Starbucks apologizes after 2 uniformed Riverside County deputies were allegedly refused service

This piece of shit in Dallas was sent to his reward by means of a remote controlled robot and a pound of C4. The liberals and intelligensia are going into contortions deciding whether this was kool or just another step up the drone program. What say you?

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
From the board. I posted on this thread. Don't believe you did.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
It seems to me that any business, large or small, could tell their employees that any breech of decorum will result in firing followed by a review. Too many idiots think that their personal biases justify stupid behavior.
  • oeb11
  • 12-15-2019, 10:27 AM
Stupid behavior enabled by maxine Waters and her calls to "assault" anyone not DPST - stupid behavior enabled by DPST leadership - who think is just fine to sic Anti-Fa terrorists on anyone not of DPST religiosity.
It seems to me that any business, large or small, could tell their employees that any breech of decorum will result in firing followed by a review. Too many idiots think that their personal biases justify stupid behavior. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Too many idiots are being backed up by the media, the DNC, their twitter followers, Oregon Politicians, and Antifa. Some also believe that their firing or discipline could be followed by a big check.
  • oeb11
  • 12-15-2019, 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
This piece of shit in Dallas was sent to his reward by means of a remote controlled robot and a pound of C4.

JDB is correct. First such use of police robot in Dallas. Saved further lives of policemen/women who did have to risk themselves in an assault on the sniper.

There was a great deal of debate in the liberal press about the use of "rights-dnyial means " to stop the threat. It was eventually realized that a sniper who kills 5 cops deserves the response - as he refused multiple offers to surrender peacefully. Doesn't stop the DPST anti-cop narrative - they just incorporate it without the multiple surrender offers to the sniper as cop murder of a poor abused individual who had his rights violated.

No concern at all for the Cops protectinig the citizens who lost their lives.

Typical DPST propaganda.

For the DPST's - next time someone assaults you, breaks in your home , pulls a gun on you, mugs you or your family - do call your friendly local DPST office and ask for a squadron of Anti-Fa for protection.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yup the funny part is the coppers Protect them to , ^^^ maybe they should call well GHOSTBUSTER
  • oeb11
  • 12-16-2019, 10:22 AM
Call Melissa McCarthy!
Watch the "Happytime Murders" movie.