Do You Visit Ladies on Tour?

40F Cougar's Avatar
Ladies let this be a lesson, some guys never forgive shitty tcb so get and keep your shit together.

Oh ya my point was yes they were my words cuz I typed them and put it my way but it came from his general bitch out. I only mention this to clear up any confusion.

Carry on Originally Posted by homer13
Sorry must apologize to your friend...a year ago I had just moved out here and was going though a stressful time moving across country and in less than 4 months moving again. Not trying to make excuses; maybe he'd like to give a lady another try, but if not I truly understand.
Oh and I wasn't "slow" I would have liked to meet a couple more guys, but then I'm not high volume anyway. I'm not complaining, I was only asking a simple question. Didn't mean to piss anyone off.
If you're hotter looking than most local girls and competitively priced who cares where you're from?

If you're no better looking than the majority so-so selection of local talent then it makes more sense for guys to stick with the known lower volume local girl.

In other words be honest with yourself. If you know you're really hot then you have nothing to worry about. If you're not then you'd better be REAL competitive on pricing and menu for that phone to ring.
Hey Homer,

It is definitely frustrating when an excited person wants their results quickly. 40F is hard to make a date with, because she is phenomenal at what she does; best of all, she is a great person. My advice, is to keep trying. If she doesn't respond, it is for good reason - she is busy. She is worth it though!
Hey there smart guy, this thread is 5 years old, homer13 is not likely going to answer a tard.