Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
We need the numbers on the Dem side. You guys play too many games. So I stand with Obama on this one. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
I appreciate your honesty in this case, also. Immigration is a long term Democratic strategy to dominate the country.
However, other than that, do you see any problem with flooding the country with people who cannot support themselves, and are uneducated, and take jobs instead of creating them, no matter how shitty the jobs they take?
As I'm sure you know, the shitty jobs at shitty pay would be done by Americans if they paid more money. Unfortunately, we let shitty builders build shitty houses with immigrant labor - it is a shitty situation.
Did you buy a shitty house JL?
Did you buy a shitty house JL? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
JLIdiot's home didn't become "shitty" until the shithead actually lived, in it.

Shitty is as shitty does!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Did you buy a shitty house JL? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Shit, I bought several through the years...outta be a law against that shit.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
what time is it there, Fraud Flintstone? 4am?

You're as close to Israael as I am, psycho!
Cpalmson's Avatar
You know, just for the record, here is what I hope happens in 2 weeks. The GOP takes over the Senate. The House and Boehner grow a set of balls and pass Articles of Impeachment and hold Obama accountable for EVERY single un-Constitutional act he has done. And then, the new GOP majority in the Senate votes en block to convict Obama. Yes, I know they will fall well short of the 2/3 (67) votes needed to toss him out, BUT it would be on the historical record that a majority of Senators voted to remove a sitting president. That is what needs to happen. Obama has ruined America in 6 short years. I never I thought I would say this, but I have now lived through the 2 WORST presidents in history (Carter and Obama). Only saving grace is that I got to live through the BEST president in history-- Reagan.
Reagan also supported Terrorists did he not? Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Don't confuse Reagan with Obama. Reagan supported people who were trying to win their country back from their tyrannical Governments. Which is what we might end up having to do.
