Homeland Security Covers Up Pedophile Working for Dem Senator Until After Election

So, you got the state wrong COG. What else? Tell us about the cover up and the evidence that supports that allegation by you. I'm sure that the fact that you were wrong about the state won't impede you from making additional erroneous allegations. Enlighten us dumbass.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Read the article, dumberass.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I've since seen something about it. It's a volunteer intern. Much ado about nothing.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
That would be true, unless it was Republican aide. I'm not a Republican, but the bias is obvious.
I do not believe the cover up was intended to protect Menendez. If the Obama administration exercised any effort to prevent Homeland Security from deporting an illegal sex offender back to Mexico it would not have been to protect a Senator from New Jersey with little chance of loosing. It would have been to prevent the loss of the Latino vote in races where that may make the difference between winning and losing for Democrats. Now I have seen no evidence to support that any politically motivated election related interference in this case occurred. At this time the only thing I have seen or heard is the account of an apparent whistle blower.

As with most things that have occurred in the last century, the truth will likely never surface, and if it does it will be discredited by the firmly engrained lies that proceeded it.
I've since seen something about it. It's a volunteer intern. Much ado about nothing. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

Facts really confuse the wingers .thanks for some clarity on this thread.
Menendez was the very last-minute stand in for Bob Torricelli a corrupt NJ politician who had to drop out of his Senate race. The Dems brought Menendez out of retirement. They knew he had a lot of baggage but he was their best bet to retain the seat.

It was clear that Torcelli was going to lose so at the last moment Torcelli dropped out and the Democrats trotted out Menendez.

Menendez's daughter is hot.....she's a poltical activist....take a looky lou below.

Sen. Menendez was also caught up in another recent sex scandal.....the guy is a lecher.

Word is Menendez has a strong sexual appetite for young women - fitting he would be the employ of a pedophile ?? Word is he likes rough sex. Word is he does a lot of sex junkets on tax payer dimes.


Your typical Democrat degenerate who serves his master (Obama) well. No wonder Napolitano protects him. It is very similar to how the mafia operates.