Wow.. gimpy has michelleryan making threats on pm.

Actually this is the second one you draggebin to ruin their reputation for associating with you. No alerts on me except from you. Are you not tired of getting smashed troll. Everyone is laughing at you how you holding on to that one lie like it's your little blanket. Are you that pissed that a better man took your girl away?. She was a hooker sonof course she went where the money was. I don't know why you drag a stranger provider into your nightmares, she is not attractive.. are you just trying to make her popular?. The fact that no provider has ever stepped up against me tells you something. Your lies have no merit. Remember the two super hot girls that came on and defended me?. You and your mandles went after them with insults and trash talk. Unlike you I respect women. It's just real pathetic how much of a coward you are hiding behind the computer, funny how your life revolves around eccie. Lol.btw yes running into you would be awesome, lol but I feel you would faint with fear like those fainting sheep's... Lmfao. Ya ricky we all know your just hot air and are only a tough guy with the women in your past. Maybe you should box Michelle, I think she has more man features and qualities the you do. I don't think she would stand for your abuse.
I didn't drag no one moron. You've been throwing her into your every post and she asked you to stop.
But in typical Mata Leon rapist at large fashion you are too stupid to comprehend and started 3 rant threads on her.

Your penis must be so small you have to use tweezers to take a piss while sitting down, spreading the only hair you have as to not piss on yourself!
No I haven't I have never mention her at all. I have no idea who this girl is.
Uh huh...
You sure seem to know who she is here:
Why is that Rick?. Because you drag people in when your week and can't handle the heat. Everyone know your a troll and hate the mod that took your girl away. Be a man for once and handle your business. Quit using her pm to threaten people. Originally Posted by Mata Leon
Lying rapist!

She told you exactly who she is in the pm.
Why don't you post that up you lying sack, show everyone what a piece of refuse you are.
She did not, some one is lying to you.are you saying she is someone else besides her handle?.
Keep on lying pussy.
You used part of it in the title of your other thread lying sack.
The very same pm she told you that you were wrong and to leave her name out of your fucking post.
You know the one that you got butthurt about and started 3 rant threads after?
Typical Mata Leon lying rapist behavior.

What you fail to grasp is you're such a fucking idiot no one ever believes a word coming from you.
So it's obvious you sent the pm. I just post the handle that sent it. Just Michelle something read my post
Lol u wish your the only class clown. Like I said I have never heard of this girl untill you got her to send threats. I don't see her on your old ass week reviews. So who is she?
Threats? Post the PM you wuss!
You find any woman standing up to you threatening.
Must be the micro penis.
winn dixie's Avatar
Threats? Post the PM you wuss!
You find any woman standing up to you threatening.
Must be the micro penis. Originally Posted by rockerrick
I have given my proof over and over!! Post it mata, or apologize and go away!! Or could it be you're lying again....He likes making shit up.-By our great mod. ztonk talking about mata leon
wakethefuckup's Avatar
Have fun asshole, you started shit and she made fun of you... hahahaha
Special bus riding dipshitt. Originally Posted by rockerrick
off topic rude name calling insulting

You've been trying to drag an innocent provider into your bullshit, she told you to stop.
Now you just look like the idiot you always are.
Why don't you challenge her to meet you at Starbucks?
She's got the app and lots rewards points, coffee on her if you're not too big a pussy. Originally Posted by rockerrick
off topic rude name calling insulting

Sure they are Mata... this one came out and said you are wrong, sent you a pm to stop.
But here you are as always showing your true colors.
You need a vacation, sit down and think about what a worthless human being you have become.

Now here are all these threads because she won't shake in fear over Mata Peon?
FUCK OFF Originally Posted by rockerrick
off topic rude name calling insulting

Oh and all the providers that have been harrassed by you!
Fucking moron everyone has read all your idiotic rant threads.
Not to mention all the alerts dipshit.
This is the 3rd provider in the last week to call you out special bus riding midget Shrek!
You're a worthless turd floating in the toilet bowel called Eccie.
One day you'll make the mistake of actually running into me and I'll straighten your pussy ass out real good!!! Originally Posted by rockerrick

off topic rude name calling insulting

I didn't drag no one moron. You've been throwing her into your every post and she asked you to stop.
But in typical Mata Leon rapist at large fashion you are too stupid to comprehend and started 3 rant threads on her.

Your penis must be so small you have to use tweezers to take a piss while sitting down, spreading the only hair you have as to not piss on yourself! Originally Posted by rockerrick
off topic rude name calling insulting

Uh huh...
You sure seem to know who she is here:

Lying rapist!

She told you exactly who she is in the pm.
Why don't you post that up you lying sack, show everyone what a piece of refuse you are. Originally Posted by rockerrick
off topic rude name calling insulting

Threats? Post the PM you wuss!
You find any woman standing up to you threatening.
Must be the micro penis. Originally Posted by rockerrick

off topic rude name calling insulting

lets do our math

7 X 2 = 14

7 X 5 = 35
Poor little broken record.
The mods don't care why would they point or ban their new party fluffer. It's obvious he does something for the mods. Or maybe he is annoying yapping dog that they tune out or they go crazy. Either way it's funny how easy we get him riled up. Imagine how great it would be if not hobbying fluffers were banned.
Riled up? You and your alter pussythefuckup seem to be a little obsessed.
Does a minute go by in your day without thinking of me?
Yes when I bang a hot chick and laugh inside that at that moment your still on the board wasting your life while I am deep in a super hottie. LMFAO that stings doesn't it?