Redhot1960's Avatar
Bernie had his chance. It's Kamala Harris time now. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Tiny will be so sad.

themystic's Avatar
Some cool things to know about Bernie Sanders:

1. He was kicked out of a Vermont hippie commune in the '70s for being a slacker.... Bernie the socialist couldn't even last a week in a real-life socialist situation.

2, He fathered a child out of wedlock.

3, He wrote articles on uplifting topics such as masturbation and rape for left-wing rags at $50 a pop.

4, When his electricity was repeatedly shut off for not paying his bills, he ran a line from his basement to bypass the meter and steal it.

5, He never earned a steady paycheck until he was 40, and then it was from the government.

6. He honeymooned in the Soviet Union.

7. His most recent tax return shows he paid only a 13.5% federal income tax rate - lower than what Mitt Romney's tax returns showed when he ran in 2012. (When Republicans pay a low rate it's a scandal. When Dems and socialists do it, it's a non-issue.) Originally Posted by lustylad
He did all that even though his Daddy gave him $ 550 million? He cheated people out of money he owed them? Oops sorry. Wrong crook
Dickey9090's Avatar
Mystic lives while women only. No black women
He’s racist.

He can duck Bernie’s wife. Of course she’s Jewish so she will overcharge
His desperate ass
themystic's Avatar
Mystic lives while women only. No black women
He’s racist.

He can duck Bernie’s wife. Of course she’s Jewish so she will overcharge
His desperate ass Originally Posted by Dickey9090
I don't fuck Jewish women either. I would fuck a black woman before I would fuck a Jewish woman. I like White Women, Asian Women. Latina women, Arab women . WALDT. I have enough money to fuck whoever I want. Why would I want to fuck something I didn't like. Ive heard what Trump people call you Dick. Sucker
Dickey9090's Avatar
I don't fuck Jewish women either. I would fuck a black woman before I would fuck a Jewish woman. I like White Women, Asian Women. Latina women, Arab women . WALDT. I have enough money to fuck whoever I want. Why would I want to fuck something I didn't like. Ive heard what Trump people call you Dick. Sucker Originally Posted by themystic
TM and Assup. I want to meet u guys. Please. Where and when
Let’s eat some cow. And talk. I’m willing to do this. You guys RE SI FUCKED
PLEASE let’s meet. I’m buying cigars drinks whores.
themystic's Avatar
TM and Assup. I want to meet u guys. Please. Where and when
Let’s eat some cow. And talk. I’m willing to do this. You guys RE SI FUCKED
PLEASE let’s meet. I’m buying cigars drinks whores. Originally Posted by Dickey9090
Will you bring White and Asian women? No blacks or Jews please. Its a personal preference. I have an NBA policy
themystic's Avatar
TM and Assup. I want to meet u guys. Please. Where and when
Let’s eat some cow. And talk. I’m willing to do this. You guys RE SI FUCKED
PLEASE let’s meet. I’m buying cigars drinks whores. Originally Posted by Dickey9090
Id love to meet Dickey. You gay guys always have hot women around. Just be sure mine are non black. I cant speak for Yassup. Im looking forward to meeting you and your husband
Bernie and his plump hippie wife Jane loves them some other peoples' money!!

Bernie and Burlington College

Sanders is no longer the only socialist in the Democratic crowd.

By The WSJ Editorial Board
Feb. 19, 2019 6:47 p.m. ET

Bernie Sanders said Tuesday he’s running for President again, and we trust this time no one will sell his chances short. Having come close to winning the Democratic nomination in 2016, the Vermont socialist should get the scrutiny he dodged last time.

Among 2020 contenders, only Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden rival Mr. Sanders for national name recognition, and only Mr. Biden is beating him in the polls. Mr. Sanders ended 2018 with some $9 million in his Senate campaign fund, another advantage in a crowded field.

But now Mr. Sanders is no longer the solo socialist. He lost to Hillary Clinton but shifted the Democratic Party left. The Democratic field is full of women and minorities now running on his Medicare for All proposal, which would eliminate private health insurance, and the Green New Deal. Mr. Sanders may discover at 77 years old that it’s a disadvantage to be white and male among Democrats.

Mr. Sanders has already had to apologize to women who worked for his campaign in 2016 and say they were harassed by male staffers. He can also expect more scrutiny for the dealings of his wife, Jane O’Meara Sanders, who has been his congressional chief of staff and remains among his most trusted advisers. Her tenure as president of Burlington College in Vermont deserves more attention in particular.

Mrs. Sanders left the school in 2011 with a $200,795 severance. In 2016 the college closed because of what it called the “crushing weight of debt” incurred on Mrs. Sanders’s watch. The college had purchased 32 acres of property from the Roman Catholic diocese for $10 million in 2010, though it began the year with less than $1.8 million in net assets.

To finance the purchase, the college took out a $6.7 million tax-exempt loan from People’s United Bank and a $3.65 million subordinate loan from the diocese. It soon fell behind on repayments. The diocese eventually lost between $1.6 million and $2 million in principal and interest, according to a request for investigation sent to the U.S. Attorney from Catholic parishioners in 2016.

The letter was written by Brady Toensing, vice chair of the Vermont Republican Party, and it suggested Mrs. Sanders had committed bank fraud by misleading lenders about Burlington College’s fundraising grants and pledges. To obtain the bank loan, Mrs. Sanders signed documents suggesting the college had secured commitments for at least $2.27 million, but it raised only $676,000 from 2010 through 2014. Two donors said their pledges had been overstated in loan paperwork, the news website reported in 2015.

It’s fair to ask if Mr. Sanders’s senatorial status enabled this fiasco. The parishioners suggested in their letter that “Ms. Sanders’s privileged status as the wife of a powerful United States Senator seems to have inoculated her from the robust underwriting that would have uncovered the apparent fraudulent donation claims she made.”

Burlington College’s final president, Carol Moore, asked in the Chronicle of Higher Education, “What bank lends a small, private, unendowed college of that size and financial status an amount that so obviously outweighs its ability to repay?” She added that the bank was “in the state of an influential senator—a senator, as it turned out, with bigger ambitions.”

The Vermont Educational and Health Buildings Finance Agency, a state entity that issues tax-exempt debt, helped Burlington College secure the bank loan. Its then-board member Tom Pelham said in 2016 that while “I didn’t see, nor did anyone see, nor were there any accusations of strong arming,” he thought that “if this had been some other thinly financed entity that was making the presentation, it might have gotten more scrutiny.” Two other board members said Mrs. Sanders’s connections weren’t a factor.

Mr. Sanders’s office didn’t respond to requests for comment. In 2016 a Sanders spokesperson told local press the allegations in the parishioners’ letter were “recycled, discredited garbage.” The Sanders camp now says the feds have closed the Burlington College investigation and aren’t filing charges, though prosecutors won’t confirm or deny that claim.

By the way, Burlington College’s financial disclosures show that between 2009 and 2011 the school paid more than $328,000 to enroll students in a woodworking school run by Carina Driscoll, Mrs. Sanders’s daughter and Mr. Sanders’s stepdaughter. Ms. Moore later described the arrangement as “a sweetheart deal” and told the woodworking school was “gouging the college.”

And though Mr. Sanders campaigned in 2016 on the promise of free college, Burlington College’s tuition rose from $14,170 to $22,410 during Mrs. Sanders’s seven-year tenure, according to U.S. News & World Report’s data.

Mrs. Sanders would wield significant policy influence in a Sanders White House, as Hillary Clinton did as first lady. At the very least the Burlington failure shows financial incompetence and a tendency toward nepotism. Sounds a lot like socialism.

Appeared in the February 20, 2019, print edition. Originally Posted by lustylad
Good things to bring into the light. I remember Mrs. Obama had a sweetheart job, too - and very well paid.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
one wonders if hillary brought up those inconvenient details about bernie. did she?

there maybe exceptions to mrs. clinton's saul alinksy policy against her opponents.

she wouldn't have to rig the DNC elections in her favor.
lustylad's Avatar
one wonders if hillary brought up those inconvenient details about bernie. did she?] Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Asked and answered. Don't let my new avatar keep distracting you, dilbert.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 03-04-2019, 04:08 AM
Who's riding shot gun with the Bern? Killery.
  • grean
  • 03-04-2019, 06:19 AM
Bernie has also forsaken his gun friendly attitude now. He's jumped on the "ban" wagon!

Can someone give me a rimshot emoji please?
Bernie had his chance. It's Kamala Harris time now. Originally Posted by adav8s28
hellary needs another shot
Yssup Rider's Avatar
TM and Assup. I want to meet u guys. Please. Where and when
Let’s eat some cow. And talk. I’m willing to do this. You guys RE SI FUCKED
PLEASE let’s meet. I’m buying cigars drinks whores. Originally Posted by Dickey9090
LOL! Remember that place at Love Field where you didn’t show up twice before?

Wear your pasties.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Wow that's a lot of people !!!!!!!!!!