The endless and rancid stupidity of truthers...

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Are you a confident heterosexual?
JCM800's Avatar
Well, this didn't take long:

It appears that there is already a group of "truthers" who claim that the Newtown school massacre is a government hoax.
Originally Posted by ExNYer

is the goverment also behind the Colorado movie massacre?
joe bloe's Avatar
How the GOD DAMNED FUCK would YOU know? Originally Posted by Little Stevie
How does anyone know anything? I've observed his behavior. I know Obama is an evil SOB the same way I know you're nuts.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Doesn't take long for these threads to go south, does it?

BTW -- We ALL KNOW DaliLama is a dicksmoker. (heh heh)

JoeBloejob ... well I don't think a man would let him suck his dick... so I suppose he's chasing (forbidden topic).
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Actually, if you lived in that dark era, you probably would believe that too.

The notion seems very logical and intuitive, but of course wrong.

. . . I wonder what things we generally believe now that will be shown to be totally wrong in a century from now?

Do you believe the world is flat? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
joe bloe's Avatar
Doesn't take long for these threads to go south, does it?

BTW -- We ALL KNOW DaliLama is a dicksmoker. (heh heh)

JoeBloejob ... well I don't think a man would let him suck his dick... so I suppose he's chasing (forbidden topic). Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You're not fooling anyone Assup. Everyone in the Sandbox knows you're (forbidden topic). Come to think of it your mother was a was huge (forbidden topic). And all your friends, assuming you have any, are all definitely (forbidden topic). Don't kid yourself into thinking that therapy will do any good either, there's no cure for (forbidden topic).
Do you think people ever conspire to do bad things? Do you think all people who suspect conspiracies are scumbags? Originally Posted by joe bloe
I didn't say either of those things.

You missed the point entirely about the difference between the ACTUAL conspirators who DO commit crimes and the IMAGINARY conspirators that "truthers" believe are secretly behind every bad event.

I said "Why is it that there is a paranoid section of the population that always believes that tragedies never occur randomly due to the violence of mad fanatics, but are always orchestrated by dark government forces who stage attacks on their own people?"

The example you gave about al-Qaeda doesn't refute my point about "truthers".

Al-Qaeda members are NOT the "dark government forces" that kill their own people. Rather, Al-Qaeda members ARE the REAL "mad fanatics" who ACTUALLY DO commit the violence.

That is not theoretical conspiracy. That is a factual conspiracy.

I think people who disregard the abundant evidence of actual conspiracies and instead dabble in paranoid conspiracy theories involving dark government forces are scumbags.

Truthers are scumbags because they falsely undermine the faith of people in civil institutions. NOTE THAT I SAID "FALSELY" UNDERMINE. There is nothing wrong with being skeptical about, for example, the power of government to fix poverty by endless entitlement spending. There is nothing wrong with being skeptical about the power of government to nation-build in the Middle East. That skepticism is entirely reasonable and is directed to the COMPETENCE of government officials, not to the supposed EVIL of government officials.

Truthers are scumbags because they invariably must slander actual people who are innocent of the accusations against them. Dick Cheney did NOT blow up the levees in New Orleans (He's NOT that smart even if he is that evil). George Bush did not stage a phony airliner attack on the Twin towers while he secretly had them imploded (He's NOT that smart even if he is that evil). Barack Obama did not conspire to have jihadists attack our own embassy so he could look good negotiate for the release of hostages (He's NOT that smart even if he is that evil).

And truthers are scumbags because they inflict even greater sorrow and stress on the families of the victims of these tragedies.

I don't know if the evidence of a Benghazi conspiracy is substantial or nonexistent. I do think, in light of Obama's prior behavior, it can't be dismissed out of hand. Obama is an evil son of a bitch. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Yes it can be dismissed out of hand. He's NOT that smart even if he is that evil.

And he is NOT that evil. What on earth makes you say he is an evil SOB? I don't like his politics, but I don't think he is evil.

Please cite something that BO had ACTUALLY done that qualifies him as evil. And I don't mean what you imagine he is going to do in the future. I mean what he has actually done. And being friends with Bill Ayers does NOT qualify. I'm sure lots of people are friends with Bill Ayers and they aren't evil.
joe bloe's Avatar
I didn't say either of those things.

You missed the point entirely about the difference between the ACTUAL conspirators who DO commit crimes and the IMAGINARY conspirators that "truthers" believe are secretly behind every bad event.

I said "Why is it that there is a paranoid section of the population that always believes that tragedies never occur randomly due to the violence of mad fanatics, but are always orchestrated by dark government forces who stage attacks on their own people?"

The example you gave about al-Qaeda doesn't refute my point about "truthers".

Al-Qaeda members are NOT the "dark government forces" that kill their own people. Rather, Al-Qaeda members ARE the REAL "mad fanatics" who ACTUALLY DO commit the violence.

That is not theoretical conspiracy. That is a factual conspiracy.

I think people who disregard the abundant evidence of actual conspiracies and instead dabble in paranoid conspiracy theories involving dark government forces are scumbags.

Truthers are scumbags because they falsely undermine the faith of people in civil institutions. NOTE THAT I SAID "FALSELY" UNDERMINE. There is nothing wrong with being skeptical about, for example, the power of government to fix poverty by endless entitlement spending. There is nothing wrong with being skeptical about the power of government to nation-build in the Middle East. That skepticism is entirely reasonable and is directed to the COMPETENCE of government officials, not to the supposed EVIL of government officials.

Truthers are scumbags because they invariably must slander actual people who are innocent of the accusations against them. Dick Cheney did NOT blow up the levees in New Orleans (He's NOT that smart even if he is that evil). George Bush did not stage a phony airliner attack on the Twin towers while he secretly had them imploded (He's NOT that smart even if he is that evil). Barack Obama did not conspire to have jihadists attack our own embassy so he could look good negotiate for the release of hostages (He's NOT that smart even if he is that evil).

And truthers are scumbags because they inflict even greater sorrow and stress on the families of the victims of these tragedies.

Yes it can be dismissed out of hand. He's NOT that smart even if he is that evil.

And he is NOT that evil. What on earth makes you say he is an evil SOB? I don't like his politics, but I don't think he is evil.

Please cite something that BO had ACTUALLY done that qualifies him as evil. And I don't mean what you imagine he is going to do in the future. I mean what he has actually done. And being friends with Bill Ayers does NOT qualify. I'm sure lots of people are friends with Bill Ayers and they aren't evil. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Someday, when I have a few hours to spare I'll write a thread that lists all the reasons I think Obama is evil.

I think people love conspiracy theories because they're fun. It makes life more interesting to think that secret societies like the Trilateral Commision, the Bilderbergers, Skull and Bones, Freemasons or the Illuminati are behind everything. It makes people feel superior to think they know what's really going on and everyone else is just in the dark.

I also think people tend to instinctively believe that great men can't be killed by lowly insignificant men. It makes life seem absurd to think that greatness can be snuffed out so easily. So, very often assassinations breed conspiracy theories.
Someday, when I have a few hours to spare I'll write a thread that lists all the reasons I think Obama is evil. Originally Posted by joe bloe
I anxiously await it.

I think people love conspiracy theories because they're fun. It makes life more interesting to think that secret socities like the Trilateral Commision, the Bilderbergers, Skull and Bones, Freemasons or the Illuminati are behind everything. It makes people feel superior to think they know what's really going on and everyone else is just in the dark. Originally Posted by joe bloe
It might be fun for people who don't believe in them and get a laugh at people who do believe in them.

But for the sincere, I think it is anything but fun. I think they lead miserable unhappy lives and are always on the lookout for scapegoats. And if they ever get power, watch out. At bottom, the Nazis were huge believers in conspiracy theories - and Jews were behind everything bad. Ultimately, they thought they could improve the work by getting rid of the Jews.

So there is a nasty downside that cannot be ignored.

I also think people tend to instinctively believe that great men can't be killed by lowly insignificant men. It makes life seem absurd to think that greatness can be snuffed out so easily. So, very often assassinations breed conspiracy theories. Originally Posted by joe bloe
You're dead on accurate on that count. Disbelief that a low-life bum like Oswald could bring down a golden boy like Kennedy is the root of all Kennedy assassination theories. It is just to offensive to some to believe that life and order are that fragile.

Rather than face reality, some minds sink into dark thoughts about hidden forces.
Someday, when I have a few hours to spare I'll write a thread that lists all the reasons I think Obama is evil. Originally Posted by joe bloe

You've got NOTHING, Blowhard!
Someday, when I have a few hours to spare I'll write a thread that lists all the reasons I think Obama is evil. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Joe the Bloehard was so demoralized over Obama's convincing, November 6th victory that he forced it upon himself to take a 30+ day Leave Of Absence from Eccie in order to scan all of the Radical, Far Right Wing-Nut websites he could find. His sole purpose was to return to Eccie and "write a thread that lists all of the reasons (he) thinks Obama is evil."

Bloehard is a modern day Jerry Fletcher in constant search of a Looney Farm that he can call home!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He's got more than time in his hands, BT, he's got HIS OWN DICK in his hands!
Are you a confident heterosexual? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
TDL, you may be a dab hand at graphics software, but apart from that you are a useless waste of space. None of your posts, over the last 6 months, has contributed anything at all. You seem to thrive on what you consider to be pithy smart alec posts, everybody else finds them an empty waste of space.

Go back to your software, do something original and artistic.

But please, no male butt pics.
The last 4 posters voted for Oprincess I take it....not Essy he's a limy
He's got more than time in his hands, BT, he's got HIS OWN DICK in his hands! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
He's got the whole wide world
In his hands
He's got the whole wide world
in his hands
He's got the whole wide world
in his hands
And the keys are getting sticky