The Art of Giving a Spanking

DustyHands's Avatar
Ah, figging... Of course, I think it was originally an English public school thing dating back to Victorian times. Originally Posted by Gryphon
originally it was for show-horses and show-dogs to make their tails stick out.

Back to spanking... don't know about spanking to orgasm but I've had a not-so-secret thing for spanking as long as I've known about sex but thought it was weird. However, I've been pleasantly surprised how many vanilla providers seem to enjoy light spanking as foreplay.

Then again maybe they just provide the illusion of enjoyment.
Somebody say figging? ??? (EW ya know I gotta!). Yes, legend is ginger was used to keep from clenching up during a paddling.

The OP has a good point - there's punishment spanking and feels good, don't it? spanking. Punishment = high curve. Mmmm = undercurve. No, it won't work very time as a stand alone. But it works often enough!
Dustyhands is right. Originally figging was used on animals to get them to hold their tails high. Supposedly in Victorian times the ginger root was adopted for young spankee's to keep them from clinching their bottom in anticipation of the next swat.

When you clench your butt cheeks you also clinch your sphincter. If you were to have an object in there that makes it more uncomfortable to tighten your cheeks, the idea is you are less likely to do so. So you have to choose between the pain from the spank or the increased burning sensation from clenching down on your ginger root plug. Leave it to the Victorian's to come up with something like that!

They were wonderful pervs.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

If you re-read what Aidan wrote, He didn't say "spank the sweet spot".. he stated "That is where the same nerves are that run up the leg, through the ass, and then into the gentiles that make a person cum".

I've had but only one Dom who can cause me to just soak the floor from a spanking like this... And I would owe that to PPE. He is a very good "Spanker" and not only can he bring me to orgasm by spanking, he can cause me to reach "supspace" which is a lot more intense. With either of these there will be a very nice sized puddle left on the floor between my feet.

Living in the Houston area, I sure do miss Him bunches and those nice spankins He knows how to give so well.

Starr Originally Posted by TexasStarr
Damn. Sorry everyone! I stand corrected. And you Aiden ... I want to meet you when I'm in Austin! Starr, I thought that you visited Dallas occasionally!

There is an interesting site that discusses both of the disciplines mentioned in this thread, Spanking and figging (amongst other things!) with lots of detail and stories. Since some of the content is pretty graphic, you can PM me if interested in the site.


st929's Avatar
  • st929
  • 07-21-2010, 04:45 PM
I only wish I could spank Starr like that :-( Oh well back to my box.
I only wish I could spank Starr like that :-( Oh well back to my box. Originally Posted by st929
The only reason you can't... Is becasue you are never around Sir. You do tend to work away from home a LOT. And now that I've moved to the Houston area it makes it even worse. I get to see you even less then before.

Lady Lola's Avatar
I adore using my custom made hard wood paddles on bad boys and girls!
Not to say my little hard wood hair brush in the classic OTK is not a favorite too~!
One of my best loyal repeat clients prefers a claw hammer to the rectum for a spontaneous orgasm. You know Lady Lola has great aim.

Smackingly yours
missi hart's Avatar
One of my best loyal repeat clients prefers a claw hammer to the rectum for a spontaneous orgasm. You know Lady Lola has great aim.

Smackingly yours Originally Posted by Lady Lola

i'm going to bet that when most people say they want to "get hammered", this isn't the first way that pops into their head.
DallasRain's Avatar
Babee can spank me anyday!!!