The ABC iInterview Has Come and Gone:

TheDaliLama's Avatar
He was orange.
adav8s28's Avatar

Grover Cleveland was the first and only President to serve non consecutive terms. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Let's hope it stays that way!!!
Let's hope it stays that way!!! Originally Posted by adav8s28
Well ya know what they say, "History repeats itself .
Lucas McCain's Avatar
^^^It is probably about to in all likelihood because Joe refuses to go.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Remember the infamous Donna Brazille giving the questions to Hillarity Clintoon before her debate? Seems team BI-DONE has flipped the script by giving the ABC team the questions they wanted asked of Slo-Joe in that interview.
Ya'll should question that.
ICU 812's Avatar
It is my guess that at the decision to run or not run is not really up to President Biden these days.

I am beginning to see that those actually controlling him are not even part of the left's political elite. More and more, it seems that his family are who are calling the shots for their husband/father/brother. It is , not some shadowy, string pulling doner, not some political advisor to a previous president . . . . .and not Mr. Biden himself.

After all, he is their key to the gravy train.