Please stick CrowdStrike where the sun don't shine...

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  • WTF
  • 01-25-2020, 06:00 PM
WTF, btw, right now your RCP article links to two articles on, a Russian government owned news outlet.

Go back and listen to Rick Santelli's rant on CNBC that started the Tea Party movement. The Tea Party was all about LOWERING the deficit.

As to your second point, what happens if rates go way up? Say inflation hits 4% so the Fed raises interest rates to 7%. That means we pay $1 trillion more per year in interest expense on our $22 trillion debt. Total income tax revenues right now are about 1.9 trillion per year, so we're fucked. Also, look at Trump's background. He's borrowed enormous amounts of money, so he's predisposed to favor lower interest rates. Originally Posted by Tiny
The Feds are not raising the rates to 7%...but3% might be a sweet spot.

All they are doing is creating a stock market bubble.
  • Tiny
  • 01-25-2020, 06:25 PM
The Feds are not raising the rates to 7%...but3% might be a sweet spot.

All they are doing is creating a stock market bubble. Originally Posted by WTF
Inflation is running 2.3%. My gut tells me you're right, about both 3% and a bubble. However the fed governors and staff know a lot more then we do. German short term rates are -0.6% and Japanese are -0.1%.
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  • WTF
  • 01-26-2020, 07:28 AM
We need to let Germany and Japan rebuild their military and give them some nukes!

They can be the equivalent of our Jewish friends in Israel. Except we won't have to give them as much welfare as the Israelis!

Are you listening friendly fred!
lustylad's Avatar
We need to let Germany and Japan rebuild their military and give them some nukes! Originally Posted by WTF
Why would we give them nukes? You don't think they know how to make them if they wanted to?

Gawd are you stupid!
lustylad's Avatar
The Feds are not raising the rates to 7%... Originally Posted by WTF
He said "if inflation hits 4%" - which is not at all improbable. Can't you read? We've seen much worse when the economy was under the inept stewardship of your feckless peanut farmer hero Jimmy Carter. Or don't you remember?
LexusLover's Avatar

Gawd are you stupid! Originally Posted by lustylad
That's a compliment for him!

So he apparently believes it's ok for Iran to have nukes ...

..... so they can kill Jews!
LexusLover's Avatar
...Or don't you remember? Originally Posted by lustylad
He never knew! If he'd shut up for a few days he might learn something.
lustylad's Avatar
He never knew! Originally Posted by LexusLover
He knows. The dumbass once tried to give Jimmy Carter "credit" for appointing Paul Volker as Fed Chairman in 1979. That's like giving an arsonist credit for calling the fire department after starting the blaze!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-26-2020, 10:34 AM
He said "if inflation hits 4%" - which is not at all improbable. Can't you read? We've seen much worse when the economy was under the inept stewardship of your feckless peanut farmer hero Jimmy Carter. Or don't you remember? Originally Posted by lustylad
Look dickhead....I can read well enough to have already bet you once that Trump would not sustain 3% GDP.

Now do you wanna bet me the Fed raises rates to 7%?

I think I let you and bambino a self ban for being so fucking stupid.

At one time you had enough sense to know Trump is a phoney.

Remember Sugar High, sugar britches?
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  • WTF
  • 01-26-2020, 10:39 AM
That's a compliment for him!

So he apparently believes it's ok for Iran to have nukes ...

..... so they can kill Jews! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Trump can't even keep Rocket Man from getting nukes.

Iran will eventually get nukes , maybe not in your limited lifetime but like Pakistan, they'll get nukes.

I would much rather be friendly with Iran than the Saudi's.
lustylad's Avatar
I would much rather have my throat slit by Iran than the Saudi's. Originally Posted by WTF

Why don't we let them flip a coin?
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  • WTF
  • 01-26-2020, 02:13 PM

Why don't we let them flip a coin? Originally Posted by lustylad
You want to make any more economic bets junior?

Trump couldn't top 3% GDP....and you think the Fed will spike to 7%.

Now do you understand why Carter did not get reelected? Give Trump 7% interest and see how his reelection turns out.

While we are at it can you show me the year Trump topped 3% GDP?
bambino's Avatar
The Feds are not raising the rates to 7%...but3% might be a sweet spot.

All they are doing is creating a stock market bubble. Originally Posted by WTF
Sure they are, just like the sugar high you predicted 3yrs ago. Longest sugar high in history!!!!
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  • WTF
  • 01-26-2020, 03:41 PM
Sure they are, just like the sugar high you predicted 3yrs ago. Longest sugar high in history!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
Trimps sugar high hadn't averaged above 3% and is looking about like Obama's last three years minus the TRILLION dollar deficits Trump is running.

Do you two nitwits want to get into another pissing contest to try and prove which one has no gag reflex on Trumps dick? Look...I believe you both love the man equally.
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  • WTF
  • 01-26-2020, 03:52 PM
bambino....what is Trump's GDP numbers? Remember wtf you predicted? You and that ladyboy lusty...
