The US budget numbers eloquently reveal the story of the US financial history.
Bush came into office with a $128 Billion surplus left by Clinton, which he promptly crapped down the toilet with his unfunded and totally unnecessary invasion of Iraq.
President Obama came into office with skyrocketing spending by the Bush policies and tax cuts for the wealthy.
President Obama is working on lowering US spending and returning our troops home that never should have been sent there in the first place. That dimwitted move by Bush played right into Bin Laden's hand by handing him a terrorist recruitment tool and a war that sucked this country's blood and treasure.
We still have a lot of work to do to turn this economy around, but it is obvious which party has the good of the country at heart and which party is just addicted to power. Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Touché, "Fast gun" Well the first thing that I see wrong in your graph is that it has .gov in it. Not a reliable source for the truth, plus the graph is just inaccurate. Don't get upset but the purpose of the graph that you posted is to dumb people down on purpose! You can believe the graph you posted all you want but I'll trust the latter. Just think about the graph you posted. How many billions are going to get spent on the "jobs" package that Obama is trying to get passed? How many billions, is it around 400 billion to be in the ballpark? Are you even living on this planet or are you in a deep denial? Au revoir!