Who knows your in the hobby?

Nobody. And I fully intend to keep it that way.
travis13131's Avatar
I do not tell men, because if I did they would not want to get to know me.
Outside the hobby, I would be drooling. And could not think other than that!!! You are 100% right As a man +1
Very few people, but still way too many. What I have learned is in theory most people are ok with it, but if they find out it's more than theoretical they are very quick to judge. I don't tell people any longer and intend to let the people that already know forget over time if possible.

Where was Claire getting Botox injected and why has no one made a joke about her paying to get a prick in the face? Seriously?!?
Perfect example...went into liquor store to inquire about single malt scotch & various other things to buy for my gentleman friends. The man was really polite and professional. Then I mentioned that I entertained gentleman with finer taste's, so I needed a variety of really good liquor. He began to get really cheesy, unprofessional and distracted! I get enough attention in the hobby. I don't like guys outside treating me that way too.
Fun to pick smart and edgy peeps that Trees unlikely to ever meet again, call them perfect strangers, and tell a lot of information, entertain questions: men, women, peeps that are young and hip and hot, and the dowdy too. Learnt more from their reactions, and questions from any other source.

Twice it has led to peeps deciding to become providers. Once it led to hiring two providers for attending a naughty party. Once it led to a woman who Trees has seen many times, who has committed herself to fucking "better and more deeply" than a provider ever could. Her words not Trees.

Strangers. Perfect Strangers.

Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 09-10-2013, 10:16 PM
Some have asked, some have guessed but I never confess. (Tip from Wild Bill Clinton)

In Civy life a secret beyond 1 is a secret to none. And that's why we have these "communities".

I'm fairly certain that even the "quiet" ones on ECCIE get a bit of relief knowing that they're not wierd in pursuing "the hobby".

If there is one person that has the highest suspicion it would be my Doctor since I've told him that I have multiple partners. He threw me a "knowing glance" and did not ask how many.
NipLover's Avatar
A handful of odd acquaintances know. My boss know. He keeps saying he is going to take the plunge.
I get enough attention in the hobby. I don't like guys outside treating me that way too. Originally Posted by Scarlett Rossi
Eggzactly! I also get uncomfortable when men are a little too nosy when I'm buying condoms or taking my time at toy shops. It's not an "I'm uncomfortable with my sexuality" sort of thing but a "can't I just put on some goddamn yoga pants and take my time shopping for a glass dildo in peace" sort of way. I really like being able to clock-out of the "slutty girl who likes getting people off" persona, which is usually not too complicated for me because I look sweet and innocent enough.

As for who is in the know: When I first started out I let one of my best platonic male friends know, because he is sensible and has known me pretty much my whole life and I needed someone reasonable to bounce the idea off of to make sure I wasn't totally crazy. He also helped me with some web stuff, was my person who knew when I was with a gentleman and the person I checked back with to let know I was safe after a gentleman left. My best female friend was my roommate at the time and I eventually let her know when the stars were aligned and she was curious and supportive (even guessed it before I told her) and even became a sex worker for a bit after I showed her the ropes. A good friend of mine/former fuck-buddy in college was also in the loop. He was the second person I'd ever slept with and had seen my crazy journey from virgin to anonymous sex with strangers to swingers clubs, so letting him in on the hobby seemed normal. He loved hearing the stories in a "life is so crazy" sort of way and not in a "hold on, let me get my dick out" sort of way.

As far as being outed: A crazy ex was given my hobby information once a swingers club buddy of his recognized my ad when he was on a business trip to Dallas and was looking around. Bad news. My friend I told at the very first also let his girlfriend know (she happened to be a close college friend of mine) and I could have kicked him in the balls, but she's sex positive and respectful so the word stopped with her.

I am often tempted to tell people that I know well enough to know they won't blab it just for the shock value, but I've made the rule to sober up and sleep on it and I always wake up thinking "thank God I didn't say anything!" It is very difficult to keep my stubborn, always-have-to-be-right mouth shut when coworkers make wild assertions about our world. No female coworker, there is no way in hell you could become a hooker and make $3k a night. You don't have the body, the attitude, the aptitude, or the patience to last a week.

tl;dr...same as always.
knotty man's Avatar
well damnit!
thanks to this thread,everyone on this site knows i hobby now.
guess ill have to get my birth certificate legally changed from Knotty to some generic stupid ass name , like Tony or some shit
I kind of get off keeping my little secret and working(in the real world)side by side with very rigid, sometimes snooty people. I love it when they(especially the women) make comments about a girl they deem promiscuous!
sue_nami's Avatar
I told my Dr and he mentioned the possibility of barter. I don't even tell my swinger friends as everyone is judgmental and it changes how they act. My best friends know. folks are so quick to judge.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I tried to tell my dad once...he didn't believe me..he laughed and bought me another beer :-)
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
My immediate family are aware, including my kids, the youngest is almost 17. I am an open person and find myself unable to live a lie which backfires in that I have very few people in my life and am often lonely.

I think of myself as providing unconditional love and acceptance in a world of judgement and intolerance thus a worthy purpose. Others may think that sounds reasonable yet still condemn my actions. I hate the stereotype of money hungry, heartless playa types that is still prevalent in today's society and the hustlers who propagate that image. The hooker with a heart of gold needs to make a comeback! ;-)

On a side note, Xaviera Hollander, author of "The Happy Hooker" & Penthouse's Call Me Madame forum, was my hero since adolescence. Despite knowing the hobby existed, I was completely unaware of its moniker and the internet presence until joining the ranks in late 2005. Go figure... :-)
sunspots's Avatar
I just don't see the point of letting anyone know a lot of what I do hobbywise or not. I am big on privacy.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I just don't see the point of letting anyone know a lot of what I do hobbywise or not. I am big on privacy. Originally Posted by sunspots
It all depends on your situation. Some are more open about what they do, swing, casual sex, escorts. If you are not comfortable about talking or sharing your hobby then don't, some of us do and it is just part of the hobby, it really is no big secrete, everyone knows it exists in one form or another. If you have a lot to loos, SO, job, statues in the community, then discretion is wise, if you are free and open then you really don't have anything to fear or lose. Do I care if some day I want to get in a relationship and the lady finds out I was a whore monger, no, she will already know from me telling her.

Many prim time TV shows have used the hobby as a big part of there main characters.

House was a whore monger and they played on that all the time, very successful show. Boston Legal, William Shatners character "Denny Crane" was a whore monger and they also plaid that up frequently too. It is part of society,
Just like pot, it too will be legal some day, look out house wives, your
time is ticking away