Rudi takes a major shot to the balls

I called him a New York sewer rat before. I still stand by that. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Stop insulting sewer rats
VitaMan's Avatar
Rudy was a fantastic NYC mayor. Many thought he was actually "cool". And he was, in his mayoral NYC press conferences. He was strongly encouraged to make a run for President in those days.

Does anyone have a timeline as to how he descended into the hell he finds himself now ?
ManSlut's Avatar

Does anyone have a timeline as to how he descended into the hell he finds himself now ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
There was a very good recent CNN documentary about him that you can stream/download from a lot of sources, just search “Giuliani: What happened to America’s Mayor”

My ‘Cliff Notes’ on it - His ego couldn’t handle being out of the spotlight after being Mayor of NYC, then he failed in his Presidential run, Trump calls him a “Loser” behind his back (according to aides) because he couldn’t even win the nomination, thus he never offered him a position on his cabinet.
Precious_b's Avatar
VM, there may have been a Frontline episode about how he ended up where he is at.

It is a real shame. Guy cleaned up Time Square, except for those gutter trash Elmos out there. I reminesce (sp) what it was like watching old episodes of Kojak. His means weren't absolutely kosher (guess you could say trump-lite, idk) but they got results. He handled the helm well for 9/11.

I guess he was trying to catch the media eye again. Maybe took a wrong turn? What can you say about a guy that married his cousin but wanted his mistress under the same roof?
biomed1's Avatar
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It's good to see the jury wasn't afraid to talk ream out Rudi when he had it coming. And how funny he said he wasn't going to testify since the ladies had been through enough. Too bad he was the cause of all they had been through.

I wish he had been able to show the evidence that he had a bunch of (HS).
Plus $148 million ($100 million would have been okay) might be a tad high but the jury has spoken.
VitaMan's Avatar
Apparently Rudy didn't have his belt buckled when he arrived. at court.