Free Bradley Manning

Was the judge's sentence overly harsh? Does Manning deserve to be jailed at all? Below, take a look at how his 35-year sentence stacks up to those handed out to other criminals, many of whose crimes were arguably more severe than Manning's.

William Colton Millay, 16 years for attempting to sell secrets to a Russian spy

David Henry Barnett, 18 years for selling classified documents to Soviet officials

Harold James Nicholson, 23 years for providing highly classified information to Russia

Ana Belen Montes, 25 years for passing classified information to Cuba's government

Earl Edwin Pitts, 27 years for giving classified information to Russian intelligence services

Michael Peri, 30 years for passing defense secrets to communist East Germany

Clayton Lonetree, 30 years for delivering classified information from American embassies to Soviet agents

Albert Sombolay, 34 years for giving a Jordanian intelligence agent key information about the U.S. military buildup ahead of the first Gulf War Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
Did any of them give away 750,000 documents to the entire world - enemies included?
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Stan.Dupp's Avatar
Did any of them give away 750,000 documents to the entire world - enemies included? Originally Posted by ExNYer
I think the point the article is making is what they did was far worse and did in fact cause harm, where as with Manning , there is no real evidence of harm, and he was leaking to a journalistic site Wikileaks. They couldnt' get him on "aiding the enemy" because that would mean "we" are the enemy since he was trying to inform US citizens as to what is going on.
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  • 08-22-2013, 12:57 PM
I think the point the article is making is what they did was far worse and did in fact cause harm, where as with Manning , there is no real evidence of harm, and he was leaking to a journalistic site Wikileaks. They couldnt' get him on "aiding the enemy" because that would mean "we" are the enemy since he was trying to inform US citizens as to what is going on. Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
Agreed...and he did not run off to Hong Kong and then Russia.
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
Agreed...and he did not run off to Hong Kong and then Russia. Originally Posted by WTF
^^ Exactly..
RedLeg505's Avatar
Bradley meet your new friend Bubba. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Actually Bradley wants to be called Chelsey. So making a new "friend" named Bubba is probably heaven to him/her.

But I thought you Liberals LOVE the idea of gays openly serving in the military. So, more cases like Manning is what you seek?
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  • 08-22-2013, 08:07 PM
Actually Bradley wants to be called Chelsey. So making a new "friend" named Bubba is probably heaven to him/her.

But I thought you Liberals LOVE the idea of gays openly serving in the military. So, more cases like Manning is what you seek? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
wtf are you trying to say you ignorant hillbilly? That Manning leaked that shit because he was transgendered?
I B Hankering's Avatar
wtf are you trying to say you ignorant hillbilly? That Manning leaked that shit because he was transgendered? Originally Posted by WTF
Probably. The SOB enlisted for the benefits, lied on his enlistment form and then found his punk ass in a combat zone. Then he became a whiny little bitch after he outed himself to his peers and superiors because they took punitive actions against him. So the whiny little bitch leaked the material to get his revenge. He bragged about doing it, and that's what led another hacker to turn him in.
Probably. The SOB enlisted for the benefits, lied on his enlistment form and then found his punk ass in a combat zone. Then he became a whiny little bitch after he outed himself to his peers and superiors because they took punitive actions against him. So the whiny little bitch leaked the material to get his revenge. He bragged about doing it, and that's what led another hacker to turn him in. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

I know you will be coming to Kansas soon to visit Chelsy and you can chat about how much fun it is to have your fudge packed. Fkn perv.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I know you will be coming to Kansas soon to visit Chelsy and you can chat about how much fun it is to have your fudge packed. Fkn perv. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Everyone notice how Ekim the Inbred Chimp is keeping tabs on the queer's whereabouts?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar COG used to say. Originally Posted by timpage
Actually, I still say it.


Pfc. Manning was convicted for revealing war crimes committed by the US military under the command of Commander in Chief George W. Bush. George W. Bush is the criminal, not Bradley Manning. Bush should be in Leavenworth.

He "saw something", then "said something", then got prison. Injustice at its most reprehensible.

RedLeg505's Avatar
wtf are you trying to say you ignorant hillbilly? That Manning leaked that shit because he was transgendered? Originally Posted by WTF
LOL.. love how someone NOT FAMILIAR with the case starts with the name calling. GO check it WTF, the Manning DEFENSE team tried to excuse his actions as being due to his "gender identity issues".

Care to try the 'ignorant hillbilly" shit again dipstick? After you read up and learn a few things that is.
Actually, I still say it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Hanoi COG, thanks for the input. You can go back to sleep now!
RedLeg505's Avatar
Pfc. Manning was convicted for revealing war crimes committed by the US military under the command of Commander in Chief George W. Bush. George W. Bush is the criminal, not Bradley Manning. Bush should be in Leavenworth Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Just so I make sure I understand your position COG.. if/when someone reveals "war crimes committed by the US military under the command of Commander in Chief Barack Obama... will you also call for Obama to be in Leavenworth? Or will that be another case of "Well Obama didn't actually give any ORDERS to do XYZ so he's not to blame"?
Everyone notice how Ekim the Inbred Chimp is keeping tabs on the queer's whereabouts? Originally Posted by I B Hankering

It is a dirty job, but someone has to watch you perv.