coming out and hoping not to get thrown out ;)

Candidly, I am not that concerned about anything that I was willing to state on a public board appearing in the media. After all, this isn't me, it is my "persona".
Candidly, I am not that concerned about anything that I was willing to state on a public board appearing in the media. After all, this isn't me, it is my "persona". Originally Posted by pjorourke
Persona's are too exhausting for me
Actually now that I think about it, easy for you to have a persona - you rarely write more then a line at a time anyway.
foX's Avatar
  • foX
  • 04-16-2010, 10:29 AM
For the gentlemen, is a civilian ever welcome in this world?

Bettie Blue Originally Posted by Bettie Blue
Certainly you are welcome here, as is any civilian who is candid about their motivation for membership and posting. Everyone here is a big boy or girl--and if they know who they are talking to--can take care of themselves. But before anyone gets too excited about getting lots of great info for their media project, you must face the fact that few escorts (and even fewer johns) are anxious to discuss this hobby/lifestyle with those looking to publicize and exploit it.

And more importantly, the subject itself is not nearly as interesting to people outside the hobby as you might think.

Many writers, producers, talk show hosts, and others representing every nook and cranny of the media have attempted to exploit the various themes surrounding the world of sex for money, and for the most part all have fallen fairly flat. The fact is that the ideas of a juicy expose about high end escorts... to a tawdry exploration of streetwalkers, sound much better than they ever turn out to be.

Writing or producing a film or article about prostitution automatically targets the same audiences that are interested in reading or watching the whole breadth of shock/reality subjects. And frankly, on a titillation scale, the real stories of prostitutes are not all that compelling. Most people are simply not very interested...... they’d rather watch “Real Housewives” than hear stories about prostitutes and johns.

So, for all you lurking (or otherwise) writers, or those working girls who long to write the great American story on prostitution--don't expect to find a large audience for your memoirs.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Men expend resources (represented sometimes by currency) to obtain sex by exploiting
' desire for resources.. Women obtain resources (represented sometimes by currency) by exploiting the desire of men for sex.

In other words, sex, like all human interaction I am aware of is exploitative, but when treated transaction-ally, is, at least, mutually

And this is newsworthy?


Please pardon the strange artifacts from spell check above.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Personally, I'd like to know I can post here without having to worry about it being used for an article, book, or tv show.

. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
A couple of thoughts:
1) A good reminder to the community...there are a lot of lurkers out there...not all of them with motives that are similar to ours.
Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I guess I wasn't explicit enough in my point above. Whether Bettie or anyone else is here, nothing has changed.

The public areas of this and most other boards are open to anyone and always will be. It is the only way to grow a board.

And more importantly, the subject itself is not nearly as interesting to people outside the hobby as you might think.

Many writers, producers, talk show hosts, and others representing every nook and cranny of the media have attempted to exploit the various themes surrounding the world of sex for money, and for the most part all have fallen fairly flat. The fact is that the ideas of a juicy expose about high end escorts... to a tawdry exploration of streetwalkers, sound much better than they ever turn out to be.

. Originally Posted by foX
Very true. Whether it is fiction or non-fiction, the truth is sex sells; not prostitution. To the extent any of these efforts are commerically successful it is because there are a bunch of beautiful half naked people running around; not because a white envelope was involved.

As far as some kind of academic piece written for some journal goes...double snore
I guess I wasn't explicit enough in my point above. Whether Bettie or anyone else is here, nothing has changed.

The public areas of this and most other boards are open to anyone and always will be. It is the only way to grow a board. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I agree - my voice isn't the end all and be all. I'm not saying she isn't welcome, but a question was asked and I gave my honest feeling on the issue. It's hardly unheard of for comments from a public forum to end up in an article somewhere.
I am not aware of any requirement that says you have to actually committed the act of prostitution or intend to in order to be a member of this board. All we are exchanging here is information and fantasies.

Discretion is the cornerstone of the hobby. I do have less respect for people who talk to the media like our lovely Golden Girl. Much of what they say gets edited and put out of context by the media editors anyway. If we have learned anything in this hobby, everyone is selfish. It's the same in the real world, too. We didn't invent drama and spin, and manipulation. Ours involves sex and money and that is what makes it exciting and interesting.

Bettie, I think you need to break journalism rule 1. Inject yourself into the story. If you are a male, screw a few escorts. If your are a female, see a few johns. Write something from the first person.... I dare you! You will need a handle and a new identity and get to learn to live the double life. There is nothing like walking in the other persons shoes for a mile. Balls in your court...


Reporters, journalists, they are held to that standard. You ahve to be fair and unbiased, Often they makes people unhappy as the truth is not always welcome and can create all sorts of misery for people. And, no one is perfect. While a journalist may perceive themselves as fair and accurate, a reader may have a very different perception. A writer not working in the media plays by different rules in my humble opinion.

As for the other, I can totally respect that. I probably have no business writing here anyway. As it is, I have precious little free time to write at home. Generally I sit at a computer in a noisy news room, with other nosey reporters trying to read over my shoulder. Bringing up a site like is pretty risky there so it may be just as well I bow out and drop by to lurk now and then.

But, then again, there are a few intersting stories I could be persuaded to share...

discreetgent's Avatar
A perspective of a "civilian" can be illuminating in the sense that most of us will certainly never see that input outside of a board.

As for stories, I'm with the others on this. While posts here are public going any further than that is certainly not something I - and it seems most if not all here - are comfortable with.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Bettie, if you are a legit member of the media, why not out yourself to include real ID and affiliation?
Why don't I post my real name and where I work? Let's just say I have an editor who might not understand. Media jobs are damn hard to come by these days and credibility here is not worth risking my employment. If you or anyone else cares to challenge that I'm a woman, or a writer, it makes no difference to me.
So, in my best New York Times voice, here's what would likely be the only end result of any pillow talk taken to the airwaves:
A journalist attempted to infilitrate the secret underworld of highly paid escorts and the men who love them on the Internet recently, sources famliar with the matter said. Though her efforts were rebuffed, the fact remains sex between two willing participants continues to thrive in expensive hotels and lavish private apartments across the city despite the efforts of outside intervention.
"I love sex," one escort said who asked to remain anonymous. "Even though I make more than enough money as a Nobel Prize winning research scientist and UN Ambassador, I enjoy being with powerful men in a highly charged yet somewhat anonymous encounter. Besides, I would be having sex with these same types of men in a regular dating situation. Why not take it to the next level and profit from the situation?"
Known as the world's oldest profession, prostitution has gained a new level of sophistication and acceptibility in the age of electronic enlightenment. Women who were once considered lowly streetwalkers and the outcast of society are now successful online entreprenures using their beauty and intellect to make thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars a night.
"As the CEO of one the world's largest technology companys, I don't have time to bother with traditional dating," one man explained, who also asked to remain anonymous. "But, I love the compainship of beautiful women. And, having millions of dollars at my disposal affords me the opportunity to have a no strings attached mutually beneficial arrangement."
"Even though I make more than enough money as a Nobel Prize winning research scientist and UN Ambassador Originally Posted by Bettie Blue
Okay which one of you ladies is she referring to?
Women who were once considered lowly streetwalkers and the outcast of society are now successful online entreprenures using their beauty and intellect to make thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars a night. Originally Posted by Bettie Blue
In your spare time, do you write press releases for the police describing the "street value" of the drugs they just confiscated?
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
In your spare time, do you write press releases for the police describing the "street value" of the drugs they just confiscated? Originally Posted by pjorourke
LMAO! Too funny.