Deb the MILF's idol has feet of clay; Buffet

HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
Warren Buffet who wanted to pay more income tax according to his admirer Deb is now working on income tax avoidance before the end of the year. Sorry Deb, you got suckered.

We did try to warn you. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You'll be sorry tommorrow!

See ya Barleycorn man (oops...I might get a warning for this post), I really need some excitement...guess a "real cowboy" doesn't know "hot stuff" when he sees's dance.....
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Do you have any idea what it takes to be an investor in Berkshire Hathaway? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
As of today, $134,200.00...per share
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Not your average investor.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You try hard abut you look pretty foolish. Deb started it with her post about Buffet wanting to pay more in taxes and the rest of you Kool Aid drinkers just jumped in. Now we can see what a fraud the bastard is and you can all go down the shitter with Deb. Sorry Deb, don't know what I'm going to be missing. It doesn't work when you call this old news because when that news was fresh you were defending Buffet weren't you? Some of us have known about Buffet and his income tax avoidance going back years. We knew and all you could do is try to riducule. Now you are the ones who look ridiculous. Same thing goes for Steve Schmidt of GOOGLE. Just another weasel that you all believed in.
speaking of the shitter hold your breath my hand is on the handle...