What happens in New York never stays in New York

Yssup Rider's Avatar
LOL! Bub... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Just as I suspected. A dodge from our resident retard.

Fuck off, stupid.
LexusLover's Avatar
If I have 16 rifles and you have only 2 .... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
#1: It's not fair that you have 16 and he has 2
#2: To make it fair, add them together and divide by 2.
#3: You get 1/2 and he gets 1/2.
#4: And now you have to teach him how to keep his 9 rifles clean.
FU_CC's Avatar
  • FU_CC
  • 12-31-2013, 08:28 AM
#1: It's not fair that you have 16 and he has 2
#2: To make it fair, add them together and divide by 2.
#3: You get 1/2 and he gets 1/2.
#4: And now you have to teach him how to keep his 9 rifles clean. Originally Posted by LexusLover
RochBob's Avatar
The disparity in income levels between the Rich and the Poor have always been and will continue to be causes of Social friction. If everyone contributed to the Tax base and not just 51% we would be in much better shape financially as a country. Because frankly the current Tax scheme is ultimately doomed to fail at some point. You will either have taken all the Money from the Rich people or they will (as some already have) departed our shores for more favorable Countries. It's kind of like the Mexicans now staying or returning home because we have exported so many of the jobs they used to come here for over the Border. I am waiting for the day when the Federal Government goes totally Socalist on us, seizes everything and we get what we get based on our Social Security card.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The disparity in income levels between the Rich and the Poor have always been and will continue to be causes of Social friction. If everyone contributed to the Tax base and not just 51% we would be in much better shape financially as a country. Because frankly the current Tax scheme is ultimately doomed to fail at some point. You will either have taken all the Money from the Rich people or they will (as some already have) departed our shores for more favorable Countries. It's kind of like the Mexicans now staying or returning home because we have exported so many of the jobs they used to come here for over the Border. I am waiting for the day when the Federal Government goes totally Socalist on us, seizes everything and we get what we get based on our Social Security card. Originally Posted by RochBob
Well said... whatever it was that you said...

Well said... whatever it was that you said...

YOW! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Bonehead Rider, let ET Williams explain it to you...

BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 01-01-2014, 07:26 AM
The disparity in income levels between the Rich and the Poor have always been and will continue to be causes of Social friction. If everyone contributed to the Tax base and not just 51% we would be in much better shape financially as a country. Because frankly the current Tax scheme is ultimately doomed to fail at some point. You will either have taken all the Money from the Rich people or they will (as some already have) departed our shores for more favorable Countries. It's kind of like the Mexicans now staying or returning home because we have exported so many of the jobs they used to come here for over the Border. I am waiting for the day when the Federal Government goes totally Socalist on us, seizes everything and we get what we get based on our Social Security card. Originally Posted by RochBob
Well, everyone should pay some tax - you have a point there. Like sales tax, gas tax, cigarette tax,medicare and medicaid, social security, property tax, etc
but why? You never answered the question. Why does someone who has more have to be taxed more, actually double taxed more? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Surely you are familiar with the political concept of "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs"
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
but why? You never answered the question. Why does someone who has more have to be taxed more, actually double taxed more? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
There is no "fair" when it comes to federal income taxes. We have had a graduated income tax possibly since the first day that the FIT was started. Today our top tax rate is 39.6%. In 1986 it was 50%. In 1979 it was 70%. So the rich are richer into today's U.S.
If you compare our top bracket to that of other similar countries, I think you'll find our top bracket to be among the lowest.

Some people pay 0% FIT. Is that "fair"? I am in the 28% FIT bracket. Is that "fair"? Although I, as most, would certainly like to pay less in FIT, I think the system is fair.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You have a very funny definition of what "fair" is. Then again, there is no real absolute definition of that word. It is in the eye of the beholder. Maybe we could go with "just" instead. So if someone works hard, has a great idea, and spends the time to be successful then it is "just" that they be taxed more than someone who works for them. Someone who does not create hundreds of jobs, someone who's success does not create millions of tax dollars for the government someone who does not provide a public service. So you think it is "just" to screw over the producer for the devourer.

For Bertie; should someone pay a tax for something that they do not use? You did say that EVERYONE should pay taxes.

Yes, I understand the concept of Marx and also that it has failed everytime it has been tried.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Groucho, Chico or Harpo?