looking...


I need a school girl outfit lol
Still Looking's Avatar
Lol Still Looking...


I need a school girl outfit lol Originally Posted by Amber Foxx
I think you look more like Sandra Bullock! I happen to have an outfit just for you! Where and when should I deliver it?