GOP Senators send a letter to Iran

What's the population of NYC?

We'll only get our hair mussed. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
They don't have a delivery device with that range. Longest missile they have is about 1500 miles. Go back to the kids table and don't come back till you have something to contribute.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
They don't have a delivery device with that range. Longest missile they have is about 1500 miles. Go back to the kids table and don't come back till you have something to contribute. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
OMG WHAT A DUMBASS. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Says the guy who has nothing. It's always easy to tell when people have nothing. They post something like you just posted.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
They don't have a delivery device with that range. Longest missile they have is about 1500 miles. Go back to the kids table and don't come back till you have something to contribute. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

Oh like the long range missiles we used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ?

Like the the long range missiles they are working on developing?

Like the the long range missiles the N. Koreans already have?

Or how about a boat? A drone? A plane?

Even about driving a pickup across our highly secure border?

1500 miles? It doesn't even have to hit us to be disastrous.

When you wake up maybe some one on here might take you serious.
  • shanm
  • 03-11-2015, 12:26 PM
Oh like the long range missiles we used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ?

Like the the long range missiles they are working on developing?

Like the the long range missiles the N. Koreans already have?

Or how about a boat? A drone? A plane?

Even about driving a pickup across our highly secure border?

1500 miles? It doesn't even have to hit us to be disastrous.

When you wake up maybe some one on here might take you serious. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Not to start another piss match, but I think you comparing our Nuclear threat security to a bunch of Mexicans crossing the border is illogical.

The last time we had a nuclear threat it was the Soviets, and I don't remember that working out too well for Cuba. Not to even mention that the Soviet Nuclear arsenal was far larger than anything Iran could come up with in the next 100 years
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Not to start another piss match, but I think you comparing our Nuclear threat security to a bunch of Mexicans crossing the border is illogical.

Then don't. Not once did mention the Mexican border.

The last time we had a nuclear threat it was the Soviets, and I don't remember that working out too well for Cuba. Not to even mention that the Soviet Nuclear arsenal was far larger than anything Iran could come up with in the next 100 years

That's totally irrelevant
and inaccurate.

Originally Posted by shanm
BTW....I like ShamWow.
  • shanm
  • 03-11-2015, 12:57 PM

Then don't. Not once did mention the Mexican border

Even about driving a pickup across our highly secure border?

If you meant something entirely else by this then yeah I was probably wrong, but I don't think so.

BTW....I like ShamWow. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
I like you too
LexusLover's Avatar
The last time we had a nuclear threat it was the Soviets, and I don't remember that working out too well for Cuba. Not to even mention that the Soviet Nuclear arsenal was far larger than anything Iran could come up with in the next 100 years Originally Posted by shanm
I feel more secure already. Shammooo has ALL THE ANSWERS.

You remember the Cuban Missile Crisis?

You are related to BigTits ... genetically acquired 20-20 hindsight!!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
They don't have a delivery device with that range. Longest missile they have is about 1500 miles. Go back to the kids table and don't come back till you have something to contribute. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
UC ... you wear your name well ... and proudly I see.

Scaparrotti said that he believes that the North Korean not only has the capability to build a miniaturized nuclear weapon, but also the missiles to deliver those weapons. Specifically, Scaparrotti said he was referring to a missile called the KN-08. “I think they have a launcher that will carry it at this point,” he said.

Scarparrotti added that the North Koreans likely do not actually have a working nuclear weapon mated to a missile just yet—merely that Pyongyang has the technological wherewithal to build such a capability.

“I don’t know that they do,” Scarparrotti said. “What I’m saying is, is that I think given their technological capabilities, the time that they been working on this, that they probably have the capabilities to put this together. I don’t believe that they have. I don’t know that they have at this point.”

"Scarparrotti said that while he does not know where the technology might have come, North Korea has a “proliferation relationship” with Pakistan and Iran."

Some call it partners, others call it a "coalition."

Some have called it an "axis"!

JuniorShammoooo claims it will be another 100 years!!!!!!
  • shanm
  • 03-11-2015, 01:08 PM
I feel more secure already. Shammooo has ALL THE ANSWERS.

You remember the Cuban Missile Crisis?

You are related to BigTits ... genetically acquired 20-20 hindsight!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
So you're saying that Iran will develop nukes and the next day will be able to threaten us like the Soviets did in Cuba?

LL, I say this sincerely. I knew you were an idiot, but you can't be that big an Idiot, can you? This honestly worries me
LexusLover's Avatar
The last time we had a nuclear threat it was the Soviets, and I don't remember that working out too well for Cuba. Originally Posted by shanm
So you remember the Cuban missile crisis?

I was just wondering what you REMEMBERED about it ...

.. other than it not working out too well for Cuba?
TheDaliLama's Avatar

Then don't. Not once did mention the Mexican border

Even about driving a pickup across our highly secure border?

If you meant something entirely else by this then yeah I was probably wrong, but I don't think so.

I like you too Originally Posted by shanm
I didn't mention Mexico on purpose. The point being that you don't need a long range missile to be a nuclear threat. There are still very accessible conventional means to transport a nuclear device. All they have to do is figure out how to get it in here which with a little imagination is very possible. A boat sounds easiest to me.

It would be disastrous for both counties if an exchange happens no matter who comes out on top. There is a reasonable argument to be made that if Iran had them that they would only use it as a deterrence. If they acted like any other responsible country that has them then I don't think I'd be too worried much about it but those people are fucking nuttier than our own Dems. They are not to be trusted either.

Peace and Love,
  • shanm
  • 03-11-2015, 01:43 PM
I didn't mention Mexico on purpose. The point being that you don't need a long range missile to be a nuclear threat. There are still very accessible conventional means to transport a nuclear device. All they have to do is figure out how to get it in here which with a little imagination is very possible. A boat sounds easiest to me.

It would be disastrous for both counties if an exchange happens no matter who comes out on top. There is a reasonable argument to be made that if Iran had them that they would only use it as a deterrence. If they acted like any other responsible country that has them then I don't think I'd be too worried much about it but those people are fucking nuttier than our own Dems. They are not to be trusted either.

Peace and Love,
TDL Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

I think its better for us to have them thumbed down, even as a nuclear power, with a treaty than to go in all out war with them. Iran is 90% shi-ite, which means that they more than likely won't collude with Al Qaeda or ISIS (they're both sunni, the two factions hate each other).

It'll be the same case as Pakistan. Pakistan developed its nukes to defend against the threat of India. They've been our allies and they would never dare use their puny nuke supply against us. We've been at war with Pakistan for over a decade now, yet they still don't realize it because we've buried it under the guise of a strategic alliance.
I think Iran even deserves nukes if Israel is as hostile as its currently proving to be. They've already destroyed Palastine, seems like SatanYahu wants to overrun the entire middle east.
lustylad's Avatar

I think Iran even deserves nukes if Israel is as hostile as its currently proving to be. They've already destroyed Palastine, seems like SatanYahu wants to overrun the entire middle east.
Originally Posted by shanm

I have been reading this thread and shaking my head in horror at the naive and myopic posts expressing nonchalance at the prospect of Iran having the bomb. This one finally made me throw up. I don't know who you are are where you acquired your sham of an education, but if you really believe what you just wrote then you deserve to be nuked. You should die and come back as a Jew in Tel Aviv the next time Hezbollah starts raining down missiles on Israel again.
LexusLover's Avatar
... and come back as a Jew in Tel Aviv the next time Hezbollah starts raining down missiles on Israel again. Originally Posted by lustylad
They will not want him there either.

Tie some tin cans on his feet and put him out on the road side.