Topic: How likely are you to respond to a faceless provider ad?

Randall Creed's Avatar
Face shots are not necessary for me to want to see a lady, as I understand the need for discretion. Now, body shots I feel are a necessity. I don't even waste time on ads with no pics.
I'm not sending out face shots, screened or not screened. That's all I need, is to be in Walmart somewhere and some angry wife who saw my photo on your computer comes up and decides to start some shit. Enough folks around here know what I look like and can attest that I am not a troll. For those who don't know what I look like, I'm sure they know somebody who does and can ask.

I contemplated for a long time about showing my face. But for privacy reasons, I opted not to. I used to show my face years ago, until my college professor said something to me after class lol. Never did again, and doubt that I ever will.

I look at it like this. If a guy doesn't like what he sees when he arrives, he has the option to tell me so and leave. Just be nice about it and slip me a little something to compensate for my time lost

Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
I don't know about every instance, and I did do some research and every review I found was great. At the time all her P411 profile was displaying was a flower. I took the chance and had the distinct pleasure of meeting the now retired Nicole Preston.....I'm a better person as a result!!
fun.time.hobbyist's Avatar
I think most of us understand the discretion part of the business. Hell that's why most of us guys use hobby phones. Face pic is not necessary for me to see a lady. However, a body pic is necessary. Then I expect to see the lady's body. I don't expect hustler type poses, but I would like to see your actual body. Hiding all your shots with a full teddy or clothes causes me to think you're hiding something. Heavily airbrushed photos are another pet peeve.

TinMan's Avatar
I think most of us understand the discretion part of the business. Hell that's why most of us guys use hobby phones. Face pic is not necessary for me to see a lady. However, a body pic is necessary. Then I expect to see the lady's body. I don't expect hustler type poses, but I would like to see your actual body. Hiding all your shots with a full teddy or clothes causes me to think you're hiding something. Heavily airbrushed photos are another pet peeve. Originally Posted by fun.time.hobbyist
Agreed on all counts. I don't see why this is so difficult to understand. A lot of these women are thinking ahead to the day when they put this life behind them. Why would they want their face plastered all over the internet whore boards when they are trying to get on with their lives? Frankly, I'd rather see these women than the ones who aren't thinking beyond their next trick.

A little bit of research goes a long way towards eliminating the risk of being surprised when the lady opens the door. Once I get the "go" sign from folks I trust, I won't let a little thing like no face pics stop me.
Hey, I won't argue that you all have every right to do that. Just wanted to make it known that most of us skip right past the ad.... not ALL of us obviously. IMHO those who have nothing to hide will hide nothing. I would look hideous with a bald head, so I hide it by not shaving my head.

If for some reason the ad seems really interesting, I start my research. And I'm damn good at that. About 70% of the time, I can find an ad they posted ages ago through google cache or by looking in other major cities for the contact number. The 70% of the time I find the almighty face shot, I think, yep you probably WILL get more responses without it. This whole provider hobbyist scenario we all have going on is really give and take. From the ladies side, it awesome always being on the receiving end of the cash flow. Well, in return for this, we hobbyist don't have to worry about being 9s or 10s. Thanks for not being as picky as we are.
TinMan's Avatar
Just wanted to make it known that most of us skip right past the ad.... Originally Posted by knowshisstuff
I'm sure they appreciate the public service announcement. Do you have the data to back up the "most of us" claim? Or are you simply throwing it out there trying to convince chicks they aren't going to get business if they don't relieve themselves of this last vestige of privacy?
Don't get your panties all in a bunch. It's just a website dude. Yes, there are hoards of people like you out there that don't care either way. BUT there are a lot that share my opinion on seeing their face. So, if a profile HAD a face shot, nice body, catchy pitch, your group and my group would look it over with interest. However, if the face was covered, smudged up, swirled, or their head was missing in all their photos, yes your group would STILL be interested. Mine would move on.

So to recap, using pure logic, no BS stats dug up to prove my point, a provider ad showing her face will get more consideration than one without. The defense rests!
Oh and regarding instant gratification, I think that's kind of the point. Otherwise, I'd go back to either of the last two gfs I dumped. Providers are more sensible in so many ways. No emotional ties, upfront pricing, doesn't want to decorate my place, won't drag me to a chick flick or to go shopping at Target. I have a job that requires a hell of a lot of strategy, planning, re-selling, etc. It leaves me not wanting to argue about what to watch on TV or what to make for dinner. I spend all day being an uber uptight professional suit & tie guy. It's nice to relax with someone else who presents herself with such attention to detail (like hair looking cute, nails done, sexy eye shadow, etc). I have a lot of respect for providers. If you aren't willing to do whatever it takes to be rich and successful then you lack good survival skills.
why your group will have fewer choices too.
How about you post your pic in here for the world to see?
Its the same for the ladies discretion has to be a must for some of them.
Int3rested's Avatar
Several choices and many ways to make your decisions... faceless provider ads work.
I dunno who you're preaching to but it seems to be a pretty lame choir. What, they can't make their own decisions?

C'mon, dude ... get up & walk it off. I know it must've hurt but it's not life-crippling. If it was, then you'll have a new name ... 'Gimpy'.

I do just fine without showing my face. Screened or not, my pics don't leave my harddrive. I haven't changed anything about my process of handling the gents and they're perfectly happy.

Discretion commands it's own price without someone's careless influence dictating it.
cowboy45's Avatar
I think there's a mindset here that comes into play.
If a guys looks at this hobby as buying a piece of meat at the butcher shop he's gonna want to see the whole thing. He isn't interested in the more subtle pleasures of getting to know a great mind or sharp personality, he's in it for the "instant gratification" that's already been discussed. To me it's like the guys who are only interested in how many bells can be had. It's different than what I want but hey, to each his own. To my way of thinking they are missing a lot by not exploring all the possibilities of how to get to that bell, the interesting little side explorations and journeys that can add a lot to the main trip of finding the bell. Or also, the girls whose face doesn't show but are in fact really beautiful or who maybe aren't, but are great lovers, great conversationalists and great wits. I've experienced a few ladies whose face I wouldn't have picked out of a line up but who I was totally "smitten" by after as little as an hour in their company.
This game is to be played by each player's rules of selection, and each player's needs and wants, and as far as picking a lady to spend time with, I'm not sure that there can be a "right way" or "wrong way" to do it. Just do what works for you and enjoy.
As far as numbers, I don't have a clue which side of this particular debate is the larger but sometimg tells me that for any hobbyist who is discrete and respectful of the ladies lives, well, they understand the many reasons for restrictions on face shots. I can tell you this, once a shot is out there, even to one person, there is no getting it back and no way of knowing where it will end up or what circumstances it might be under. Give the girls a break. Or post your own picture, such as on P411 now. See how it feels to know you don't know where it might wind up. I don't really have anyone to hide it from but I'd be nervous. Of course I'm one of those who would be hiding his due to "butt ugly" factor.
fun.time.hobbyist's Avatar
What have we learned from this? First, knowshisstuff has way too much time on his hands if he can do his research, find an old ad and find his elusive face shot. Second, it really doesn't seem to matter all that much to most people. Most people get it and seem to really care less. There's no right answer on this topic. You have your opinion, and it's just opinion. Post your pic on here and see if you want your friends and family to see you on a whore board. Same goes for the ladies. Many have plans for a life beyond this. They don't want to this past to come back and haunt them. All you have to do is look at the long line of providers in the past who have suddenly disappeared from here because their pics were discovered by a family member or jealous ex. The repercussions for the ladies is big. So you're not going to convince providers to suddenly show their faces. Just deal with it. Move on if you don't want to see them.
eewok's Avatar
  • eewok
  • 07-11-2010, 06:18 PM
I think it is perfectly understandable that these ladies have a life and value discretion just as much as I do. You are going to miss out on some absolutely gorgeous ladies if you don't see providers with no face ads.