Still Looking for an actual ALERT pt 1 of 12

Still Looking's Avatar
Here you go Marco. Feel free to use a contrasting color type and just give us the answers you promised. I don't want you having to waste a lot of time flipping back to the Alert Thread to review the list!

1. You place ads in the Welcome Wagon and neglect to mention these providers are part of your agency!

2. Neko, Neko, come out where ever you are? Some one is texting hobbyist as if they are the providers. That most certainly is deceitful and a misrepresentation.

3.You have posted members avatar and a description of the member without there permission.

4. Your company offers shitty service! For weeks I tried to see the provider Pearis who is still up on your site. Bait and switch! Don’t bother telling me she exists. I know she does. But are you telling us she is unavailable for weeks at a time! If that’s the case then why the WW ad? Give me a break!

5. You lie to your clients! Your company has represented certain providers know each other when in fact they do not!

6. Your right about the hard working young ladies you have working for you deserving respect! They should go Indy or move to an agency where such poor business practices are not be facilitated!

7. You have collected data on your providers. You have turned on utilities in providers names and NOT paid the bill!

8. Representatives linked to you have solicited providers working for illegitimate agencies, promising the world! Many of these providers have come forward publicly.

9. You'repiss poor ethics have given reputable agencies a bad rap by association.

10. If I wanted to out you, you would be outed! That’s NOT my style! Hard to believe you want people to play by the rules yet you do nothing of the sort! You have a lot of nerve quoting ECCIE rules and policies! Speaking of OUTING, where did you get the information you have published on your site? And how did you get it?

11. Your accessing and monitoring the ROS section of the reviews. After sharing this information with the providers you pressure the hobbyist in order to delete or edit the review! Your staff has posted BS reviews!

12. Lets say, you know nothing about what’s going on. Let’s say you’re removed from the business practices being used by your company! Wouldn't you want to know what other ECCIE members are experiencing while dealing with your organization? Save face, no apology needed, do the right thing. Clean it up and move on!

You asked for 12, you got 12!ECCIE rules and my charactor prohibite me from giving any more!

Lastly, lets put a 12hr deadline to fill in the topics...
Bottom line Marco / Mint / Risquebb, get my ECCIE handle off of your site along with my description. It’s the very least you can do, and I go away! Rest assured I will NOT be using your site or seeing any providers having anything to do with you or your organization(s)! I will give you one thing; you or who ever you might have responding to this has some balls even doing so! FYI: If you continue to do business the way you do, there is a chance I might PM or call a provider that you are representing. Just tell me to FUCK OFF, I be happy to do so! If your going to come back with Deny, Deny, Deny… don’t waste the bandwidth! Once again, just take down my ECCIE handle and my description and I’m done with you.

hon·es·ty/ˈänistē/ : fairness and straightforwardness of conduct; adherence to the facts.

I tend to ramble. Such is Zoey. On that note..

Honesty. The truth. Wow.. what a taboo topic in a community such as this. The "sex industry" (and sex in general) has been damned as evil, promiscuous, dirty, filthy and downright wrong. This sacred & ancient custom has become something of a "I can't.. shouldn't.. won't.. but I want to.. " kind of thing. Look, sexuality is a primal urge. Feed it - respectfully. Safely. With care for yourself and whoever else is involved. Not too much to ask? Or is it? Dear God, I love sex..

I am no longer a provider. I've spent an absurd amount of my 20-something life living in the depths of lies. While I understand that half-truths or straight up avoidance of fact is a part of this industry.. I feel that in particular cases.. some hints as to "what you're getting in to" (excuse pun) is necessary. Obviously no one should be "outed" - whatever your definition of that is. Mine is as follows: "If you can read a review/ROS/TER/ANYTHING! and it gives blatant pointers/descriptions of the MALE or FEMALE.. let me repeat myself.. MALE or FEMALE. They should be removed. I, myself, have several tattoos and piercings. Good for me. Guess what? I'm caucasian "wht" (as risquebb would have it.. ) 5'6" - 130lbs - blonde hair. Perhaps, if I like, I'll add in my description that I have piercings and tattoos - which I believe P411 allows for. Noting that I have a tattoo of the Pythagorean theorem or perhaps an extremely untasteful pair of cherries somewhere on my bod is outing me. (The cherries prrrobably wouldn't give me away much.. )

Anyhow, there's this awesome thing.. it's called.. SEXUAL CHEMISTRY. Do you really want to see an escort that is not in to YOU? A brief description of your race, age & weight isn't much to ask, I don't think. What if they prefer older guys? You're golden! Younger guys? Not so much. The same is true in reverse. What if that IS what they prefer? Perhaps (I'm about to get crude) you just see a wet pussy as a wet pussy but.. in the eyes of a female.. a dick isn't just a dick. The more I'm in to you the tighter I get.. the more I want to jump your bones.. the more I build it up in my mind what you might look like, feel like, taste like. The more I want to fuck the shit out of you. Mystery is not lost.. instead.. fantasy is born.

I understand we all have our separate lives. Our "reality" - our "real world." Discretion is KEY. Security and knowing that your latest escapade will be kept between the two of you is KEY. I've learned this from first hand experience. Your actions today will most definitely affect you tomorrow. How you choose to handle them is up to you.

On to the topic of Marco of m!nt - oh goodness. Here comes honesty, again. I'm not trying to lure you.. to get your business.. and the following will surely not get it. The year and a half I spent escorting as a 21 year old was brutal. Brutal. It's not your fault. It's no one's fault. Some would call it a "daddy issue" - maybe so. Whatever the case, I could never see a client without being completely inebriated.. drunk to the point of oblivion. I was tired of relying on my carrot-holding-mother for finances.. so.. I used the only I asset I thought I had at the time - my body. It got me by for awhile - but it certainly didn't land me anywhere friendly. The gents were (for the most part) friendly and respectful.. but there were many that weren't and I'd been happy to have known to avoid or at LEAST be cautioned of.

I sat at my computer, drunk and crying. Bleeding, even. I was a cutter. I had just left my husband and child at the age of 19. We had a thriving business. WTF was I going to do now? Craigslist to the rescue! I found the most awful of awful "pimps" you could ever find. I knew nothing about the business and would go to his house EVERY night and wait for a call to come in. This is all I knew. This is how I thought it was supposed to be. I was naive and completely ignorant to the "biz." Somehow, in the midst of it all, I received a wake up call. "THIS ISN'T RIGHT!" I then tried a few other agencies - all of which were similar to the previous ones. At a photo shoot one night.. I met a girl named Nikki. She said one of her regulars told her to check out m!nt. & so I did..

We both called Marco that night.. unfortunately he told us he was shutting down the service within a few months but would take us under his wing until then. My first thought was "UGH! I need help here! I have NO fucking idea what I'm doing." Marco slowly closed down the "doors" of m!nt and helped all the girls that he knew become independent. Sure, there were "drops" while the incall was available.. as there should be. Sure, he helped coordinate.. but never EVER EVER EVER was he disrespectful, poking or prodding for information in regards to me or the client. He trusted our judgement and asked that we relay this feedback in a safe & secure way.

His main concern was (and IS - as I understand it) to keep US safe and to keep YOU safe. Let me emphasize.. SAFE and SECURE.

Here's some more honesty to dash at ya: I've been living in Hawai'i and all over Asia for the past year. Marco and I have been in light touch over this period of time. I will NEVER say a bad word about him. EVER. Shit happens. Get over it. He makes dick moves. He says dick things, based upon his better judgement. He's definitely not perfect. Goodness gracious, who is? If I were to ever go back to an agency - I'd call him in a heartbeat. Thing is - after a meeting over coffee - he's not in the biz anymore and is going in other directions. As am I

This could have been much more articulate but.. alas.. my rambling fingers couldn't help themselves.

To say I haven't talked to Marco before this post would be a lie. I talked to Marco. I got the scoop. I READ ALL the threads.. over and over and over and.. over! Marco/ is not out to get you or expose you.. just out to make the entire experience more pleasant & safe for everyone. The "biz" has been dead to him for quite awhile.. he's lent way too many helping hands, in my opinion. Overextended himself, if I may. If you, the client or provider, are unhappy with the information that is displayed on - I'm sure that he'll remove it. SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY! For fuck's sake..

That's a whole 'nother story in and of it itself.

All this being said; in my insanity, my break downs, my awful (AWFUL) experiences with "pimps" - Marco has NEVER let me down. He's not a pimp. He's a valued friend and confidant who does his best to bring integrity to the business. We all slip up now and then. That's what being human is all about. Learning from mistakes.. growing and all that other esoteric bullshit. Marco of m!nt saved me from a mother fucking travesty. He helped me in ways that I could probably never properly express (as of yet). To dog him would be like dogging the entire industry and/or a great friend. It's a bittersweet symphony - and Marco is definitely much more on the sweet side of things.

In summary: I'm happy to have met Marco, worked with him, befriended him and realized that this is all for PLEASURE & *not* for unnecessary drama. Enjoy your life. Enjoy & respect the women you come in to contact with and please understand that a sneak peek in to who you are isn't the end of the world.. in fact it's the stage for a mounting fantasy..

Much love to you all!


BTW! This is a photo of me on one of my latest travels - Florence, Italy. I'm not hiding anymore BUT please understand I completely and totally respect *your* privacy. Au revoir!

Here's me in Italy..

I just want a date with Selena
sonnyd100's Avatar
Still Looking's Avatar
WOW Zoey... thanks for joining and chiming in! I wouldn't waste your time with this BS. Your in Italy for heavens sake! So many things to do and see! Go have fun!

Must sees are the Vatican and the Colosseum while in Rome. I would most certainly concider trips to Venice, Matera, Pompei and the wine region of Tuscany. They say France is so romantic, but it doesn't hold a candle to Italy. I hope your with some one special.

My favorite Italian Joke: Hey I went to school in Italy? Really what school? Wait for it..... "Whats A Matter U" LOL

I know its a guy thing, but how could you not go visit the Ferrari Factory in Maranello? Its not to far from Rome!
harkontume's Avatar
next testimonial

Billy Graham " Marco saved me from myself ! "
Quoted for truth, pure and simple.
Okay, I can understand why some may have their feathers ruffled by seeing their "handles" populate on a board without their consent - in fact, I can relate. That is how I wound up on ECCIE. A hobbyist wrote a review on me and essentially created an online personality of my actions as a provider. My physical description, demeanor and preferred sexual activities were detailed in said post; all were done without my consent. So again, I can relate. Originally Posted by K lovve
Still Looking's Avatar
next testimonial

Billy Graham " Marco saved me from myself ! " Originally Posted by harkontume
Billy Graham, Benny Hinn and now Marco! LOL I'm starting to feel the warmth of his sincerity right here over the internet lines right onto my computer! It’s running right through my fingers from the key board. There it is... I am healed! Do I hear an Amen?

And for your listen pleasure, Moves by Marco!

Just shoot for the stars
If it feels right
Then aim for my heart
If you feel like
And take me away, make it okay
I swear I'll behave

You wanted control
So we waited
I put on a show
Now I make it
You say I'm a kid
My ego is big
I don't give a shit
And it goes like this

Take me by the tongue
And I'll know you
Kiss me till you're drunk
And I'll show you

You want the moves like jagger
I've got the moves like jagger
I've got the mooooooves... like jagger

I don't need try to control you
Look into my eyes and I'll own you

With them the moves like jagger
I've got the moves like jagger
I've got the mooooooves... like jagger

[Verse 2]
Maybe it's hard
When you feel like you're broken and scarred
Nothing feels right
But when you're with me
I make you believe
That I've got the key

So get in the car
We can ride it
Wherever you want
Get inside it
And you want to steer
But I'm shifting gears
I'll take it from here
And it goes like this

Take me by the tongue
And I'll know you
Kiss me till you're drunk
And I'll show you

You want the moves like jagger
I've got the moves like jagger
I've got the mooooooves... like jagger

I don't need try to control you
Look into my eyes and I'll own you

With them the moves like jagger
I've got the moves like jagger
I've got the mooooooves... like jagger

You wanna know how to make me smile
Take control, own me just for the night
And if I share my secret
You're gonna have to keep it
Nobody else can see this

So watch and learn
I won't show you twice
Head to toe, ooh baby, roll me right
And if I share my secret
You're gonna have to keep it
Nobody else can see this

And it goes like this

Take me by the tongue
And I'll know you
Kiss me till you're drunk
And I'll show you

You want the moves like jagger
I've got the moves like jagger
I've got the mooooooves... like jagger

I don't need try to control you
Look into my eyes and I'll own you

With them the moves like jagger
I've got the moves like jagger
I've got the mooooooves... like jagger

Hahaha.. oh boy..

I'm back in the states. Italy was amazing, of course

I don't see providing an honest account of events/experiences as a waste of time. Just doing for someone what I'd hope they'd do for me.

Best of luck!
  • Vyt
  • 10-25-2011, 09:55 AM
hon·es·ty/ˈänistē/ : fairness and straightforwardness of conduct; adherence to the facts.

I tend to ramble. Such is Zoey. Originally Posted by zoeyology
If this thread taught me anything, it's that I regret not seeing Zoey while she was active.
Still Looking's Avatar
See it really doesn't matter who is on the other end of the text. What matters is its NOT the provider! Just because we don't know WHO it is, has nothing to do with it NOT being the provider.

You can't even get a straight answer from him as to weather of not he is involved with the agency. Is it his site(s)? He has contradicted himself so many times its ridiculous. He obviously loves the attention. Take my alias ECCIE handle down from your site and my description. Were done! Now that would just be way too easy! He is just sitting there getting all this attention and loves every minute of it! If he claims no involvement, then why in the hell is he dealing with this? Have any of you heard of Marley’s Angles? They are an Agency. Guess who runs it? That’s right Marley. Send her a PM, email or text. You will get her.

Any one with half a brain would have given straight answers, and removed the items in question and avoided all the drama.
Still Looking's Avatar
Hahaha.. oh boy..

I'm back in the states. Italy was amazing, of course

I don't see providing an honest account of events/experiences as a waste of time. Just doing for someone what I'd hope they'd do for me.

Best of luck! Originally Posted by zoeyology
I apologize! I took it for granted that the man in question who you refer to as Marco may have put you up to your testimonial. After a quick search, I realized I may have over reacted. I am sorry!

Interesting that while some people can call him Marco yet when I do it, I'm outing him? You know this is like playing basket ball with a retarded person and calling him on double dribble. I know I need to cut the guy some slack, but he is so off the wall, it is challenging to deal with him. This is taking way to much of my time. Its cutting into my hobby time. That kind of puts me on edge LOL. It’s hard to believe that he doesn't have enough common sense to do the right thing and make this go away. He has been confronted by countless people and he just ignores them! Moving on with his 12 step program.

Whispers's Avatar
Although you can measure someone as a result of what they have DONE at times....

What they have DONE can easily be overshadowed by what they are doing.

Using pictures of providers on a website to drive traffic when the ladies pictured are not truthfully affiliated is bait and switch. One of the lowest factors of dealing with Agencies..... The fact that that is occurring today outweighs any positive dealings with Mint in the past.

It is common for businesses of all kinds, including escorts, to be reviewed..... They put themselves out there when they accept cash for services rendered....

Trying to use that to justify collecting information and developing profiles on clients that can be too easily searched and accessed is a totally different story. This throws Mint into an EXTREMELY HIGH RISK category of Agencies......

Justify it anyway you want but expect it to spread fast that these practices are in place and watch what happens to not just the Agency traffic but the ladies that are affiliated with the Agency. It follows them when they leave as well... When girls leave agencies they tend to continue practices they learned....

I'm still amazed that someone that had the ability to build what at one time was a well thought of business would embark on such a disastrous course.....

This is similar in nature to that Wildflower guy Max.... Whatever happened to that group?
I apologize! I took it for granted that the man in question who you refer to as Marco may have put you up to your testimonial. After a quick search, I realized I may have over reacted. I am sorry! Originally Posted by Still Looking
Sarcasm.. ?
I fail to see a difference; are providers not allowed to be concerned about their own safety? Speaking from personal experience, I would venture to guess that 90% of my reviews as a provider were written without my consent. Though they were fantastic and garnered a lot of business for me, they also left me in an extremely vulnerable position...

I was outed recently, and the information collected (or submitted) was staggering. Not only were physical details gathered to pinpoint my identity, but personality quirks and telling traits of myself were compiled to identify me in my civilian life. Am I not allowed to be concerned with such a thing? Is there a difference? No, there absolutely is not.

As a provider, or former provider, I will continue to be an advocate for the rights to privacy and safety for women in this community. I want to know who I am seeing; I want to know if we will be compatible, if I will enjoy myself. I also want to ensure that the man showing up on my doorstep is in fact the person I have been communicating with. Are you familiar with p411? That site also has a description of it's members; it too allows providers to make notes on their dates, which has proven to be extremely beneficial in the date decision process.

It can be argued that once a woman makes the sound decision to become a provider, she is opening herself up to scrutiny under the review process. That may very well be true, but she isn't the only participant involved. I think it is naive and extremely ignorant to think that men are excluded from any kind of discussion. I have been blessed with my selection of dates and have nothing negative to report about any of them; however, if I had a negative experience you can guarantee others would have heard about it.

I don't give two hoots about the Handler of Mint - I do, however, think that you have to look at the benefits of RisqueBB as a separate entity of Him. Chase him with your swords and guns, but leave the site alone.