Hobby stories

CatMan4u's Avatar
Hey Dallas sweetheart we need to do that sometime soon
Post apocalyptic lvr's Avatar
Went to Mustang Ranch in Nevada many moons ago.After picking out the lady I wanted we went to her room and after disrobing she gets this huge dish like pan of warm water and proceeds to wash my blls and dck I said I just had a shower at my room back in Reno,she smiles and says I can see your clean it customary,ok then ,but that warm water sure made the bj better.
Dated my ATF off and on for several years. Still surprise her at work from time to time for a few laughs and a great time BCD.
CatMan4u's Avatar
First and foremost thank you everyone for your stories
I have been fortunate to have seen some very nice ladies over the years I have had several that continued to see me after they quit and I have one currently that I see that inly sees a couple
On the bright side I have a couple that always appreciates me and makes time for me