Encounter: Holy Anal, Batman! Mandy at E2 performs

  • pjl
  • 08-02-2024, 09:38 PM
Met Mandy, everyone has an opinion. She does have sexy curves and a great face and hair style. Body can not go wrong. Beautiful brown hair. Round ass.
Omg please stop white knight this almost embarrassing
GoodTyme's Avatar
Omg please stop white knight this almost embarrassing Originally Posted by Worthless man
Just to make this clear I am not “White-Knighting”, but after all this chatter I went by E2 to see Mandy for myself.

1) Definently not Mandy from Spearmint. (I knew this answer before, but confirmed anyways)

2) She is Cute, Natural breasts, with an above average Asian booty.

3) Now to this “Pudge” in the middle. No she does NOT have a flat tummy or washboard abs. She does NOT have mommy damage and loose skin in her midsection. She has the abdomen of many 25-35 women that may have had a child. Just like you see women who workout have a tone, but rounded abdomen. I could attach many photos of great looking women for comparison. I promise you that if she wore a modest bikini she would still turn heads as a MILF type body. I am for sure older than her, so if you are in your 20-30’s maybe you are stilled spoiled to flat tummies of childless women.

Know this is Mandy’s last week. Listen to this review & go see Mandy for yourself. Worst thing you can do is go in and ask to see her. Don’t like what you see, You can always leave and go elsewhere. Or check out the other girl there Mimi, she is Taller and Petite, for all those “pudge-haters”.

Does mandy do a good swallow ??