A question for the reader...

It all depends on what services but it really does matter.
If you see it in a review you naturally expect to be able to partake in that activity.
I notice you have no reviews or none that I can find.
I have considered visiting you but with the very limited info we have I have passed so far.
Knowing what services you actually do offer makes it much easier for the guy to make his decision.
I would be proactive and ask the guy to not list specific activities if you wish. Don't expect the guy to know which ones might not be part of your regular menu. It won't be perfect but might help reduce misunderstandings
CDL1's Avatar
  • CDL1
  • 08-10-2010, 01:36 PM
I agree with Jasser. I am not into the YMMV providers. From reading many reviews and using common sense, a provider is not going to give a discount for less services. The provider expects X number of dollars. Period. In return for that payment, I expect quality time. Period.

When these don't match up is when we see the drama that comes out on both sides of the fence.
If I were a client, I'd keep in mind that points of view on what happened BCD can differ between client and provider. I have had to request a couple of my reviewers edit a few things out because when I read the list of "activities", I didn't recall some of them occurring. And I know I'm getting older, but my memory isn't that bad yet...

Not the parts about us swinging from the chandeliers and how he was a total stud and I actually offered to pay HIM because he was that amazing, of course. All of that is obviously true.
daty/o's Avatar
Without YMMV, seeing providers would be like shooting fish in a barrel.

Guaranteed to catch dinner but not much fun. Originally Posted by monkmonk
Well, the problem is, I hobby to get laid. If I wanted the thrill of the chase I would just go clubbing and see what turns up. Fish from a barrel taste just as good those you have to work for. I don't intend to go hungry.
Hobbyfun's Avatar
Carrie you don't remember us swinging from the chandeliers, balancing on the night stand, and you did say I was the best stud you had ever had and as far as how amazing you thought the session was you returned my donation and as a matter of fact you gave me all the money you had in your wallet.

Old age you know, O now I remember it was a dream.

Sorry bad memory.
Caitlyn's Avatar
I used to have a NO review policy... That was why. There aree TONS of people who have seen me... been on or around for 12 years. I had over 200 positive reviews before the crash of aspd... and after that, did not want certain people to expect certain things, so they kept my reviews to themselves. This makes it look like I don't have any-- or aren't worth writing home about. LOL
hardracer's Avatar
Me, like Loocy, have considered see you. I think you are a very sexy woman. But also, for the price I would expect something more than just a massage.
Maybe I will take the plunge and see what happens, but I am still debating....
BTW Caitlyn, you are one tall, super sexy, hunk of woman!!!! I just love a woman I could do flatfooted. :-)
Does not bother me at all. There has to be some ymmv or otherwise the only criteria that would matter to either the hobbyist OR the provider would be services wanted and services provided. I for one look for services provided as only one facet of what makes me interested in seeing a particular girl
dodger's Avatar
If the provider and I have a clear understanding up front, there can be no issue. A provider can do what she wants to do .. the hobby guy gets to choose the provider. Keep it simple.

If a provider gets a YMMV rep .. I'm not going contact her. Just reminds me of the Sienfeld episode with the soup Nazi; "GFE for you. No GFE for you!!"

If a provider opens the door and sees a guy and knows there is no way ... tell him up front and cancel the session. That's what a guy is going to do if the door is opened by a woman who doesn't match the pix, etc.

Your question seems to be, "if you want menu B and the provider is menu A, would you be upset if you found out that the provider had decided to be a menu B type?" No, because I would not have booked the session in the first place. If the provider chooses to become a menu B type ... as some have ... I would contact her and say, "Hey .. I see you have added menu B to your sessions ... would you look at my profile on P411 and let me know if you think we would have a good session." ... but we wouldn't get there until "B" was on the menu in the first place.

If I were a client, I'd keep in mind that points of view on what happened BCD can differ between client and provider. I have had to request a couple of my reviewers edit a few things out because when I read the list of "activities", I didn't recall some of them occurring. And I know I'm getting older, but my memory isn't that bad yet...

Not the parts about us swinging from the chandeliers and how he was a total stud and I actually offered to pay HIM because he was that amazing, of course. All of that is obviously true. Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest
This is funny. I am imagining this conversation: You "I didn't Bbbj you!" Him: "yes you did, but you thought it was my pinkie finger." You: "Well, I know we didn't do Greek!" Him: "do you remember when you told me to take my pinkie out of your bum? Well, that wasn't my pinkie."
Caitlyn's Avatar
LMAO... Thanks Guys... I appreciate all of your input.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Reviews are extremely helpful. But if it's a YMMV deal, then why not save your money and take your chances in the real world? I engage in this hobby because SOs mature and lose previous interests and I'm not the buff, tough and rough athlete that I used to be. I--and I think we--pay them to fuck us when ordinarily they would not. That's why it's a business exchange. Cordial and enjoyable? Sure. Even affectionate. But at session's end, it's still quid pro quo.