more Jan 6 rioters in trouble

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Ray Epps is not an FBI operative and did not instigate the riot.

Trumpites rioted. Originally Posted by VitaMan
so you believe the not under oath interview the committee supposedly had with Epps, eh? stop thinking small.

this is what politifact told you ..

How new Jan. 6 revelations on Ray Epps, others undercut Tucker Carlson’s FBI conspiracy theory

under pressure ... Epps not under oath and not in public will "answer questions"

this should be fun .... headlines next day ...

Innocent Ray Epss buries vile conspiracy theories as FALSE!!!!!


Ray Epps, Arizona man at U.S. Capitol riot, will be interviewed by Jan. 6 committee

Ray Epps, the Arizona man who has become the central figure in a viral conspiracy theory after videos showed him encouraging people to go into the U.S. Capitol last January, will be interviewed Friday by the special House committee investigating the Capitol riot.

His attorney, John Blischak, confirmed to The Arizona Republic that he and his client will sit for a transcribed interview over Zoom on Friday with the Jan. 6 House select committee.

The interview will not be public.

"I would rather wait until that interview was completed before disclosing anything. I have nothing otherwise to hide. It’s nothing I’m worried about," Blischak told The Republic.

The development was first reported by Politico. Hannah Muldavin, deputy communications director for the select committee, declined comment on Wednesday.

Social media influencers accuse Epps of being part of a secret government plot to stage the Jan. 6th riot at the U.S. Capitol and blame it on supporters of then-President Donald Trump.

Yet there is no evidence Epps was a government operative, and he may have longtime or former connections with the extremist group the Oath Keepers, some of whom were recently charged in the riot.

As to how all the online speculation has impacted Epps, his attorney said simply:

"It's been very traumatizing."

Blischak indicated he may be able to discuss more details after Friday's interview.
Last week, two Republican senators questioned top Justice Department and FBI officials testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee about whether Epps was actually a U.S. government informant who incited rioting at the Capitol as part of a conspiracy-laden operation.

Within hours, the special House Committee investigating the Capitol insurrection disclosed that it had interviewed Epps and that he had denied taking part in any such government operation.

not under oath. just lie. thank you Mr. Epps, check's in the mail.

The committee said on Twitter, “Epps informed us that he was not employed by, working with, or acting at the direction of any law enforcement agency on Jan 5th or 6th or at any other time, & that he has never been an informant for the FBI or any other law enforcement agency.”

still won't be under oath.

let's look at the truth ..

Jacuzzme's Avatar
It’s tough to even call it a riot, there was really just 1 side. A lot of pushing, screaming and acting like retards but not much violence at all. Other than the protester girl who got shot by security. A few cops pushed back when the crowd was pushing into places they weren’t supposed to be, but others didn’t and the crowd just walked right in. The actual number of people who went into the building was a minuscule fraction of the crowd, maybe 1%, and most of them walked in, took pics and left.
Precious_b's Avatar
... President Trump also wanted the National Guard at the Capitol
on 6th Jan to help with crowd control]
- but Nancy Pelosi wouldn't allow it.

YOU surely must have missed that while YOU were on holiday.
Oh - and the laptop IS really Hunter's - in case you missed THAT also.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Wrong again:

Out of 54 National Guard units in the United States, the D.C. National Guard is the only one which reports solely to the President of the United States; at the time of the Capitol riots, that was Donald J. Trump. The president can authorize the Secretary of Defense or Secretary of the Army to activate the guard; that was Christopher Miller (acting) and Ryan McCarthy.

Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy's implication that the Speaker of the House had any power over the activation of the D.C. National Guard is not rooted in fact. Simply put, she does not hold the power to activate them.

The District of Columbia's lack of statehood meant that Mayor Muriel Bowser needed to request that the federal government activate the National Guard to assist Capitol Police and D.C. Police in protecting the U.S. Capitol from rioters. A National Guard press release says Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller activated troops.

That afternoon, the D.C. Council said in a statement on Twitter that the mayor's request to activate the National Guard had been denied by the Department of Defense.

It took hours for Department of Defense officials to deploy the National Guard, and even longer for the 1,000+ troops to arrive.

In the days ahead of January 6th, the U.S. Capitol Police said they would not be requesting extra assistance from the National Guard. But, there's no evidence that any elected officials had a say in the Capitol Police decision. Originally Posted by 69in2it69
... Crikey! "DC Counsel in a statement by Twitter"...

Now THAT'S honesty. .... "The 'Hunter Biden laptop' IS FAKE!" ...

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Let me guess, since donny didn't have a twitter account, he couldn't contact either Secretary? Maybe you know their twitter account and can post it here.

Saltlick runs away/ignores another fact. Especially when he specifically stated such lie.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

It’s tough to even call it a riot, there was really just 1 side. A lot of pushing, screaming and acting like retards but not much violence at all. Other than the protester girl who got shot by security. A few cops pushed back when the crowd was pushing into places they weren’t supposed to be, but others didn’t and the crowd just walked right in. The actual number of people who went into the building was a minuscule fraction of the crowd, maybe 1%, and most of them walked in, took pics and left. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

January 6 Committee with Capitol and D.C. Police

Capitol and District of Columbia police testified at the first hearing of the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol. Witnesses described their experiences on that day and efforts to protect the Capitol and elected officials. Throughout the hearing, graphic video footage captured during the attack was shown.
Ray Epps is not an FBI operative and did not instigate the riot.

Trumpites rioted. Originally Posted by VitaMan
... Hee Hee! So we're supposed to take YOUR word for it??

YOU surely been saying that Trump colluded with Russia.
And that the Hunter laptop was "Russian Disinformation"...

So Ray Epps and his barrister sat for a "interview" on camera
with the 6th Jan committee? ... It's taken this long??

Lemme guess - the interview contents will NOT be made public?
So much for truth and honesty.

Some of the same FBI blokes tellin' ya that Ray Epps was
NOT acting as a government agent surely happen to be
the very same ones sayin' Trump was NOT spyed on.

Wonderin' how many of them are of the FIFTY (50) Intelligence
Officials who told us the Hunter laptop WAS FAKE??

... The American people DO NOT BELIEVE these corrupt
government officials any more.

Yet one more reason Dems are gonna get SCHELLACKED in November.

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
So much bloviating
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
the one who claims others were bloviating is the one bloviating.
VitaMan's Avatar
Soon another of the rioters will have his day in court and be found guilty by a jury.

And Ray Epps will not be there. He has been a diversion tactic all along by Trumpites who can't admit they screwed up.
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
D.C. protests:
Estimated damages - 1.5 to 3 million
Charged - over 800

Minneapolis protests:
Estimated damages - over 500 million
Charged - under 100

Portland protests:
Estimated damages - over 23 million
Charged - less than 50

Feel free to research & correct my findings
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It’s tough to even call it a riot, there was really just 1 side. A lot of pushing, screaming and acting like retards but not much violence at all. Other than the protester girl who got shot by security. A few cops pushed back when the crowd was pushing into places they weren’t supposed to be, but others didn’t and the crowd just walked right in. The actual number of people who went into the building was a minuscule fraction of the crowd, maybe 1%, and most of them walked in, took pics and left. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Holy chit.

You shoulda been there! Oh that’s right, you didn’t have the courage of your convictions. Or the balls.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
the one who claims others were bloviating is the one bloviating. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Can’t get to the bathroom fast enough, can you BP? You must be bloviating in your Dickies!
The FBI arrested a Jan. 6 insurrectionist after he admitted to participating in the attack to his Uber driver. The interaction was caught on video through the driver’s dashcam which was turned over to police, reported NBC News. The rider, Jerry Daniel Braun, was arrested in California and is facing federal charges.

Braun caught an Uber the evening of the riot Jan 6, 2021 an hour after the mayor’s imposed curfew. The Uber driver had a camera mounted in his car which caught a recording of their conversation about the insurrection.

“So, has it been violent all day?” the driver asked.
“Well, it started around, right when I got there. I tore down the barricades,” the man replied.
“You did?” the driver asked. “Why?”
“Well, because, so we could get to the Capitol,” the man replied.

Braun has since confessed to being a part of the insurrection. He told the FBI agents serving a search warrant for his home that he was “guilty of everything.”

Currently, 800 people have been charged in connection to the riot and 250 have pleaded guilty, including a leader of the Proud Boys. Originally Posted by VitaMan
The Capital Police supposedly couldn't prevent rioters from entering the Capital but yet the authorities were able to identify and charge 800 people for rioting on the Capital after the fact. I can't believe anyone would fall for such Bullshit.
VitaMan's Avatar
Guess you don't know how surveillance cameras work. And why they exist.

They assist law enforcement with arrests after the fact.

Or maybe you would prefer they had been arrested before anything took place. You know, like the futuristic movies.

Ray Epps diversion tactic is the BS people are not falling for.
Guess you don't know how surveillance cameras work. And why they exist.

They assist law enforcement with arrests after the fact.

Or maybe you would prefer they had been arrested before anything took place. You know, like the futuristic movies.

Ray Epps diversion tactic is the BS people are not falling for. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Yeah with all the disguises they knew exactly who they were and where to find them,lol. There wasn't even Eight Hundred People there. It was clearly an orchestrated event. This whole thing is a big joke.
VitaMan's Avatar
Sure...orchestrated by Trump, and cheering them on.

800 people ? Likely more than 800 will be found guilty by impartial juries.

Trumpites guzzle down the koolaid served up by the Donald.

The real joke is the continued spewing of FAKE news about MASSIVE election fraud by Trump.