I'm living proof

I agree Whispers. I would also like to tell you that I initially responded and wanted to help with your holiday cause. Now you know why I fell silent. I am sorry I couldn't contribute this year but hope to be able to next year.
Monk Rasputin's Avatar
Never lost my sense of humor though. Infact, Roxanne and I came up with some great mock ads! Like. . .

"half off!"
"the best of both worlds, one mm and one oh natural!" Originally Posted by Maxeen Monroe
Maxeen is full of surprises
Now her boobs are of different sizes:
One boob's so small,
Almost no boob at all.
The other's so big it wins prizes.

Luv you, Max.

Whispers's Avatar
I agree Whispers. I would also like to tell you that I initially responded and wanted to help with your holiday cause. Now you know why I fell silent. I am sorry I couldn't contribute this year but hope to be able to next year. Originally Posted by Maxeen Monroe
No Problem..... We did great!....

Maybe by next year our circles will overlap a bit more and we'll "double up" yet again!

You would certainly help bridge a gap if you stepped up and became one of the ladies contributing time!.....

I know.. I'm shameless....

We are still delivering from this year and I'm starting in recruiting next years prize packages!
I just want to echo the sentiment that Maxeen has stated. While I got into the hobby to have a little fun, I got back so much more. I have met many nice women and had a great time with almost all of them. However, I never expected to make friendships. There has been a couple that I have become good friends with thru the hobby and one whom I feel I will have a lifetime friendship with. She is very special to me.
Nightcrawler29's Avatar
Max, although we only met a couple times, I'm happy to see that you are feeling well again, and that you had such a positive experience and support from those in the hobby. It is very encouraging to know that there are still people out there that place a higher value on people than on anything else. I'm sorry you had to go through such a bad experience, and I hope you'll get better.
Gameman99's Avatar
Hi Maxeen, its good to hear you are getting better. Yea a serious infection is no joke!! Take care babe!! XOXO,Dan.
That kind of story makes me feel the Christmas Spirit. Thank-you for sharing it with us.
As you learned a WBC of 33,000 is very, very serious.
Britttany_love's Avatar
Max I'm so glad your doing better now. You are a great person and it's no surprise that you have so many around you wanting to help. Your a great strong woman and that's a great quality in a friend. If you ever need anything let me know.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 12-20-2011, 12:16 AM
Glad to read you are recovering, Maxeen. That is great news.

I can relate. I have experienced blood infections as well and they are very nasty business. Did six weeks of Vancomycin with a PIC line to get rid of them. Not fun.

All the best to you!
Thank you for your kindness. I'm glad you're well. Would love to have lunch one day.
I "heart" you the most and we've never met. I hope we do so I can tell you what an inspiration you are to me... I was out all night and your story made me smile when it flew through my head (often).
Ms Francisca's Avatar
Max Baby, you are one of a kind I am privileged to be your friend.
  • Jax
  • 12-20-2011, 09:47 AM
Maxeen - glad u are on the mend. Sorry to hear about your ordeal - not a fun way to spend a block of time. Hope the healing continues to go smoothly and you'll be back to "normal" (however you define it) very, very soon. You're a very classy lady and I'll certainly remember u in coming days.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Oh Max I had no idea but so happy your on your way to getting back to full health ..Staph is no joke more then 10 years ago I had a major one that started in my left leg and traveled took months to finally get get rid of..... Get lots of rest anf again so happy your getting better
Some of the most splendid posts happen after 2am. This is one of those.

Max, Love, I'm so chuffed you are on the mend. I've missed you and am looking forward to seeing you very soon! You are one lovely lass, in a myriad of ways. Thank you for the very positive post! Cheers Love!