I think we agree mostly. The american electorate for decades has been demanding, or at least accepting, all these increases in gov't services and entitlements that they essentially refuse to pay for. Our elected officials tell us we can have it and we believe them. I'd prefer they be honest about it. I'm in favor of a national health care safety net program that would be available to all who choose to participate for instance. Let's just be clear about the financing. Let's say, add a $.75 tax on fossil fuels and couple that with some efforts to bring down those fuel's pre-tax costs to minimize the pain.
Originally Posted by Ducbutter
I do agree with that ...
And just to provide a little perspective, the video referenced by WTF said the costs of the Salt Lake games was something on the order of 2.7 billion. The cost of the London games is estimated to be between 17-19 bil.
Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Winter Olympics always cost was less than Summer
The Olympics should be self-funding.
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Not according to Mitt Romney