Maher says NSA is OK

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-11-2013, 11:04 PM
Obama is under no obligation to enforce the Patriot Act. In fact he signed it, along with NDAA and other draconian police state legislation. Don't pass this off on Congress alone. Obama's hands are ALL OVER this. He is the same old dirty, corrupt politician like his forbears. There is no doubt about that. Hope and Change? Bullshit. Same shit, different President. I don't know why you hate Bush, when you defend Obama everytime he does something Bush did. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

cant let this slide

Obama is under no obligation to enforce the LAW ??? really?

may want to run that one by Andrew Jackson
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No, he is not. But he signed it. He WANTS to enforce it. He LIKES enforcing it. He loves the POWER it gives him. He is dangerous.

Does Maher really think terrorists plotting to nuke New York or Philadelphia would make plans using an iPhone or Gmail? Is he really that stupid? I don’t think so. Bill Maher is a propaganda tool used by the establishment. He gets on HBO and says what the establishment tells him to say. Otherwise he wouldn’t be on corporate television... Originally Posted by zerodahero
So much libtard win in these sentences!

And if Bush was President when this was happening the media would be shouting "impeachment."

Where have you gone Christopher Hitchens a lonely pseudo-progressive media turns its eyes to hooo hooo!
flghtr65's Avatar
no you prolly wont .. lemme help

The Patriot Act is a law passed by cogress , congress has to repeal the law to get it off the books ..,Obie or the next dink in line doesn't have a magic wand.

ring any bells Lawman? Originally Posted by CJ7
CJ7, exactly. How did Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky put it, I am not interested in bipartisanship. I am interested in making sure Barack Obama is a one term president. He failed. You can't work with guys like this.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
First of all, McConnell is an idiot. But I will admit, I wanted Obama to be a one term President. I also wanted Bush to be a one term President. I wanted Clinton to be a one term President. George the First was a one term President, and that was a good thing, except we didn't replace him with anyone better.

Do you think Harry Reid wanted Bush to serve two terms? Or did Pelosi feel that way? You're an idiot, Fluffy.

I want Gary Johnson to be a two term President. Otherwise, I want them out of office ASAP.

But let Obama argue on his own behalf. Or against his own behalf. Tell me, should this liar have been allowed a second term?

flghtr65's Avatar
First of all, McConnell is an idiot. But I will admit, I wanted Obama to be a one term President. I also wanted Bush to be a one term President. I wanted Clinton to be a one term President. George the First was a one term President, and that was a good thing, except we didn't replace him with anyone better.

Do you think Harry Reid wanted Bush to serve two terms? Or did Pelosi feel that way? You're an idiot, Fluffy.

I want Gary Johnson to be a two term President. Otherwise, I want them out of office ASAP.

But let Obama argue on his own behalf. Or against his own behalf. Tell me, should this liar have been allowed a second term?

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi were bipartisan on issues like the prescription drug plan for seniors (Medicare Part D) and no child left behind. After Bush lied to them about WMD's they probably voted to allocate funds for Iraq. The republicans have not been bipartisan with Obama on the Economic Stimulus package, The Affordable Care Act, raising the debt ceiling, or raising tax percentages for the highest tax bracket. The only thing the republicans have agreed with Obama on has been the Surge in AG and the continuation of PRISM program that was started by Bush. IBH, this is still the same program right? It did not change names like Operation Wide Receiver and Fast and Furious (although both programs were run by the ATF in Arizona with different start times). Republicans Peter King and John Boehner think that Edward Snowden is a trader and should be prosecuted. The attack in Boston has changed things, people want to feel safe, but they don't want the government listening to their calls, which is not suppose to happen. These are the only two things the republicans agree with Obama on. The republicans are not talking about the economy or the unemployment rate any more. They are trying find scandal with Benghazi and Cincy IRS office. Yes, Obama should have been elected to a second term, you need a congress that you can work with.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
flghtr65's Avatar
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
In the USA the means of production is not controlled by the State, therefore the Communist/Socialist tag for Obama does not apply. You used to teach economics at the college level? The tax percentage for the highest tax bracket was raised from 35% to 39.5% effective January 2013. The 39.5 percentage is the same percentage for that bracket during Clinton's presidency. In England (GB) the tax percentage for the highest tax bracket is 45%. Is GB communist?
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Bill Maher said he’s scared and that’s why he supports turning America into a Stasi surveillance state. He wants the rest of us to be scared, too, so we’ll support the government. “You know, the fact that a city can be just demolished in one second kind of tips the scale for me. So, I’m not saying to look into your emails is the right thing, I’m just saying, I’m not going to pretend it’s because I’m brave; it’s because I’m scared,” he said. Originally Posted by zerodahero
God, what a pussy this piece of shit is.
LexusLover's Avatar
After Bush lied to them about WMD's they probably voted to allocate funds for Iraq. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Why would anyone want someone in office .....

.................who so stupid as to believe anything that "lying, dumbass" Bush said?
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Damn old fuckhead are you off your meds? One inane rant after another.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
+1 Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Now that Larry, Curly and Moe have liked this page, will Frick and Frack soon follow?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Now that Larry, Curly and Moe have liked this page, will Frick and Frack soon follow? Originally Posted by bigtex
Are you "Frick" or "Frack," BigKoTex?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Are you "Frick" or "Frack," BigKoTex? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Hey Corpy, why don't you Frickin post the link to the poll I started, Frackhead?