When the villain is Obama, not Trump, news suddenly becomes not worth reporting

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Bring it!


mentions 3. These crooks tried to destroy him and his family during the election, the transition and the Presidency itself.


Michelle Obama needs to accept that. No amount of Netflix propaganda or narcissistic memoirs will change what's going to happen.
Originally Posted by Redhot1960

not treason. sedition

right now there is no evidence of foreign govt. involvement which would constitute treason.
bambino's Avatar
not treason. sedition

right now there is no evidence of foreign govt. involvement which would constitute treason. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Not true:

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
not treason. sedition

right now there is no evidence of foreign govt. involvement which would constitute treason. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Not true:

https://www.criminaldefenselawyer.co...es/treason.htm Originally Posted by bambino

option C - BOTH


Obama Legacy be ...


and the best part .. they FAILED and they are getting EXPOSED for it.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
the video was removed by uploader. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Uhm, OK. Sure. Not spoopy or censored? The Googlies wouldn't be evil. Right?

But it is still posted on Water's Twatter here:
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
You have to wonder why Republicans that were privy to those transcripts didn’t speak up then? Nunes did, Gowdy would preface it by saying it was classified information. If the shoe was on the other foot, the transcripts would have been leaked. Originally Posted by bambino

Yea, not sure why we keep playing by the rules. Must be that honor and integrity thing getting in the way. I don't really recall Nunes every saying what was in the transcripts. Either way, we now know it was codswallop.
bambino's Avatar
Yea, not sure why we keep playing by the rules. Must be that honor and integrity thing getting in the way. I don't really recall Nunes every saying what was in the transcripts. Either way, we now know it was codswallop. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Nunes said many times Clapper and Brennan are lying. Cowdy said he knows what’s on the transcripts and people would be shocked if they were released. That’s about it. Nunes has been right about this fiasco since day one. He’s been pretty outspoken about it and help uncover a lot of the wrongdoing.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Uhm, OK. Sure. Not spoopy or censored? The Googlies wouldn't be evil. Right?

But it is still posted on Water's Twatter here:
https://twitter.com/WattersWorld/sta...88293381816320 Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do


this is the longer version 8:17.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Am I the only one that is curious to understand how the #ObamaGate team can go on MSM show after show and say that Trump colluded with Muh Russians for three years, yet when we finally get to review the transcripts from two years ago of sworn testimony, they know nothing about Russian collusion evidence? Someone should do a then an now comparison, like the one below.

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

Like oeb said, just watch Fox News, it is literally addressed every night from 6 p.m till past midnight.

But the absolute award for chutzpah goes to Adam Schiff. After presenting the undeniable truth that no witness, not one ever said they saw any evidence of collusion, Adam Schiff is still to this day, saying the evidence is right there in plain sight but will not cite it and the MSM will not call him on it.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Like oeb said, just watch Fox News, it is literally addressed every night from 6 p.m till past midnight... Originally Posted by HedonistForever

Could have been sarcasm or recognition that it only plays on Fox and not MSM. Beats me, I confuse myself often.
gfejunkie's Avatar

Could have been sarcasm or recognition that it only plays on Fox and not MSM. Beats me, I confuse myself often. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I doubt it plays at all on the left wing dim news media

the times ive scrolled around the praetorian guard of the dims, its all about how trump's lying about covid
new york post - not the times of course

has a good editorial

It looks like President Obama ordered up phony RussiaGate scandal
By Post Editorial BoardRussiaGate is now a complete dead letter — but ObamaGate is taking its place. Just how far did the then-president go to cripple his successor?

It’s now clear the Obama-Comey FBI and Justice Department never had anything more substantial than the laughable fiction of the Steele dossier to justify the “counterintelligence” investigation of the Trump campaign. Yet incessant leaks from that supposedly confidential probe wound up consuming the Trump administration’s first months in office — followed by the Bob Mueller-led special counsel investigation that proved nearly the “total witch hunt” that President Trump dubbed it.

Information released as the Justice Department dropped its charges against Gen. Mike Flynn shows that President Barack Obama, in his final days in office, played a key role in fanning the flames of phony scandal. Fully briefed on the “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation, he knew the FBI had come up with nothing despite months of work starting in July 2016.

Yet on Jan. 5, 2017, Obama told top officials who’d be staying on in the new administration to keep the crucial facts from Team Trump.

It happened at an Oval Office meeting with Vice President Joe Biden, intel chiefs John Brennan and Jim Clapper and national security adviser Susan Rice, as well as FBI Director Jim Comey and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates.

“From a national-security perspective,” Rice’s memo afterward put it, “President Obama said he wants to be sure that, as we engage with the incoming team, we are mindful to ascertain if there is any reason that we cannot share information fully as it relates to Russia.”

>Obama meeting could be behind corrupt Michael Flynn probe

This even as then-President Obama also directed that as many people as possible across his administration be briefed on the (utterly unsubstantiated) allegations against Team Trump — and as Rice and others took unprecedented steps to “unmask” US citizens like Flynn whose conversations had been caught on federal wiretaps of foreigners.

Indeed, the Obama administration went on a full-scale leak offensive — handing the Washington Post, New York Times and others a nonstop torrent of “anonymous” allegations of Trumpite ties to Moscow. It suggested that the investigations were finding a ton of treasonous dirt on Team Trump — when in fact the investigators had come up dry.

Sadly, Comey’s FBI played along — sandbagging Flynn with the “friendly” interview that later became the pretext for the bogus charges dropped last week, as well as triggering the White House chaos that led to his ouster. This when the FBI had already gone over the general with a fine-tooth comb, and concluded that, no, he’d done nothing like collude with the Russians.

Meanwhile, Comey himself gave Trump an intentionally misleading briefing on the Steele dossier. That was followed by leaks that suggested the dossier was the tip of an iceberg, rather than a pack of innuendo that hadn’t at all checked out under FBI scrutiny.

Pulitzer Prizes were won for blaring utter fiction; the Trump administration was kneecapped out of the gate. Innocents like Flynn were bankrupted along the way.

Say this about Obama: He knows how to play dirty.
  • oeb11
  • 05-12-2020, 07:16 AM
NGIT- Thanks - interesting read
The LSM will do its best yo bury all the Obama scandals coming out.

And Yes - conservatives must keep to the facts and rule of law - the DPST's have abandoned any pretense of complying with the rule of Law - If Conservatives react and join the LSM Mob - our Constitution is doomed.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Carlson was interviewing Gowdy the other night talking about the now famous "leaving office" memo of Susan Rice and said "if you could only see the rest of what Susan Rice said" which made me wonder why we heard only part of what she wrote. The only thing I could think of, is that it was deemed classified.

Gowdy said he hopped someday, we would be able to read it. Uh, Director Grenell, I'd like to see the rest of that e-mail please!

The transcripts, which included Rice’s interview with the panel in 2017, revealed that top Obama officials were questioned over whether they had or had seen evidence of collusion, coordination or conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election—the issue that drove the FBI’s initial case and later Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. Most said they had not.

“To the best of my recollection, there wasn’t anything smoking, but there were some things that gave me pause,” Rice said, according to her transcribed interview, in response to whether she had any evidence of conspiracy. “I don’t recall intelligence that I would consider evidence to that effect that I saw…conspiracy prior to my departure.”

When asked whether she had any evidence of “coordination,” Rice replied: “I don’t recall any intelligence or evidence to that effect.”
When asked about collusion, Rice replied: “Same answer.”

So Rice had no knowledge of any conspiracy but was still "worried" about sharing Russian involvement information with the new Trump team.

While I can't find anything through a Google search, it was suggested that Rice didn't like Flynn because Flynn thought China was a bigger problem than Russia which of course has turned out to be the case. Flynn's continued insistence that China not Russia be the focus of national intelligence irritated Rice and Obama.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...While I can't find anything through a Google search, it was suggested that Rice didn't like Flynn because Flynn thought China was a bigger problem than Russia which of course has turned out to be the case. Flynn's continued insistence that China not Russia be the focus of national intelligence irritated Rice and Obama.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever

Look for the interview of Kattie McFarland from last week on Fox. She was Flynn's CoS. They had a plan to level out the 16 Intel agencies to reform and streamline them. Might have also included holding them accountable. Considering Flynn had over 20 years experience in government intl, that would be reason enough right there for #TEAMOBAMMY to take a big gulp - especially on lieing PoS Susan Rice.

Could be highly entertaining if GEPOTUS hired Flynn to complete the job now...