What's your worst hobby experience?

travis13131's Avatar
For me , I was new to the hobby. Hanging with a beautiful woman. Maybe or maybe not there was weed involved. The woman would be on the phone every second on my dime. Long story short, she is in another world..Who knows, maybe drugs. That being said , was on her back like a fish out of water asking for my dick. Every time my dick got closer, like a fucking guppy, she pushed it away. WEIRD WEIRD WEIRD..I left..Gave my donation.
Raikage's Avatar
By far my worst hobby experience is being on this board for years and seeing hhr prices rise from 75 - 100 to 200 - 275. I wondered if somehow the providers added something new to illicit such prices, maybe their vajayjays were now made of gold and dispensed fine wine, maybe they learned new tricks and could do my taxes, maybe their service came with food from Burger King.... but then I realized that providers = corporations and that, no matter how much Mitt Romney tried to persuade me, Corporations are not people.
travis13131's Avatar
@Frissionary I was in a club...Drunk as shit, "not my norm" And you asked for a lap dance. Yes I am a pretty man...But weird..Dude get it together