ASPD alumni question....

LazurusLong's Avatar
Before glamorizing "good old" ASPD, one might want to sit down and list all the bad things that happened over the years that were a direct result of the owner not paying attention.

Stuff like the inability to upgrade vbulletin due to the numerous hacks installed that over time became part of the standard vbulletin package but when the person doing the coding has zero clue about how to document where and what is changed, it becomes more and more difficult to figure it out or even make new changes.

Sadly, some of the "Old Guard" Senior Staff did tons more harm to the site and membership than most who were there either knew about or gave a shit about.

A lot of that was stuff like how a senior admin in Austin stalked a pimp and the pimp caused an attack on ASPD that resulted in the loss of 18 months of ALL data. And, what did the owner due about that admin? Nothing. Other senior admins worked for days and days to restore from the only good backup that was 18 months old so new handles, review counts, provider verifications, all gone.

That's just one example.

How about that not long after the start of 2009, couple months in, ASPD went dark. Gone. Poof. Nothing. ECCIE was just cutting its teeth and some came here, CK1492 had his own "backup" site, a Houston guy who had been told the standard line of "if you don't like ASPD, go create your own site had also done so and it grew.

Then like magic ASPD returned and a large number returned but with other options and the lack of upgrades and stability, to some it seemed like ASPD was fast approaching a non-recoverable death spiral and then Amber died in December 2009 and ASPD went down for good in January.

JPdM, it wasn't so much that her parents fucked up, it had more to do with someone, a person or persons unknown, but suspected, had sent information to the parents employer telling them they were now the proud owners of an adult prostitution review site and they chose to let it go rather then sell it or do anything else with it.

People tend to forget about the bad things when looking back and they focus on the good but to be honest, one must look at both.
Bob the Nailer's Avatar

However, ASPD in its early years, at TinMan points out, was a very different creature. Part of what made it seem so great is how new the concept was -- a place where hobbyists and providers could gather to openly talk about the hobby, review girls, advertise, etc. That was a vast improvement over the previous culture. Second, because it was so groundbreaking, new and useful, I think there was much more a sense that it was something to be cherished and protected. Nobody wanted to go back to the days of just cruising Harry Hines, or looking in the phone book when you checked into a hotel room hoping against hope that some poor guy had written some marginalia giving some insight into which of the dozens of phone agencies was good. Those were the "bad old days!" Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Well, I must say that TM and TTH have pretty much summed it up. Circa 2004, It was groundbreaking because it gave us a place to belong. Somewhere we could talk about our "dark" side, get advice, tell war stories, and feel normal. Some place that we could relax.

Was there penis envy, fighting and bitching, backstabbing, self promotion and bitch slapping? Of course. But, it was OUR people with which we were dealing.
Thanks all,,, this was very informative to those of us not around for ASPD
ECCIE is much better: better chat room, better GUI interface, less crashes, and i would say that 70% of Mods, members, and providers of ASPD are here or retired. ASPD had 150,000 members after 10 years, we are at 241,000 after 5 years and growing everyday.

To The Owners of Eccie and to the Talented Mods that run it, I SALUTE YOU.
(this is not collecting brownie points, this is honest truth. I am a Lifetime Member of Eccie and a Lifetime member of P411, This is money well spent and the best combination of this century)

CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0
You might want to do something about that little brown piece of corn stuck to your nose there...ijs

What Pyramider said...ASPD started to fall long before the final collapse and as he said, when the inmates start running the asylum, well, shit gets crazy....
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar

JPdM, it wasn't so much that her parents fucked up, it had more to do with someone, a person or persons unknown, but suspected, had sent information to the parents employer telling them they were now the proud owners of an adult prostitution review site and they chose to let it go rather then sell it or do anything else with it.
. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
but didn't amber's sister take up the site eventually, renaming it eraps, although by that time it was too late?
LazurusLong's Avatar
but didn't amber's sister take up the site eventually, renaming it eraps, although by that time it was too late? Originally Posted by Juan Pablo de Marco
From what I understand, mom refused to give up the domain name and due to the time lapse between Amber's death and the mass migration of members and reviews to ECCIE, you are correct in that it was too late.

Eraps was that new site started by her sister and Deuce Bigelow that imported all the old data and even member handles but the moment was lost and Eraps was eventually purchased by ECCIE and then the entire historic site was shut down rendering the ability to do research on providers or even posts and threads that were truly Hall of Fame gone forever.

I mean, who can forget the Dallas Hobbiest seeing the provider who was talking to the coat?

Or the April Fool's thread about one of the old guard convincing another old guard man into becoming a post op transexual?
pyramider's Avatar
You might want to do something about that little brown piece of corn stuck to your nose there...ijs

What Pyramider said...ASPD started to fall long before the final collapse and as he said, when the inmates start running the asylum, well, shit gets crazy.... Originally Posted by phildo

It really was not the inmates ... staff created hobby fiefdoms and the rest of us peasants had to bow to them. Several were pseudo pimping in their areas.
You might want to do something about that little brown piece of corn stuck to your nose there...ijs

What Pyramider said...ASPD started to fall long before the final collapse and as he said, when the inmates start running the asylum, well, shit gets crazy.... Originally Posted by phildo
you should THINK before you type phildoo

who gives a rats ass about ASPD, they are in the PAST, dead and long gone. as long as you live in the past, you will lose the present. ASPD was just a stepping stone for the new and improved ECCIE. The owners of Eccie saw all the problems on ASPD, they were there. AND they addressed those issues and made it much better. ASPD started with a great idea, ECCIE improved on that idea.

TexTushHog's Avatar
Lazarus Long has correctly identified a number of incidents that were problematic. But those are events that I would place near the end of's run, not in the "just cutting it's teeth" stage. Buy the mid to late 1980's the long decline was well under way. The site started in December 1999. I would say it reached it's peak within two and a half to four years. After that, it was a slow, gradual, downhill slide.
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar

who gives a rats ass about ASPD, they are in the PAST, dead and long gone. as long as you live in the past, you will lose the present. ASPD was just a stepping stone for the new and improved ECCIE. Originally Posted by Copierguy0
what the fuck does that mean? stupidest statement i have seen here in a long time. just because someone remembers aspd does not mean they are living in the past. i remember aspd. does that mean i am living in the past? i have memories of grade school too.
Chevalier's Avatar
The site started in December 1999. I would say it reached it's peak within two and a half to four years. After that, it was a slow, gradual, downhill slide. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
OK, but I am not personally responsible for any of the decline after June of 2004. Talk to St. Chris or CPI3000.

Seriously, ASPD nostalgia is not a big deal. Some is due to the mere existence/concept of a better resource than the Yellow Pages, as TTH discussed earlier. The majority of ASPD nostalgia is not about the software or the owner or the mods or the technical issues -- it's about the people we encountered there. And mostly the positives.

When you say "ASPD" to me, I think of Violet Star, or the Energizer Bunny, or the Scot, or Carrie Hillcrest, or Spikebaby, or Jennifer Tyler, or Caitie Mae, or lagniappe, or Alice, or Dayin Park, or Maddie Lynne, or . . . . [my apologies for omissions, not enough room to mention everyone] Even if they moved to ECCIE, I met them on ASPD and will always associate them with ASPD. Under the circumstances, why wouldn't I have fond memories? Meeting those people meant a lot more to me than any problems discussed above. But my nostalgia doesn't reflect negatively on ECCIE, at all. Plenty of great people here too. And I can ignore the not-so-great people.

If you think of software, or the owner, or the mods -- rather than the people you met there -- when someone mentions ASPD, or you are caught up in debating ECCIE vs. ASPD . . . . Well, you may have forgot why you came to either in the first place. Hint: it wasn't because X was or was not a mod, or how much the owner was involved, or how flashy the software was.

My perspective. Your opinion may (will) vary. I now return you to your regularly scheduled bickering.
What I miss about ASPD:

Newbies were nurtured, trained, and apprenticed.

On Eccie now, they are ridiculed, insulted, and belittled. Many noobs are afraid to post. The group mentality of the men who post is very intimidating and not inviting. I feel sad about that.
pyramider's Avatar
If the newbies would actually read a bit before asking questions then they would not be ridiculed. The answers are there, if the newbie would merely look. Same in any venture, do the due diligence.

Make no mistake about how aspd treated newbies. Icky is a lot easier on them. I remember a time when I posted a joke I received in an email. It made me laugh so I thought why not. A certain p modtard pointed out the same joke was posted the year before and I was stupid for not knowing that. I responded that he was right and I would check the archives before I post another joke on the p, which I did. That modtard with the delicate touch was none other than Chevalier.
Chevalier's Avatar
I suspect you read more into the comment you describe than was intended or inferred more than would have been interpreted by most people -- did I explicitly use a term like "stupid"? -- or are leaving out context.

But perhaps not. I don't remember the incident at all (were you "pyramider" then?) and without the ASPD archives have no way to refresh my memory. So perhaps I was exactly as much of an asshole as you say.

If you are remembering and describing it accurately, then, yes, my comment was wrong. It would have been wrong even when I was just a member. More so during that very brief period I was a mod.

Any other grievances you'd care to share?
If you are remembering and describing it accurately, then, yes, my comment was wrong. It would have been wrong even when I was just a member. More so during that very brief period I was a mod.

Any other grievances you'd care to share? Originally Posted by Chevalier

Sure. Now that the sexual statute of limitations has passed.

You scarred Pyramider for life..

From my observations, any mod who took the lead on any matter was disliked by someone. If a mod issues points he is "power tripping". I don't know why anyone would sign up to be hated by anonymous keyboard warriors.