MSOG multiple shots on goal

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Yes, it is unreasonable to expect a second pop on the shallow end of remaining time. The way I see it, if you need more than half of whatever time agreed upon to get the first pop, then the second one isn't likely to come within the original time window.

Exceptions to this would be if you're barely over, say, 35 minutes into an hour, the first pop comes. After a 10-min breather, a 15 min pop could happen, maybe.

In a 30-min session, I wouldn't expect a second pop attempt, unless maybe if one could pop in the first 5 minutes. I once popped in 3 minutes (yeah, the pussy was THAT good).

The problem I've run into more than I care to mention is the lack of interest in attempting a second pop, regardless of the time remaining. 20 minutes into an hour session and one pop happens, you shouldn't be getting dressed shortly thereafter. What the hell is this! Who 'quits' after 20 minutes of an hour's work, and you want to get paid for the whole hour. THAT'S BULLSHIT, ladies!

If the guy concedes that he doesn't think he achieve a second pop, that's one thing. But for you to be ready pack up and go with a huge amount of time remaining, that's just straight up bullshit.

Or, Maybe he's testing you. "Oh, i don't know if I can get another one," the guy says

Maybe he wants you to try. Maybe he wants you to prove how badass of a hottie you are to get him to achieve something he didn't think he could. But, if you want to take the easy road and quit after 20 minutes.... Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Settle down negative Nelly. We ALL don't do any one thing. It's BS some of the hoops we gotta jump thru these days, as well. So, if it happens like that, maybe ask why she's in a hurry. Could be it's not total BS to her. Do ya just lay there and wonder why? I wouldn't.

To the ladies that jump up and run for the hills after one pop and with the donation for your time in hand, did the gent try to negotiate by any chance? Were ya in a hurry for no particular reason? I don't understand why a lady would treat a gent as such, so I'm asking.
Settle down negative Nelly. We ALL don't do any one thing. It's BS some of the hoops we gotta jump thru these days, so if it happens like that, maybe ask why she's in a hurry. Could be it's not total BS to her. Do ya just lay there and wonder why? I wouldn't.

To the ladies that jump up and run for the hills after one pop and with the donation for your time in hand, did the gent try to negotiate by any chance? Were ya in a hurry for no particular reason? I don't understand why a lady would treat a gent as such, so I'm asking. Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen

After doing this for 20 years I have learned a few things about MSOG.

For me I probably will not see a lady who does not allow or offer MSOG regardless if I book 30 min or 2 hours..I can and do have the ability to cum twice in 30 minutes or I may want to hold out for the big-O on the hour session. but that should be my choice if I do.

I agree you should not ask 55 minutes into the hour "can I get another?" that is pushing it to me..

To answer your last question: I have been told by more than one Provider who was 'trained' or Managed, that they are told that 'its your time and money, one and done" that works fine for Street Walkers or Red Light District Hookers who are high volume, but not for GFE gals.. To me if you only allow 1 shot for hour. you are perhaps Pimped out and greedy, selfish and it obvious you are only in it for the $$$
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
After doing this for 20 years I have learned a few things about MSOG.

For me I probably will not see a lady who does not allow or offer MSOG regardless if I book 30 min or 2 hours..I can and do have the ability to cum twice in 30 minutes or I may want to hold out for the big-O on the hour session. but that should be my choice if I do.

I agree you should not ask 55 minutes into the hour "can I get another?" that is pushing it to me..

To answer your last question: I have been told by more than one Provider who was 'trained' or Managed, that they are told that 'its your time and money, one and done" that works fine for Street Walkers or Red Light District Hookers who are high volume, but not for GFE gals.. To me if you only allow 1 shot for hour. you are perhaps Pimped out and greedy, selfish and it obvious you are only in it for the $$$ Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
I agree and maybe the ladies should ask before each appointment, because some gents are not really concerned with the number of times they O, no matter how long the appointment is. When a gent asks ahead of time, I do tell them I can not 100% guarantee MSOG, because there is no way I can conclude they are capable of such if I have never seen them before and am unfamiliar with what trips their triggers just yet. But, I am willing to try....always.

While my time is not strictly adhered to, and I know this is hard to believe, there are those gents who will drag it out forever and way past time. Something about wishing to please a lady via stamina plays into it...or this is what is said at times. And even when obliging a gent so he has no complaints about MSOG or being rushed, they almost always forget to show their extra gratitude for what we may do above and beyond the call of duty, because many feel that's just wrong or they might lose their man card or something.... I enjoy a good long boink as much as anyone, but....if ya desire to go more than one....please get busy, say something, and don't let me cuddle and chat, or even rest while wasting your time. Hey, I aim to please and communication is the key...

I always have a hard time calling what I do, a job. I've just had too many awesome experiences, I guess. So, talk to me Big'll be better for us both if ya don't make me guess. I won't waste your time and you ain't gotta take advantage of mine kinda thing. I do have VIP clients I might not feel the same as I do the "one hitters", simply because they are good to me, visit more and are a better or more reliable type of friend/lover. These are the only ones who get the better perks many insist they should also get. I understand the variety thing, and I ain't got no beef, but I show my appreciation for those who understand to also show appreciation for me, in whatever manner that might be. They are special and get the real deals that others try to take from us, including the time and patience for however many pops.

Giving is a pleasure all by itself and if the first thing a gent does is try to take that away from me by negotiating rates, extra time, or whatever he insists I give to get his biz... it's like letting the air outta my tires or something. He's one of those conquering and trampling the lands he wishes to claim, and expects me to make him feel like a King, even though he's gonna insist on making me feel like he found me in the flea market or something. It's gotta be somewhat about the lady too, or intimate encounters will feel like a job. And, I having none of that! LOL

I'm certain other ladies feel differently, so I can only speak for me. We all think differently about this stuff and adjust our biz not only to suit the clients we prefer, but ourselves as well and if we are smart, maybe we consider more than just the money. It's why I don't negotiate and try to communicate. We don't have access to lots of info about the clients, as they do the ladies, so speak up, ask questions without being an insensitive or maybe demanding kind of gent if ya can.

Thanks for answering my question...I am grateful, as they rarely get answered.
GiveMeLibertyOrGiveMeHead's Avatar
Regardless of what you think the definition of MSOG, (or GFE or PSE etc...) is, the only definition that really matters is the providers since she is the one that provides the service. I have found that getting a clear understanding of what is and what isn't on the menu, (once you are both naked and on the bed of course) is the best way to avoid any disappointment and to set expectations.

Regardless of what the definition is, I have found that my attitude towards the provider, my appearance and my personal hygiene go a long way towards me having a much better time. I always treat these women like they are the most gorgeous women I have even seen, (and in some cases they are). I am never disrespectful of them or their time. I always show up on time, freshly showered, smelling good and well groomed. This does not go unrewarded and since they always seem to notice and comment on how good I smell, I am assuming that there are some of you out there that do not follow the same rules. That is just fucking wrong in my eyes. You wouldn't do that with any other woman you are planning on sleeping with and you should not do that to any provider.

To sum up, attitude, hygiene, timeliness and communication go a long way and can be the difference between a bad time, a good time, a great time and a fucking amazing time!

I find "counting" the finished material in advance to be counter productive and counter intuitive. Setting a limit is likely to cause tension and a far less fulfilling time. I much prefer to approach opened ended. "If you prefer to enjoy this discussion twice that's perfectly fine and enjoyable. If you can only have this discussion once do not hesitate to stop me or have me slow down so we can get the most enjoyment out of time together." I try to enjoy the gentlemen for all he has to offer. From personality, conversation to the more intimate conversations that could be had. And that is the kind of client I engage.

If you intend to experience the big bang theory as much as possible it helps to let the girl know (discreetly) before you meet. This way ladies that cannot handle a secession of non stop activity can weigh the choice. Keep in mind most ladies work on some level quantity. If she is in a non stop session with you for 2 hours... her next possible appointment is certainly going to suffer. Her finances will likely suffer because she has to cancel due to worn, weary or rawness. I appreciate as much as I can wanting to receive as much as you can for the sum of money you paid but there is always another side to the coin. communication is the key. Someone mentioned seeking the PSE experience for the more active desires. I wholeheartedly agree. Only the woman knows what her bodies limits are.

On the other side, the chances are slim that an hour of non stop physical activity will do her too much damage. She will likely enjoy the hour a little less as it turned from a possible romantic and intimate evening to an hour of work. Though, if you do not mind or care that she would perceive your time as work than that does not matter. It all really depends on what you want to get out of it

I don't do half hours but I do agree expecting more for a shorter duration and donation is a bit greedy.

The summation is simply this.... Do your research, communication is key. Be discreet but don't be afraid to ask. If you want to try for a 5+ hour.... ask! She might like the challenge! She might have had a rough week or day and is well aware her body cannot handle that at that time. Perhaps she will say "i would love to try that...can we wait until next week?"
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I clicked MSOG is 2 or more.

Jaycee's reply is totally on point.
I figure multiple is 2 or more. I like to relax a bit between shots. If I have time for a second shot, I'll take it. If I have time for a third shot,...and so on. Sometimes I wait until the end of the match and score the lone, winning goal.

As long as the match doesn't end with penalty kicks, I'm good.

gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooool!!!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-02-2015, 05:13 PM
I guess I might disagree with a little bit of most people on here, but such is life.

I do not like the whole "MSOG" conversation for two reasons.

One, it is ill defined, as the OP identifies. I have always believed that any whole number bigger than 1 is "multiple", so from that point of view, a total of 2 would indeed be "MSOG".

However, while I have met ladies who are 1 per appointment, I have never run into a lady who said "OK, that's 2--you're done!" I believe that the ladies I have had the pleasure of seeing do equate "multiple" to "as many as you can handle in the time we have". Of course it has been a long time since I could count past 2, and many times I can't count past 1.

But the other reason I do not like "MSOG" discussions is because I think appointments are set by time, and so long as a gentleman is well behaved, FINISHED, and WALKS OUT ON TIME before the time agreed to, the counting to 1, 2, or 56 should not be an issue. Unless she explicitly SAYS "one shot only" then I think a limit enforced like that during the session is false advertising.
atlcomedy's Avatar
I guess I might disagree with a little bit of most people on here, but such is life.

I do not like the whole "MSOG" conversation for two reasons.

One, it is ill defined, as the OP identifies. I have always believed that any whole number bigger than 1 is "multiple", so from that point of view, a total of 2 would indeed be "MSOG".

However, while I have met ladies who are 1 per appointment, I have never run into a lady who said "OK, that's 2--you're done!" I believe that the ladies I have had the pleasure of seeing do equate "multiple" to "as many as you can handle in the time we have". Of course it has been a long time since I could count past 2, and many times I can't count past 1.

But the other reason I do not like "MSOG" discussions is because I think appointments are set by time, and so long as a gentleman is well behaved, FINISHED, and WALKS OUT ON TIME before the time agreed to, the counting to 1, 2, or 56 should not be an issue. Unless she explicitly SAYS "one shot only" then I think a limit enforced like that during the session is false advertising. Originally Posted by Old-T
Reading this thread, my thought was similar, "Is this a real issue (e.g. offering 2 but not more than 2) that legitimately causes regular misunderstanding or an idea for a thread on a slow board day?"

I've run into the "one and dones" (OAD) & the MSOG gals but never anyone that has told me after 2, "well that's it" and proceeded to get dressed.

Beyond that I'd echo most of what has been said. Communication and being a good guy tend to go a long way towards getting what you want.

As an aside I'm pretty good at identifying the OADs either thru research; tactful, but direct communication; or just gut feel and typically opt for a shorter session if I decide to see them at all. As has been previously said, I don't always want or need an extra helping or two but want to know I control it.
For me, the problem is when some gents expect MSOG even if there's only a few minutes left in a session. If one is looking to have an orgasm contest and tally up how many times you can cum, what's the point of not booking an hour or longer session? (The likely answer is cheapness.)

If a gent is sweet and thoughtful, especially from initially contacting me, and books an hour or more, I'm open to being fluid with time and allowing a reasonable grace period. But if someone were to book a 30 minute session with me, cum at 27 minutes in, and then expect another pop, I would be looking at him with all the side eyes.

A reasonable solution would be to research and book with a provider who offers a high intensity PSE experience. But then again, many ladies have an hour minimum for those sessions and/or charge more than what would be considered mid-range rates.

Also, according to Merriam-Webster, the most basic definition of multiple is "more than one." Originally Posted by Lena Duvall
My thinking is in line with this.
Then we have edging. I am kind of the mindset that who cares how many O's either of you have. Sometimes it's not about just crossing the finishing line, but the level of intensity and enjoyment along the way.

If I have one big O, I'm just as happy as if I had several little ones. As far as my lover or client, if he can O five times in hour... great! If he's only good for one, it's kind of his responsibility to say so, so the provider can edge him and make the most of it.

But that whole popping once and at 750 when time is up at 8 expecting you to go over to make that 2nd pop, when ya both know it ain't happening, makes me feel taken advantage of, unless I'm tipped or its a regular that I knows really appreciates me.
How are you gents getting 2 or more pops in session? I have never been able to pop twice in a sesson. Is it pills or something? I work out, eat relatively healthy, and get decent sleep so I don't think it's my health.
~Ynot~'s Avatar
I agree and maybe the ladies should ask before each appointment, because some gents are not really concerned with the number of times they O, no matter how long the appointment is. When a gent asks ahead of time, I do tell them I can not 100% guarantee MSOG, because there is no way I can conclude they are capable of such if I have never seen them before and am unfamiliar with what trips their triggers just yet. But, I am willing to try....always.

While my time is not strictly adhered to, and I know this is hard to believe, there are those gents who will drag it out forever and way past time. Something about wishing to please a lady via stamina plays into it...or this is what is said at times. And even when obliging a gent so he has no complaints about MSOG or being rushed, they almost always forget to show their extra gratitude for what we may do above and beyond the call of duty, because many feel that's just wrong or they might lose their man card or something.... I enjoy a good long boink as much as anyone, but....if ya desire to go more than one....please get busy, say something, and don't let me cuddle and chat, or even rest while wasting your time. Hey, I aim to please and communication is the key...

I always have a hard time calling what I do, a job. I've just had too many awesome experiences, I guess. So, talk to me Big'll be better for us both if ya don't make me guess. I won't waste your time and you ain't gotta take advantage of mine kinda thing. I do have VIP clients I might not feel the same as I do the "one hitters", simply because they are good to me, visit more and are a better or more reliable type of friend/lover. These are the only ones who get the better perks many insist they should also get. I understand the variety thing, and I ain't got no beef, but I show my appreciation for those who understand to also show appreciation for me, in whatever manner that might be. They are special and get the real deals that others try to take from us, including the time and patience for however many pops.

Giving is a pleasure all by itself and if the first thing a gent does is try to take that away from me by negotiating rates, extra time, or whatever he insists I give to get his biz... it's like letting the air outta my tires or something. He's one of those conquering and trampling the lands he wishes to claim, and expects me to make him feel like a King, even though he's gonna insist on making me feel like he found me in the flea market or something. It's gotta be somewhat about the lady too, or intimate encounters will feel like a job. And, I having none of that! LOL

I'm certain other ladies feel differently, so I can only speak for me. We all think differently about this stuff and adjust our biz not only to suit the clients we prefer, but ourselves as well and if we are smart, maybe we consider more than just the money. It's why I don't negotiate and try to communicate. We don't have access to lots of info about the clients, as they do the ladies, so speak up, ask questions without being an insensitive or maybe demanding kind of gent if ya can.

Thanks for answering my question...I am grateful, as they rarely get answered. Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
Max... Your definitely my kinda lady,,
Stay sweet dear and don't change a thing
How are you gents getting 2 or more pops in session? I have never been able to pop twice in a sesson. Is it pills or something? I work out, eat relatively healthy, and get decent sleep so I don't think it's my health. Originally Posted by Cunt Hunt
Sometimes its a curse. Really wish I could have one intense O and be done. Instead of have many O. Main reason I prefer multi-hour dates.
How are you gents getting 2 or more pops in session? I have never been able to pop twice in a sesson. Is it pills or something? I work out, eat relatively healthy, and get decent sleep so I don't think it's my health. Originally Posted by Cunt Hunt
no trick that I know of off hand. for me I try to give at least 2-3 days in between orgasms before I book an appt.

it also really depends on much I am into the session. I do have the ability to cum twice within a minute or two, most I came was 3 times in about 5 minutes.. but those are rare...