Some Perspective From A Retired Pro -

Jules Jaguar's Avatar
sometimes us ladies can do all those things and still and cant get our phone to ring!
Lets see, how can I word this?

I have been in sales and marketing in different ways for 35 years. I own my own service business. I don't know it all or even a small part of it, but I do have a lot of expereice and knowledge.

If a provider is having problems getting and retaining customers, etc and would like some free advice, I would be happy to talk to you, No Strings Attached. Keep in mind free advice is ofton worth what you pay for it . But, if you think my posts make sense and I could be helpfull, PM me and I will be happy to try to help. If it makes you feel better, you can buy lunch

This really is a NSA offer. No hidden agendas.
Great thread, great points made by everyone so far! My only pearl of wisdom to add is CONSISTENCY! If I read two, five, or ten reviews of your service, but you won't do the same things for me, that you are proud that you did for everyone else, that is just insulting. Aside from a provider's ad, we fellows also use reviews to know what to expect. (DUH!) Point is going to an appointment, expecting something, and being denied that same level of service is a sure fire way to get passed over for a return visit.

P.S. Fat guys need love too. If you're not going to treat the chubby guys the same way, be honest. A tip of the hat to providers that have been great, and worn my big ass out; and a wag of the finger to the ones that would barely touch me.
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 09-25-2010, 02:19 PM

I know it is tough out there for you. I think I'm able to sympathize...

I can hear many of you thinking, sure this guy makes 6 figures, he understands how tough it is.

I do, as it is just as tough for me. I recently lost my 6 figure job! I'm stuck with the same bills and expenses. Well, not quite, as this will mean a change in my spending habits. It's time to tighten the belt.

This doesn't mean the hobby will stop, but I am spending my funds much more conservatively.

So, if the ladies are having a dearth of income, perhaps it is time to do what those in the corporate world are being forced to do. Produce more, receive less pay, or lose your job. Remember if those who are your customers have less discretionary income, you have to compete more effectively to get the fewer dollars available in the marketplace.

So, how do you compete more effectively in a free market economy: All the following will have positive effects.

1. Increase the level of service. (Kissing, Illusion of passion, etc... If you are doing all you are able or willing to, then proceed immediately to #2.)
2. Increase the value. (75min at the 1hr price.)
3. Implement a Frequent Flyer program. (Quantify the benefits to us!, example: The fourth session in a 6 month period, is a 2 hr session at the 1 hr rate. Note how this gets around the lady not wanting to schedule the free hour... Not lost on many of the guys who have been burned by this.)
4. If those don't work, perhaps the free market has spoken, and it is time to drop your 1 hour price by $25, and then give it a week or so to determine the effectiveness.

I know times are tough. I took a pay cut, lost benefits, and still lost my job. I'm almost certain I'll be forced to accept a lower salary, as there are many hungry job seekers out there. I need to make my value to an employer look better than the others. This is going to take time, and reduces the amount of my discretionary spending, which reduces the amount of money available in the providers marketplace.

Some of the ladies lacking business, need to take the same steps that much of the nation is taking. If you have been working in this area for several years, ask yourself honestly; have you changed your service levels, value, or pricing?
CenterLock's Avatar
There's the rub. I've started companies, built them up then handed them off so I could move on. And I happen to be a guy (go figure). I'm with you in not knowing it all - or even much really. But I do know a little. I recently made the same offer and got an attempted upsell. Failure one. Offer again. "Sounds good. Could use the help." Then. *poof*. Not gone, Just going her own way.

That's why I really like seeing that the women with experience are willing to help those who need it. Some of us guys are willing to help, but I can understand women being easier to trust.
I like this thread.............I agree with all posters here as far as what will make clients repeat and consistently come back. I would like to emphasize and add:

No YMMV-be consistent with what you provide in your sessions, do not offers services in your ad and not in person.

The illusion of passion is very important, kissing is very important, participate in the session, do not be a "dead fish".

Keep your donations, reasonable, as one provider told me many years ago, "I would rather have guys come see me a few times a month for X as opposed to once ever few months for Y amount", get rid of the GPS!

Be on time

Be clean and fresh

Treat your customer like he is the only one, make him feel glad he is a man.
Some of us have been doing the right thing and providing consistent service.

I see most have said lower your rates, lowering does not fix the problem, it makes it worst in fact, the whole community can now afford you, including the bottom feeders who want every thing and the kitchen sink for bear minimal. There is more traffic to the incall and you may just bump into your buddy on the way to visit your cutie.

I see LOTS of specials on the board in Dallas alone, its definitely a buyers market. Do you really want your ATF, lowering her rates to accommodate every gent in the community. Service will go down, you read this is the alert section all the time. Lowering the rate is just a quick fix. This only pleases the gentlemen and all his buddies. There is a range from 100 an hour to 300 an hour here in Dallas. How much lower do you want the ladies to go.

sometimes us ladies can do all those things and still and cant get our phone to ring! Originally Posted by 214JULES
CenterLock's Avatar
My response to a provider about just this aspect was "lower a little if you need to but do not devalue yourself". If you're at 300 and my atf is at 200, odds are I won't see you for a while. If you run a special at 275 or 250 odds just increased. Still behind #1 but not as far down.

Proper scheduling should help with undue traffic - just don't over compensate and shoot yourself in the foot with lower rates.

And for me - can't speak for any others nor would I want to - if I've seen you feel free to pm me. Hell, even if we've never met. Don't start out with "come see me", but I have no problem getting to know you outside of a session (a "hey how's it going" keeps you in my mind). This isn't asking for long drawn out freebies via pm - it just adds to the illusion that is marketing. Again - I KNOW some guys and providers oppose this. I'm just not one of them. I know if anyone I've seen is hurting and hasn't contacted me (maybe I could schedule just hadn't) I'd be a little upset. Maybe I could schedule maybe not. Either way NON-BCD communication would make it easier to accommodate.

My 0.02 and my 0.02 only.

Some of us have been doing the right thing and providing consistent service.

I see most have said lower your rates, lowering does not fix the problem, it makes it worst in fact, the whole community can now afford you, including the bottom feeders who want every thing and the kitchen sink for bear minimal. There is more traffic to the incall and you may just bump into your buddy on the way to visit your cutie.

I see LOTS of specials on the board in Dallas alone, its definitely a buyers market. Do you really want your ATF, lowering her rates to accommodate every gent in the community. Service will go down, you read this is the alert section all the time. Lowering the rate is just a quick fix. This only pleases the gentlemen and all his buddies. There is a range from 100 an hour to 300 an hour here in Dallas. How much lower do you want the ladies to go. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
Some of us have been doing the right thing and providing consistent service.

I see most have said lower your rates, lowering does not fix the problem, it makes it worst in fact, the whole community can now afford you, including the bottom feeders who want every thing and the kitchen sink for bear minimal. There is more traffic to the incall and you may just bump into your buddy on the way to visit your cutie.

I see LOTS of specials on the board in Dallas alone, its definitely a buyers market. Do you really want your ATF, lowering her rates to accommodate every gent in the community. Service will go down, you read this is the alert section all the time. Lowering the rate is just a quick fix. This only pleases the gentlemen and all his buddies. There is a range from 100 an hour to 300 an hour here in Dallas. How much lower do you want the ladies to go. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
IF this was directed at what I said...........

The key word in that first sentence is "some" and that is not much considering the number of providers out there. I am not asking ladies to make their rates "cheap", but to be "reasonable", I know hobbying costs money as does anyone else who does it. But because this is a "buyer's market", or so they say, then it all stands to reason that you need to "stand out" from other providers, then keep your actions consistent with your words all the way to the end of the session. That is how you retain clients, not because "you are just so darn pretty" or you have a great body, sure, that is icing in the cake, but many, not all of the ladies, at least the ones I have seen, forget the cake!

Hope that makes sense!
First of all, a disclaimer…

For many gents, the pursuit of strange, the thrill of the hot newbie, finding the barely 18-year-old girl, the apprehension/thrill of the unknown…those are the things that drive them to hobby. No amount or savvy marketing will ever change their seek and find operating style.

And then there are the rest of us…

Briefly stated, one law or marketing that still apples to the hobby is this; Value = Price + Service. Take away service, and what’s left? Price = Value. There will always be someone, somewhere, at any given time that will be less expensive. Competing solely on price is a recipe for failure. Also consider that everyone’s perception of value is different, mainly based on the amount of money they have to spend. (I’m a perfect example…before the downturn, price wasn’t an issue. Today? It’s a whole different story. The good news is that with some careful research I've met some lovely Eccie ladies at a great donation rates.)

From my perspective:

1. Post ads that make it easy for a gent to garner all the information he needs at a glance. Click here, click there, call me…all too much like work. The hobby is supposed to be fun, remember? Keep your target client in mind in all you do.
2. Pics: Post CURRENT pics. I can name all too many ladies using outdated photos. No need to spend money on pro shots, Who doesn’t know an amateur photographer among the crowd who wouldn’t love to help?
3. Pics: They don’t have to be graphic. (Or they can be, it’s your call.) But remember what your momma told you? Leave something to the imagination!
4. Present a good Internet image in your writing. Intelligence is very appealing to your target market? Fake it if you have to.
5. Be Prepared, the Boy Scout Motto: Read your PM’s carefully; ask questions about what the gent you’re possibly meeting likes? (No need to be graphic…it can be as simple as “Do you have a session style preference?” Or, “Do you have a preference in clothing, fragrance etc?)
6. Be Prepared, the Boy Scout Motto: Go to the same trouble to make yourself presentable and fresh. Most of us do the same for you. (If he doesn’t, offer him the shower or the door.)
7. Screen, screen, screen! Check a gents P 411 profile, there’s good information there. Check his posts, there’s plenty of information to be garnered there as well. (After all, most of us do our research on you.) If you don;t think you fit, don't take the appointment...poor reviews will likely result from a mismatched appointment.
8. Enjoy the session…appear to be into your partner…or at least pretend as if you are having a good time. That’s the best way to solid reviews, even if you don’t care to see the gent again. (You can always say no to a repeat visits.) Turn off the phone, the TV, or minimize the distractions. Good reviews yield a good reputation, and new/repeat business. Glowing word of mouth recommendations cannot be bought!
9. Return appropriate calls, emails and texts. Be on time, or advise otherwise in a timely manner. Request your prospective client offer you the same courtesy.
10. Watch the clock, but don’t watch the clock. There’s a way to manage your time discretely.

I’m sure there’s more, and many of these posts have great content. I’ve simply listed the things that seem important to me and my hobby cronies. Business is never easy, no matter what your walk of life and profession. Investing in your own business will yield solid returns! If it was easy, everyone would be successful and wealthy beyond his or her wildest dreams

Humbly submitted.

I appreciate this and im sure other ladies as well appreciate your comments to.

My response to a provider about just this aspect was "lower a little if you need to but do not devalue yourself". If you're at 300 and my atf is at 200, odds are I won't see you for a while. If you run a special at 275 or 250 odds just increased. Still behind #1 but not as far down.

Proper scheduling should help with undue traffic - just don't over compensate and shoot yourself in the foot with lower rates.

And for me - can't speak for any others nor would I want to - if I've seen you feel free to pm me. Hell, even if we've never met. Don't start out with "come see me", but I have no problem getting to know you outside of a session (a "hey how's it going" keeps you in my mind). This isn't asking for long drawn out freebies via pm - it just adds to the illusion that is marketing. Again - I KNOW some guys and providers oppose this. I'm just not one of them. I know if anyone I've seen is hurting and hasn't contacted me (maybe I could schedule just hadn't) I'd be a little upset. Maybe I could schedule maybe not. Either way NON-BCD communication would make it easier to accommodate.

My 0.02 and my 0.02 only. Originally Posted by CenterLock

Thank you , I appreciate this to.

Yes there are plenty of ladies are "think they are too darn pretty" and cause all kinds of trouble here. And it makes me so mad, because all the wonderful ladies get slammed into a box with those other ladies.

IF this was directed at what I said...........

The key word in that first sentence is "some" and that is not much considering the number of providers out there. I am not asking ladies to make their rates "cheap", but to be "reasonable", I know hobbying costs money as does anyone else who does it. But because this is a "buyer's market", or so they say, then it all stands to reason that you need to "stand out" from other providers, then keep your actions consistent with your words all the way to the end of the session. That is how you retain clients, not because "you are just so darn pretty" or you have a great body, sure, that is icing in the cake, but many, not all of the ladies, at least the ones I have seen, forget the cake!

Hope that makes sense! Originally Posted by bigdog0311
Thank you Tony

I always enjoy your posts, especially the backside thread.

I hope you gents didn't think I was being mean, please don't. It is hard listening to the sweetest of ladies in privacy, and they are hurting. Not sure what I can but be a listening ear.


First of all, a disclaimer…

For many gents, the pursuit of strange, the thrill of the hot newbie, finding the barely 18-year-old girl, the apprehension/thrill of the unknown…those are the things that drive them to hobby. No amount or savvy marketing will ever change their seek and find operating style.

And then there are the rest of us…

Briefly stated, one law or marketing that still apples to the hobby is this; Value = Price + Service. Take away service, and all that’s left? Price = Value. There will always be someone, somewhere, at any given time that will be less expensive. Competing solely on price is a recipe for failure. Also consider that everyone’s perception of value is different, mainly based on the amount of money they have to spend. (I’m a perfect example…before the downturn, price wasn’t an issue. Today? It’s a whole different story.)

From my perspective:

1. Post ads that make it easy for a gent to garner all the information he needs at a glance. Click here, click there, call me…all too much like work. The hobby is supposed to be fun, remember? Keep your target client in mind in all you do.
2. Pics: Post CURRENT pics. I can name dozens all too many ladies using outdated photos. No need to spend money on pro shots, Who doesn’t know an amateur photographer among the crowd who wouldn’t love to help?
3. Pics: They don’t have to be graphic. (Or they can be, it’s your call.) But remember what your momma told you? Leave something to the imagination!
4. Present a good Internet image in your writing. Intelligence is very appealing to your target market? Fake it if you have to.
5. Be Prepared, the Boy Scout Motto: Read your PM’s carefully; ask questions about what the gent you’re possibly meeting likes? (No need to be graphic…it can be as simple as “Do you have a session style preference?” Or, “Do you have a preference in clothing, fragrance etc?)
6. Be Prepared, the Boy Scout Motto: Go to the same trouble to make yourself presentable and fresh. Most of us do the same for you. (If he doesn’t, offer him the shower or the door.)
7. Screen, screen, screen! Check a gents P 411 profile, there’s good information there. Check his posts, there’s plenty of information to be garnered there as well. (After all, most of us do our research on you.) If you don;t think you fit, don't take the appointment...poor reviews will likely result from a mismatched appointment.
8. Enjoy the session…appear to be into your partner…or at least pretend as if you are having a good time. That’s the best way to solid reviews, even if you don’t care to see the gent again. (You can always say no to a repeat visits.) Turn off the phone, the TV, or minimize the distractions. Good reviews yield a good reputation, and new/repeat business. Glowing word of mouth recommendations cannot be bought!
9. Be on time, or advise otherwise in a timely manner. Request your prospective client offer you the same courtesy.
10. Watch the clock, but don’t watch the clock. There’s a way to manage your time discretely.

I’m sure there’s more, and many of these posts have great content. I’ve simply listed the things that seem important to me and my hobby cronies. Business is never easy, no matter what your walk of life and profession. Investing in your own business will yield solid returns! If it was easy, everyone would be successful and wealthy beyond his or her wildest dreams

Humbly submitted.

TP Originally Posted by Tony Patella
CenterLock's Avatar
Yes there are plenty of ladies are "think they are too darn pretty" and cause all kinds of trouble here. And it makes me so mad, because all the wonderful ladies get slammed into a box with those other ladies. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
You may think you do - but you don't. I shudder to think of being slammed into the same box as some other hobbyists I've seen post here. Be true to yourself and think outside the box. Just know some of us validate ads with profiles and posting history to see who you really are.
I shudder to think of being slammed into the same box as some other hobbyists I've seen post here. Originally Posted by CenterLock
Amen to that!
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
Many of the points I would suggest have already been made and I won't bother you by repeating them. Here are a couple of additions:

1. This is not Craigslist or Backpage. Recognize that and act accordingly. If you use that screwed up font shit in your headline or the text of your ad, you're invisible to me and many of the other customers here because we won't read your ad.

2. Screen carefully. Not just for your protection (which is most important), but for your 'brand image'. For example, if I read a review of a provider posted by a member of the BBFS posse, she's off my list. Forever. You never know with some guys, but that's not who I'm talking about. I'm talking about the guys that are well known.

3. This one is personal preference: I don't like talking to your ass or your starfish. Don't use either as your avatar if you're a frequent poster. Some guys may like this, so if it's working for you, don't mind me.

I wish the best for all of our Eccie providers. Many of you are awesome!