Good work, Chica Chaser

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Don't forget, IBH hasn't been Without his share of admonishment for similar activities!
I B Hankering's Avatar
IB is too stupid to be therock Originally Posted by CJ7
. . . says the forum's "Rhoades" Scholar: CBJ7.

See @:

IB Hankering needs to be banned - or at least suspended for a couple or months.

ChicaChaser bans TheRock for spamming the forum and merges his threads into a few threads.

IBHankering responds by finding other threads by TheRock and bumps all of them to the top.

Kind of a thumb in the eye for ChicaChaser. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Take a gander at the posters in this thread, you dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, they're the one's who were riled by the "thumb poke" in the eye, you dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. BTW, you dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, regarding that "poke in your eye" . . .
What a joke; posters can threaten violence and get their thread "edited" by a mod; but not banned; but a poster who posts too many threads on DIFFERENT TOPICS, gets his threads merged and then banned ?

The people who should be banned are those who constantly hijack threads............and those who threaten physical retaliation.

Have the Rules of the Political Forum changed to include a limit on the number of threads on a topic ?

Why was The Rock banned ?
Has CC said why The Rock got banned ?

I don't think jump to the wrong conclusion again fuck head !


ChicaChaser bans TheRock for spamming the forum and merges his threads into a few threads.

.... Originally Posted by ExNYer
Why was The Rock banned ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Why the hell do you think he was banned, you annoying, stupid buffoon?

Have the Rules of the Political Forum changed to include a limit on the number of threads on a topic ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Not that I've noted, but I think it's fair to assume that no one's tolerance for obnoxious behavior and board-spamming is unlimited.

Since you've demonstrated a greater propensity to start large numbers of redundant and worthless threads than anyone other than the "bumped rock," you would do a lot of people a favor by taking notice and moderating your cretinous behavior.
What a joke; posters can threaten violence and get their thread "edited" by a mod; but not banned; but a poster who posts too many threads on DIFFERENT TOPICS, gets his threads merged and then banned ?

The people who should be banned are those who constantly hijack threads............and those who threaten physical retaliation.

Have the Rules of the Political Forum changed to include a limit on the number of threads on a topic ?

Why was The Rock banned ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I don't have the slightest idea why Rock was banned.....maybe for spamming the forum with one annoying repetitive topic after another for weeks on end?

IF that was the reason, I don't suppose it is too surprising that one idiot spammer like Whirly'tard would not understand why another idiot spammer like rock was banned.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-15-2013, 12:14 PM
Has CC said why The Rock got banned ?

I don't think jump to the wrong conclusion again fuck head ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
why don't you post back to back threads for 2 pages, and continue to bump them back to the front of the page when you get ignored ? Trend disrupting the board and find out.

have you got the balls or not ?
I B Hankering's Avatar
why don't you post back to back threads for 2 pages, and continue to bump them back to the front of the page when you get ignored ? Trend disrupting the board and find out.

have you got the balls or not ? Originally Posted by CJ7
Like YOU, CBJ7, and Ekim the Inbred Chimp, you dumb-fuck, lib-retarded, Odumbo-tron hypocrite:

bump Originally Posted by i'va biggen
bump Originally Posted by i'va biggen
bump Originally Posted by CJ7
bump Originally Posted by i'va biggen
bump Originally Posted by CJ7
bump Originally Posted by i'va biggen
bump Originally Posted by i'va biggen
bump Originally Posted by i'va biggen
bump Originally Posted by i'va biggen
bump Originally Posted by i'va biggen
bump Originally Posted by CJ7
bump Originally Posted by i'va biggen
bump Originally Posted by i'va biggen
bump Originally Posted by i'va biggen
bump Originally Posted by i'va biggen
bump Originally Posted by i'va biggen
bump Originally Posted by i'va biggen
bump Originally Posted by i'va biggen
bump Originally Posted by i'va biggen
bump Originally Posted by i'va biggen
bump Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
Can we just ban this guy. This is really stupid constantly bumping up threads like this. You can't get any more immature than this.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Can we just ban this guy. This is really stupid constantly bumping up threads like this. You can't get any more immature than this. Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
You're a hypocritical ignoramus, Stan Duplicitous. You have absolutely no problems with the lib-retards OVERTLY 'bumping' your inane threads, jackass. Hell, they're so ignorant they repetitively use the word "bump" signifying their inability to conceive an intelligent, reasoned response. A band of the ignorant rally around your banner, Stan Dupilicitous.
You don't know, do just speculate..............

Why the hell do you think he was banned, you annoying, stupid buffoon?

......... Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
At least you admit what you know and don't know; unlike dunce Captain Crunch.........

I doubt that he was banned for the number of posts; he probably said something dumb to CC in a PM...........................

I don't have the slightest idea why Rock was banned.....maybe for spamming the forum with one annoying repetitive topic after another for weeks on end?

IF that was the reason, I don't suppose it is too surprising that one idiot spammer like Whirly'tard would not understand why another idiot spammer like rock was banned. I thought you said you didn't know why the Rock was banned ! Fucking idiot !

Knucklehead. Originally Posted by timpage
Never did see or hear much from you when the rock was spamming the board, now you are everywhere bumping his threads,Hummmm
I B Hankering's Avatar
Can we just ban this guy. This is really stupid constantly bumping up threads like this. You can't get any more immature than this. Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
Hell, they're so ignorant they repetitively use the word "bump" signifying their inability to conceive an intelligent, reasoned response. A band of the ignorant rally around your banner, Stan Dupilicitous. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Yet another case in point:

Bump Originally Posted by CJ7

Never did see or hear much from you when the rock was spamming the board, now you are everywhere bumping his threads,Hummmm Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Too many "bumps" further addled what is left of your devolved pea-brain, Ekim the Inbred Chimp.
You don't know, do just speculate.............. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Well, let's see.

Perhaps you can point to an instance where "rock" may have participated in some other behavior of the sort that might get someone banned. Outing a provider, for instance. But you can't, can you? His only reason for (re)registering on this site was to annoy others and troll in the political forum. Got it?

Thus it should be obvious even to you that the probability he was banned for anything other than the behavior we've all seen here is exceedingly low, now, shouldn't it?