Retired SCOTUS Justice John Paul Stevens says........"It's simple, repeal the 2d Amendment"

bamscram's Avatar
The election of Obama sold firearms and ammo. Trump's election the frenzy has slacked off, Remington is going out of business.
Gotta get this ramped up to sell more guns.
He’s 97. Maybe he’s banging Ginsberg. Originally Posted by bambino
If he's banging Ginsburg, he should be fitted for an I-love-me suit like they use at the asylums ! She's so ugly, her parents had to tie a pork chop around her neck to get the family dog to play with her !
He gets it, he's just a liberal. And like all liberals they don't give a shit about the Founding documents, individual liberty, or individual rights. They just think they're so fcuking smart that they know better than the rest of us plebes and should be in charge. They don't mind that there's injustice or inequality.. so long as they get to decide who gets the short end of the stick. They are all low T beta's that know that they can't cut it on their own.

Originally Posted by texassapper
+ 1 !!!!!
  • grean
  • 03-28-2018, 08:59 AM
The election of Obama sold firearms and ammo. Trump's election the frenzy has slacked off, Remington is going out of business.
Gotta get this ramped up to sell more guns. Originally Posted by bamscram

Why else do you think the NRA supported the latest legislation!

Nothing sells guns faster than new gun legislation.

If Hilary won, Remington would have expanded operations.
texassapper's Avatar
You believe a woman can control their bodies until they conceive but are okay with them using the morning after {they conceive} pill. Originally Posted by grean
Well I'm not a physician so I can't tell you how long it takes for a sperm to penetrate and egg and adhere to the uterine wall, but my assumption is that it's a process that could be interrupted within 12-24 hours... hence the morning after pill. If you're past the point that you can induce menstruation to prevent an unwanted pregnancy and must seek the assistance of medical personnel to end the pregnancy, you are indeed carrying a baby.

Women do have a natural right to be secure in their own persons and effects just like right wing gun toting, conspiracy theorist mongers have. An inherent right to privacy means none of anyone's business. Originally Posted by grean
Except that the rights of the Child also must be taken into consideration. I have the right to keep and bear arms but that doesn't mean I have the right to kill people. A woman has the right to privacy regarding her body but that doesn't mean the right to end another persons life, even if it resides in her womb.
Liberals just hate it when one of their own blurts out their true agenda.

You could feel a shudder go through the entire Liberal/Progressive/Socialist/Democrat community. Somebody shut that old fool up. The LAST thing they want is for voters to know their true agenda.

Justice Stevens just did more for the Republican's efforts to hold the House and Senate in the 2018 mid terms than $100,000,000 dollars could buy. Originally Posted by Jackie S
We on the right have been saying for YEARS< that the left's end goal is total confiscation of all guns and the repealing of the 2nd amendment, but were called NUTS and conspiracy whacos for saying it..

Roe V. Wade is not an Amendment that the govt. recognizes as a natural right to kill an unborn child. The 2nd Amendment is a natural right. Overturning RvW would simply allow the States to decide whether they would allow abortion. I firmly believe that women have the right to control their bodies right up until they conceive a child. There are numerous methods to prevent that including the morning after pill which induces menstruation. If women are too lazy to exercise those options, they have no right to end that childs life. Originally Posted by texassapper
Exactly. The CORE rights (the bill) are imo Sacrosant. RvW was not a Proper amendment to the constitution, but a decree by the scotus, so IT CAN (and imo should) be overturned..
Hotrod511's Avatar

Why else do you think the NRA supported the latest legislation!

Nothing sells guns faster than new gun legislation.

If Hilary won, Remington would have expanded operations. Originally Posted by grean
Hey Buttscramble looks like grean doesn't think you are very smart (Hint he is right) moron Buttscramble
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-28-2018, 04:01 PM
Roe V. Wade is not an Amendment that the govt. recognizes as a natural right to kill an unborn child. The 2nd Amendment is a natural right. Overturning RvW would simply allow the States to decide whether they would allow abortion. I firmly believe that women have the right to control their bodies right up until they conceive a child. There are numerous methods to prevent that including the morning after pill which induces menstruation. If women are too lazy to exercise those options, they have no right to end that childs life. Originally Posted by texassapper
I did not say Roe v wade was an amendment.

I said the loons on the right want to overturn it and make abortion illegal across the land. Which is their goal.

Just like the loons on the left want to overturn the 2nd Amendment and do away with guns.

If you believe in either of those absolutes, you are a loon.

Which has been my point all along.

The far left loons do not want to budge on Pro Life rights , just like the far right loons do not want to budge on gun control.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-28-2018, 04:13 PM
Well I'm not a physician so I can't tell you how long it takes for a sperm to penetrate and egg and adhere to the uterine wall, but my assumption is that it's a process that could be interrupted within 12-24 hours... hence the morning after pill. If you're past the point that you can induce menstruation to prevent an unwanted pregnancy and must seek the assistance of medical personnel to end the pregnancy, you are indeed carrying a baby.

. Originally Posted by texassapper
First you admit to not being a Doctor then you act as if you're an expert on just when life starts. God Damn.

Would you buy a ticket on a plane where the pilot admitted he wasn't a pilot?

Except that the rights of the Child also must be taken into consideration. An embryo has no rights I have the right to keep and bear arms but that doesn't mean I have the right to kill people. Yet you have the right to kill an embryo with a gun, just not a real person. A woman has the right to privacy regarding her body but that doesn't mean the right to end another persons life, even if it resides in her womb. Unless it is an embryo, then many many many people believe she has the right to abort that fetus. Originally Posted by texassapper
Many level headed folks put that age around 20 weeks.

Many sane level headed people think 21 years old a good age to legally buy a gun.

Are you starting to understand why each side does not trust the other?

They both are hypocrites but only see the other side as such.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Repeal the 2nd Amendment?
If they think they can get 2/3rds of the Senate to vote for it and 39 states to ratify it... Go for it!

Ridiculous. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
While they are organizing a Constitutional Convention, just toss in an article for Congressional term limits. All of them will hit the door before it even starts.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Liberals get jumped on for contradicting their own arguments, e.g " I believe in 2A but want gun control"

You believe a woman can control their bodies until they conceive but are okay with them using the morning after {they conceive} pill.

That's like saying liberals are okay with banning 15 round mags but not the 10 round mag....

Women do have a natural right to be secure in their own persons and effects just like right wing gun toting, conspiracy theorist mongers have. An inherent right to privacy means none of anyone's business. Ergo, a right to an abortion just like a right to bear arms. It wasn't enumerated because it fell under 4A's nunya biznatch clause.
Originally Posted by grean
Can you show where the government helps pay for ammo the way the government subsidizes abortions, green weenie? Show us the clause or legislation that makes hysterical anti-gunners pay for another private citizen's gun or ammo, green weenie.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-28-2018, 05:15 PM
Can you show where the government helps pay for ammo the way the government subsidizes abortions, green weenie? Show us the clause or legislation that makes hysterical anti-gunners pay for another private citisen's gun or ammo, green weenie.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
The Vast Industrial Military Complex is the biggest subsidized business on the face of the planet...and they make a bunch of ammo last I checked! Bunch of taxes go to that....I'd dare say quite a few more than go to abortion.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The Vast Industrial Military Complex is the biggest subsidized business on the face of the planet...and they make a bunch of ammo last I checked! Bunch of taxes go to that....I'd dare say quite a few more than go to abortion. Originally Posted by WTF
For the Public Weal

The Constitution states: “provide for the common defense.”

"Article One, Section Eight of the Constitution lists 17 separate powers that are granted to the Congress. Six of those powers deal exclusively with the national defense—far more than any other specific area of governance—and grant the full range of authorities necessary for establishing the defense of the nation as it was then understood. Congress is given specific authority to declare war, raise and support armies, provide for a navy, establish the rules for the operation of American military forces, organize and arm the militias of the states, and specify the conditions for converting the militias into national service.

"Article Two establishes the President as the government’s chief executive officer. Much of that Article relates to the method for choosing the President and sets forth the general executive powers of his office, such as the appointment and veto powers. The only substantive function of government specifically assigned to the President relates to national security and foreign policy, and the first such responsibility granted him is authority to command the military; he is the 'Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States.'

"National defense is the only mandatory function of the national government."


Now please show us where in the Constitution there is a mandate that American taxpayers subsidize abortions. BTW, you did not show us the clause or legislation that makes hysterical anti-gunners pay for another private citizen's gun or ammo.
bambino's Avatar
The Vast Industrial Military Complex is the biggest subsidized business on the face of the planet...and they make a bunch of ammo last I checked! Bunch of taxes go to that....I'd dare say quite a few more than go to abortion. Originally Posted by WTF
Abortions didn’t win WW2 you jackass.
themystic's Avatar
I did not say Roe v wade was an amendment.

I said the loons on the right want to overturn it and make abortion illegal across the land. Which is their goal.

Just like the loons on the left want to overturn the 2nd Amendment and do away with guns.

If you believe in either of those absolutes, you are a loon.

Which has been my point all along.

The far left loons do not want to budge on Pro Life rights , just like the far right loons do not want to budge on gun control. Originally Posted by WTF

Whos the SC loony who was the deciding vote on Obama Care and Gay Marriage. They should get rid of that liberal fucker!