74 School Shootings since Newtown hoax

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You are being deliberately obtuse, TimmyBoy, or you are just plain fucking stupid. He said there were only 7, not 74. That means 67 fewer slaughters. Are you so committed to your spin that you don't bother with context?
No one wants the school shootings, but no one likes the Rahm Emmanuel method of using tragedies to promote an agenda, either.
Maybe school shootings occur because liberals are so hateful to anyone who disagrees with them that people lash out with violence? Why do so many Chicago youngsters lash out with violence?
I say it is because liberals give them a long list of grievances to whine about, get mad about, and excuses for them when they act out.
Fuck you and the liberals you suck dick with!!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
did you read the original thread, JLHomo?

It says 74 school shootings. Period. JDIdiot has turned the Sandy Hook tragedy into a hoax! Why? To make assholes like you feel better about cold guns than warm children? You're a sick, heartless shithead, as are the rest of you who think your right to brandish a weapon in public outstrips a child's right to live through elementary school.

You, JDIdiot and the rest of the mouthbreathers are trivializing a major problem in our society. One which lazy people prefer to lay on the heads of our founding fucking fathers.

If you do not understand what the argument is then you're simpler than your pals.

BTW -- Love Field soon.